November 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

July 2010 Board Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm on July 21, 2010 @ Van's.
People present were Kerri Tompkins, Terra Cozzens, Gary Gusse, Jeannie Morrow, Kristin
Lizak, Tessa Hahn, Katelyn Darling, Carie Nesbitt, Sarah and Chad Greim.
Looking at last month's minutes this meeting looked over some of the old items such as Budget,
Welcoming Committee, Terra's Water and the Website.
Budget: At the next meeting Gary will bring a list of who hasn't paid their association dues yet.
Kerri would like this list so she can discuss payment with these people.
Welcoming Committee: We decided it would be best if we kept track of the houses we were
assigned to as board members. So if by chance any houses go for sale in your area you are
responsible as a board member to get a gift card from Kerri and deliver it to the new owners to
welcome them into Garner Farms. Kerri will buy gift cards in advance and board members need
to contact her to get one.
Terra's Water: Her lot was measured and most of the water is not on her property.
Website: Thanks Katelyn it looks good, also the minutes of each meeting will be posted on the
website. Jeannie will email them to Katelyn and she will post it on the website.
New Items: Home owner concerns:
One home owner is concerned about some questionable actions in the neighborhood. Kerri
contacted the city to see what we could do and they told her this; If any neighbors have concerns
about questionable actions they are seeing in the neighborhood to please contact DPD, Scott
Fuller cell: 529-5989 Desk 888-3059
As we were talking about this we decided we would like to see a Neighborhood Watch started in
the neighborhood. We are looking for volunteers. This would be a good idea to have in the
neighborhood because of the break in on 49th and the stranger danger that happened at the bus
stop this year.
Another concern from a neighbor was the yield signs. They would like to see the yield signs
come down and in their place have stop signs. They would also like to see a stop sign on the
corner of 51st and Sturdavent and 52nd and Taylor. There was also concern that the yield sign on
51st and Fillmore is gone. Kerri said she would call the city to see what we could do to change
this and to see what happened to our yield sign that is missing.
Concern was addressed that we need to have an architectural committee started again, because
many people are doing projects without getting approval. We decided to have a committee. The
people that are on this committee will be Gary Gusse, Kerri Tompkins, Chris Nesbitt and
possibly Steve Deitrich.
Concern was addressed about the front landscape. Gary will look into this.
Concern was addressed about the snow removal in the neighborhood from the city, especially in
the courts. Kerri will call the city and find out what they can or what we can do to take care of
this issue, because snow never gets removed in a timely fashion.
Next thing on the agenda was the neighborhood street fest:
Everything is coming together nicely. Sarah Greim volunteered to help with whatever needs to
be done. Carie Nesbitt is going to get some garbage cans. We are still looking for tables to use to
sit at during the dinner part.
There are some concerns about the fact that we are asking neighbors to pay a dollar to RSVP for
the Street Fest. This dollar will be used to have a raffle at the street fest. If you really don't want
to pay a dollar that is fine, however we would really like to have a count of who is coming, so we
are asking you to RSVP by August 15th, if you don't pay the dollar you won't be in the raffle.
The reason why we are asking this so we can get an exact count so we don't waste money, so we
can have money to do more things in the neighborhood. We would also like to have a count of
how many children are coming because we are making goody bags for the children. Each goody
bag will have items that they can play with at the street fest. So please RSVP.
Another Committee we will be starting in the neighborhood will be geared to the kids. Such
activities like Halloween and Easter Egg Hunt. We are still looking for volunteers. So far the
people on this committee are Kristen Lizak, Sarah Greim, Tessa Hahn, Terra Cozzens, Carie
Nesbitt, and Jeannie Morrow.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 17th @ 7:00 P.M. @ Azteca.
August 2010 Board Minutes
Meeting was held at Azteca on August 17th at 7:00.
Neighbors in attendance were Kerri Tompkins, Terra Cozzens, Gary Gusse, Jeannie Morrow,
Kristen and Mike Lizak, Tessa Hahn, Katelyn Darling, Sarah Griem, and Kim O'Brien.
First item up for discussion was about the budget. We have about 19,000 in the account. Kerri
would like to put $5000 into a CD to build interest after the Neighborhood Picnic.
Kerri bought 4 gift certificates from Fareway to keep on hand for new families into the
neighborhood. There is currently 2 houses in the neighborhood for sale; one on 51st and one on
Garner Drive.
Next item up for discussion was about the traffic signs. Kerri spoke with the city of Davenport
and they have begun a new way to monitor the use of yield signs and stop signs. She has
contacted Dan Boyd (326-7784) and he mentioned that stop signs are not to slow cars, only used
for the right of way. He also mentioned that studies have shown uncontrolled intersections are
safer. We have had a speed trailer on 51st Street. He also mentioned that we can look at specific
intersections. He mentioned that the City of Davenport is looking into using traffic calming
strategies to help with areas that yield signs or stop signs really are not helping. We mentioned
that we would agree to the city investigating two or our intersections in the neighborhood. The
two intersections are 51st and Garner Drive (yield signs backwards) and 51st and Filmore (Yield
sign is missing). The study will begin very soon.
