Market Access Support for Vietnam, through the Strengthening of Capacities Dr. Bernardo Calzadilla Sarmiento UNIDO Deputy Representative - Geneva Presentation Outline: Presentation Outline: • UNIDO’s Trade Capacity Building Approach • UNIDO’s current and planned programmes in the Trade Capacity Building field • FOCUS: Vietnam • Outcomes and Conclusions Global Trade Growth & Marginalisation Concerns World exports, 1980-2004 (US$ billion) 10,000 9,000 8,000 World 7,000 Developed economies billion US$ 6,000 5,000 4,000 Developing economies 3,000 2,000 1,000 LDCs 0 1980 Source: UNCTAD, 2005 1985 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Share of developing countries in global trade only 26% Every 1% growth in Trade, LEADS TO one-half % Income increase Over 75% of global trade is in manufactures (industrial goods) Global Trade Participation Challenges WORLD TRADE: MANUFACTURED GOOD Share of manufactured trade in total trade, %, 1970-2005 Developed Developing LDC World 90% 80% 72.1% 80.5% 74.7% 76.1% 70.9% 70% 60% 78.8% 64.1% 63.2% 40% 44.4% 33.7% 21.8% 10% 16.3% 6.9% 1970 Source: UN Comtrade 44.2% 27.1% 20% 0% 68.8% 57.3% 50% 30% 68.3% 78.1% 74.3% 1980 1990 2000 2005 Global Trade Participation Challenges NO TRADE GAINS WITHOUT PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY Global Trade Participation Challenges FROM TARIFF TO NON-TARIFF BARRIERS TO TRADE CHALLENGES IN ACCESSING MARKETS - Food Safety Requirements FDA IMPORT REFUSALS for the African Countries by Sub-region UNIDO ANALYSIS of Import Refusals, Source:US Food and Drug Administration 160 140 # of refusals 120 100 80 60 40 Fishery/Seafood 717 refusals 20 0 COMESA UMA SADC ECCAS EAC UEMOA January 2005 – December 2006 Labeling Registration Char. of Product Method of Production/Packing ECOWAS (NON UEMOA) Three thematic areas: Long-term Goal Thematic Priorities Programme Components To contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in particular to poverty eradication through sustainable industrial development. Poverty reduction through productive activities Trade capacity-building Energy and environment Industrial Policy, Business Environment and Institutional Support Enterprise Upgrading for Trade Enhancement Renewable Energy Rural and Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Competitiveness Analysis and Trade-related Policies SME Cluster Development Innovation Systems, Technology Management and Foresight Agro-processing and Value Chain Development Rural Energy for Productive Use Sustainable Production in Poor Communities Modernization of Exportoriented Agro-industries SME Export Consortia Climate Change and Industrial Energy Efficiency Cleaner and Sustainable Production Water Management Technology Diffusion Corporate Social Responsibility for Market Integration Montreal Protocol Promotion of Domestic Investment, FDI and Alliances Standards, Metrology, Testing and Conformity Stockholm Convention Global Trade Participation Challenges Integrating into Global Trade Challenges for trade participation: UNIDO 3Cs “Countries must have marketable products for exportation” COMPETITIVITY of productive capacities “Products must conform to requirements of clients and markets” CONFORMITY with standards “Rules for trade must be equitable and customs procedures harmonized” CONNECTIVITY to markets UNIDO TCB - Key Focus Areas Compete Supply side development (UNIDO) Conform Standards & Conformity Assessment/Compliance (UNIDO) • Industrial policy and supportive institutional structure • Investment and technology transfer • SME development and access to finance • Cluster and export consortia development • Productivity and quality • Industrial Upgrading, sectoral technology support • Cleaner Production, energy efficiency • Development and harmonization of standards • Development of testing services , PT Schemes • Certification (products and enterprise systems) • Metrology/Calibration chain • Accreditation schemes Connect Integration in to the MTS (WTO, UNCTAD, ITC, WB…) • WTO rules, negotiations • Trade facilitation (customs, documentation) • Infrastructure (transport, ports) UNIDO’s TCB Projects: A FEW EXAMPLES NATIONAL PROGRAMS: Aid-for-Trade type Programmes (Supply-side & Conformity) • Specific TRTA: EGYPT- Traceability of agro-industrial products for the European Market • Product Specific TRTA: Regional Cotton Programme- a key issue in Cancún • Supply and Conformity: INTEGRATED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR SRI LANKA Regional Programmes: Aid-for-Trade type Programmes (Supply-side & Conformity) - Regional Trade: UNIDO/EU - UEMOA Programme - Productive Capacities and Quality Promotion Standards and Conformity Assessment Regional accreditation scheme - Regional Trade: EAC (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda) - Trade capacity building in agro-products for the establishment and proof of compliance with international market requirements…with special focus on regional cooperation. - Regional Trade: MEKONG (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam) UNIDO Aid-for-Trade type Programmes (Supply-side & Conformity) Regional Trade: MEKONG (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam) Trade Capacity Building in the Mekong Delta Countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam, through Strengthening Institutional and National Capacities Related to Standards, Metrology, Testing and Quality (SMTQ) Budget: US$ 2.5 million Donor: Norway Cambodia and Lao PDR Formulation and publication national standards, for domestic and export products Development of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and HACCP certification services, reinforcing corresponding institutions Accredited Product Certification scheme established TBT enquiry point, standards library and documentation centre with facilities for acquisition and dissemination of information established Vietnam Product certification scheme for CE marking and other IEEE requirements Compliance capacity for EU traceability, EUREPGAP, GVP and GTP Upgraded Vietnam Metrology Center National proficiency scheme launched and BOA staff trained in specialised areas Within this regional context, one area in which UNIDO has focussed has been on the issue of Vietnam's market access issues. Market Access Support for Vietnam, through the Strengthening of Capacities Related to Metrology, Testing and Conformity US/VIE03/083 Lessons from high growth countries: Vietnam Asia’s Second-fastest-growing economy Source: FORTUNE (European ed.), Nov. 2006, No.9, Vol.154 GDP average during the past 5 years: 7.4% VIETNAM – Surging Ahead GDP growth in 2005 second highest in the Asian region: 8.4% Increasing Exports (textiles, seafood & furniture): US$32 billion FDI as a percent of GDP: 3.8% Literacy rate: 90% Growing interest from Global Manufacturers (looking for alternatives for China) such as: Intel, Victoria’s Secret, etc. Vietnam reduced its poverty rate from 51% to 8% in only 15 years Remarkable achievement - Exports the Key VIETNAM: Significant Trade Potential Rapid Economic Growth Source: WDI - GDP growth 8.4% in 2005, fastest growth in Southeast Asia, from US$ 31 bn. To US$ 52 bn. over the last 5 years - Population of 82 mn., ranking 14th largest in the world - Growing Imports, Exports and Investment - Becoming a competitive regional manufacturing base PHASE I US/VIE/03/083 OBJECTIVE Upgrade the required technical infrastructure for metrology, textile/apparel, microbiology and chemical testing and calibration needs in industry, system certification capacity and strengthen SMTQ institutional service caability. Quality Assurance and Testing Centre 3 (QUATEST 3), Ho Chi Minh City Mass measurement laboratory Temperature Measurement laboratory Vietnam Metrology Institute (VMI), Hanoi Mass measurement laboratory Temperature Measurement laboratory Quality Assurance and Testing Centre 1 (QUATEST 1), Hanoi Textile testing laboratory: Carries out physical and compositional testing of textiles and garments. Quality Assurance and Testing Centre 3 (QUATEST 3), Ho Chi Minh City Food testing laboratory: Carries out a wide range of testing of products, food and animal feedstuffs. Microbiology testing laboratory: Carries out tests on fruits & vegetable products, fish & fish products, milk & milk products, and water. National Fisheries Quality Assurance and Veterinary Directorate Branch 1 (NAFIQAVED 1), Hai Phong City Microbiology testing laboratory: Carries out tests on fish & fish products, and potable water. 20 - 27 April 2005: HACCP Auditor Training Course, Hanoi. 23 participants from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia; 28 April - 6 May 2005: HACCP Training of Trainers Course, Hanoi. 06 participants and 03 observers (only Vietnamese participants); 25 April - 5 May 2005. EMS Training of Trainers Course, Hanoi. 05 participants from Vietnam; 29 April 2005. EMS Seminar, Hanoi. 45 participants from different agencies and companies; 04 - 12 May 2005. QMS Training of Trainers Course, Hanoi. 06 participants from Vietnam; 06 May 2005. HACCP/GMP Seminar, Hanoi. 55 participants; 12 May 2005, QMS Seminar, Hanoi. 40 participants; 18 July - 05 August 2005, Training on Temperature Measurement (02 trainees) and on Mass Measurement (02 trainees) at PTB, Germany; 27 Nov - 18 Dec 2005, Training in Textile Laboratory, Sri Lanka. 2 trainees; 11 - 14 April 2006, SA 8000 Lead Auditor Training Course, Hanoi. 