Next item was starting a Neighborhood Watch. Kristin Lizak will have information out at the
Neighborhood Street Fest so that neighbors will know that we are interested in starting this up.
Next item was about the newsletter. We have decided that the next official newsletter will be out
in October. We also decided that the minutes will be posted every month on the website.
Next item we will be doing a Neighborhood Garage Sale on Saturday, Sept. 18th. Some of the
members are trying to decide if we will post it in the paper, or just put the sign out at the entrance
of Garner Farms on Northwest Blvd.
Next item was about the Street Fest. It looks like everything is squared away and ready for
Saturday. The street fest will start at 5:00 and go until the last neighbor leaves! The members
will meet at 3:30 to help set up. Mike and Katelyn will go get tables. Other members are
supposed to bring tables. Sarah has the tent from the Rock Island Arsenal. The Nesbitts have the
garbage containers. Kim will pick up the McDonalds jugs. The slide will come down around
9:30 and the movie will start. Tessa will have a check in table for the neighbors as they come in.
There will be goodie bags for the children. Dinner will be served at 6:00. It should be a fun time.
Next item: Architectural Committee will meet the third Sunday of every month. The members
are Kerri, Chris, Steve, and Gary. At the past meeting they discussed the policies. They looked
over the policies and if there are neighbors that are not following the policies, the members of the
architectural committee will contact the home owner in person, if the homeowner doesn't fix the
issue at hand then they will get a certified letter telling them they have 15 or 30 days to fix the
issues, then an attorney letter. Kerri was going to look into a lawyer to see what else they could
legally do or what the next step would be.
Concerns that were addressed at the meeting by fellow neighbors:
Tessa mentioned that the street lights are flickering. Kerri gave Tessa a number to call to see if
they could fix the street light situation. If that doesn't work Tessa will get back to Kerri.
Terra is concerned about the Natural Waterway in the back of her house. Kerri will be calling the
Condo's Association behind Terra's house to see if they could have a formal meeting to discuss
what could be done to fix the Natural Waterway that doesn't really work.
Kristin and Mike are concerned about the neighbors next to them that are putting in an in ground
pool. Kerri will see if she can mediate between the two neighbors to see if they can discuss the
plans and how it will affect Kristin and Mike's yard. That is what Kristin would like, doesn't care
that the neighbors are putting in a pool, just would like to know if it is going to cause problems
to her yard.
The meeting ended.
The next meeting will be September 15th at 7:00 at God Father's Pizza
September 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting took place at GodFather's Pizza at 7:00 on Sept. 15th. The members present were
Kerri Tompkins, Terra Cozzens, Gary Gusse, Jeannie Morrow, Kristen Lizak, Dennis McCarthy,
Tessa Hahn, and Carri Nesbitt (reporting about the price of lights).
Concerns about the snow removal are still in the works. Kerri has left messages and hasn't
received a response so she has another call into a different guy, Mike Clark. She is waiting on a
response from him, should get within the week and will get back to this concern at the next
She also called Dan Boyd again about switching the yield signs. He mentioned they would be
done, but haven't been done yet.
Minutes from the Architectural Committee: They were please that the neighbors are very open to
them asking them to clean things up, the committee has decided to send thank you notes to those
families to thanking them for cooperating.
Cory Pelton will be a new member on the committee.
They have decided that whenever home owner in the neighborhood wants anything done, a plan
will be written, and the committee will respond within a week of the plans being submitted.
The board approved of the lights being on the trees out front. Every holiday the front of the
neighborhood will be decorated for all to see. In order to do this some electrical work will have
to be done, and the board approved this work. With this being done we are starting a new
committee called the Holiday/Children Committee: If interested in being on this committee
contact one of the board members. The people so far on this committee are Tessa, Kirsten, Terra,
Carrie, Chris, Jeannie. We are planning on having a Halloween Children's Fest on October 23rd
from 2-4pm.
The board talked about the street fest and what we thought about the turn out. We had roughly
106 people show, 120 RSVP. We paid for 100 plates (full) and 50 (half). We spent about
Some suggestions that we thought we could do different are:
Hog Roast and have families bring food dishes to share.
Porti potty's
Adult games: white elephants game, water balloons, relay races.
Advertise more.
Get two bounce slides, one for the little kids and one for the older kids. (Possibly hire a high
school/college student to monitor these, during the street fest).
Make snack bags and have glow sticks.
Probably won't have a movie at street fest, but thinking about buying a movie projector to start
Garner Farms Movie Nights next spring.
A concern that was brought up later at the meeting was from Dennis. His concern is about the
bus stop on 51st and Filmore. He mentioned that the kids are bugging his dog and about the cars
parking on 51st and then with the bus coming, it blocks all the lanes. The cars that are parked
along the street are coming from the house that is running a cleaning company. Kristen
mentioned that she would talk to the children that stand at that bus stop and Carrie said she
would talk to the cleaning ladies.