14 participants; OSHAS 18000 training will be carried out in December 2006. Examples of training provided under the Project Accreditation in Vietnam and Corporate Governance of STAMEQ - need to bring the BoA into full compliance with ISO/IEC 17011 - continue training activities for BoA staff members and technical assessors - ToR for proposed Accreditation Council drafted -Develop new laws on standards and quality (Gov. deadline for standards legislation mid 2006 & for legislation on quality late 2006) Significant developments in Vietnam’s public administration: Board of Accreditation (BoA): In order to continue the process towards a more independent status of the BoA, the functions of Deputy Director-General of STAMEQ and Director of BoA have been separated as of May 15, 2006. The Government published a decree (No 43/2006/NĐ-CP) in April 25, 2006 that allows “commercial entities” within the government’s administration to benefit with autonomy in personnel, finance and operations; and encourage the corporatization of organizations within the government administration. TRADE CAPACITY BUILDING STAMEQ: SWOT Analysis STRENGHTS Longstanding customer relationships, Easy access to government-owned companies; Political connections; Good and quick response to client requests due to availability of local experts within the country, familiarity with local context/language. Testing: the ability to offer a range of technical fields in-house. High quality of service, experienced workforce. Specialized in areas where high volumes can be generated (other services are sourced from specialized laboratories). BDS: “package” approach is interesting and attractive to SMEs, especially newly established ones, and donors who are funding SME support programs, including possibly programs established in neighboring countries. HWC: Currently the only training/consulting organization specializing in the field of welding (and the only officially recognized welding institute in Vietnam). Vertical and horizontal integration within STAMEQ (provided synergies are exploited). TRADE CAPACITY BUILDING STAMEQ: SWOT Analysis WEAKNESSES Broad diversification rather then specialization within the entities; Internal competition in some key areas; Ability to cope with political constraints as a state organization. Although entities will enjoy a large degree of autonomy after implementation of Decree Nr. 115, they still might have to cope with political constraints; Marketing capacity/budget lower then possible new, foreign-invested market entrants, sales side weak; Lack of managerial accounting system. TRADE CAPACITY BUILDING STAMEQ: SWOT Analysis OPPORTUNITIES Capitalize on testing needs arising from increased investment and export activities; Capitalize on opportunities arising from integration of Vietnamese enterprises in multi-national supply chains; Consulting and certification in ISO 9000 for government bodies (according to Decision Nr. 144/2006 issued by the Prime Minister on applying ISO 9000 in government offices). The conditions defined according to this decision leads to a de facto monopoly of STAMEQ in this field. The training center intends to develop capacities to exploit this opportunity. TRADE CAPACITY BUILDING STAMEQ: SWOT Analysis THREATS Increased foreign competition in testing and in-country establishment of competitors in QMS consulting and certification; Relatively mature market for ISO 9001; The establishment of in-house testing facilities, or testing facilities in industrial zones; Gradual decrease of donor support for SME BDS; Could decision Nr. 115 lead to a situation where many smaller institutions need to seek new revenues and subsequently also use their laboratories more intensively for testing activities? Whether this is a threat or opportunity depends mainly on whether STAMEQ can maintain its quality (and convince clients to pay a higher price for it). VIETNAM: WTO Accession – a Challenge - WTO accession – a demanding process - Success in meeting WTO obligations also depends on the technical assistance support provided in meeting the requirements of the TBT/SPS agreements - WTO TBT/SPS agreements are to be implemented immediately - Establishment of TBT and SPS Enquiry Points WTO ACCESSION BENEFITS : - Promotes continued domestic reform towards perfecting a market based economy - Promotes meaningful market access to foreign markets - Increased export opportunities - Attract larger flows of FDI - Poverty reduction The way forward - WTO Accession. - TBT Issues addressed through Enq. points - SPS Strengthen capacity to deal with Standards and Conformity Requirements related to Key Export Sectors in Vietnam - Enhance ownership - Improve participation and influence standard development