The meeting will be October 27th at 7:00
October 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting took place at Attorney Steve Newport's Office at 7:00 on October 27th. The
members present were Cory Pelton, Katelyn Darling, Kristin Lizak, Gary Gusse, Tessa Hahn,
Terra Cozzens and Kerri Tompkins.
Attorney Questions:
HO=Home Owner
If HO does not respond to Architectural Committee request, how can the committee respond?
File an injunction release to stop the process. The key is to get involved during/before the
process has begun as once it is complete, it may be too late.
What have you seen to be the most effective in collecting past annual dues? Collection, lien,
monthly payments, etc.
Small claims court. We must decide at what amount (number of years) we will begin court
If someone builds a pool/fence/shed, etc. without approval from the board, does the board have
any options to respond?
File an injunction release to stop the process. The key is to get involved during/before the
process has begun as once it is complete, it may be too late.
Taxes-do we have to pay them?
We must file taxes, but do not have to pay anything as we are a not-for-profit. Lisa Blechle is the
current registered agent, it was agreed that Steve Newport will be the new registered agent. All
state/court documents will go to this person.
If there are concerns with the President, how does the board handle this?
Follow the By-laws.
How often should an audit be conducted? (Note: if it is other than every two years are voted in
last year by a special meeting of the association, we need to hold another meeting to vote it in.)
An audit should be complete every three years. In between that time, two board members or
HO’s with accounting background should review and document. This will begin in 2010.
Are there any rules an association must be held to? State, city, county?
Covenants and by-laws only. However, it was discovered that amendments have not been
recorded. Therefore, it is questionable as to what document is accurate. Covenants must be
recorded, by-laws do not have to be.
Regarding rental property, what must we send to the actual HO? Homeowners vs. Renters. Is it
ok to list both in the directory and designate as owner or renter?
It is best to double up on everything and send items to both parties. Renters cannot vote.
Insurance on the Association? Must we carry it? Why? If so, what is an acceptable deductible?
Yes. The insurance company is in the process of mailing a policy book.
In regards to the Covenants sent previously:
P.40, #16 and 17-do we have to replace landscaping with identical existing items? Example,
there are currently large spruce trees and if they need to be replaced, do have to provide another
spruce tree of similar size?
Maintain the area. We do not have to replace item for item, but it must be similar.
#13 in Covenants – no more than 2 pets. I know of many people who have more. If we are going
to enforce all the covenants now, we need to modify this….
It is a covenant and will require signatures.
If someone has a fence and claims it is on a neighbor’s property, that is between the HO’s and
not with the association.
The HO’s need to know who the attorney is and that contact with go through the President and
Vice President.
The next meeting will be either Monday November 15th or Tuesday November 16th at 7:00pm
at Terra Cozzen's home.
November 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
November Meeting Minutes: November 15, 2010
Board Members Present: Keri Tompkins, Terra Cozzens, Katelyn Darling, Tessa Hahn, Jeannie
Morrow, Dennis McCarthy and Gary Gusse
Old Items:
*Snow Removal: Michael Clark (Keri typed up a little article to share with the neighborhood
about how the public works will be working snow removal this upcoming year)
*Traffic Signs: Kristin e-mailed and mentioned that now people are complaining about the speed
of cars going on 51st. Dennis mentioned that the neighbors in the past wanted stop signs at all
the four ways, but we ended up getting yield signs. Keri mentioned that she could see if they
could get the speed controller back in the neighborhood.
*Gary mentioned we should get a yield sign at 52nd and Taylor. (On both sides)
New Items:
*Budget: 30 people still owe for this year, 5 people still owe for multiple years.
(Board Members refer to copies of the budget)
*Process: (This is a living document, Keri wants to have this in place so if someone else is on
the board they know what was done or what we were responsible for during our duration on the
*Landscape Contract: Check every couple years to make sure that we are getting the best deal.
Landscaping: Fall shutdown, spring start up, mowing, and weeding. Mulching would be extra.
The contract for 2011: $3,088.00 (eight payments of $413.02)
Starting in September 2011; Dennis will get three bids for landscaping. Dennis will get bids on
trees, please make sure there is a warranty.
*Architectural Committee: Process okay. Pool is granted. Keri will send a note to the attorney
about the pool.
*Insurance-State Farm: process okay.
*Holiday Decoration Committee: Process okay. Carie and Chris Nesbitt are going shopping,
keeping it simple this year some lights and garland. This committee will also be budgeted with
the children's committee.
*Audit: (Review) $800-$1000: Allen Accounting Services (Brad Allen). Terra will ask Tonya
who does Kimberly Village. Keri’s goal was to get this done by January 30th. Please e-mail
Kerri by November 30th if anyone has another accounting individual they would like
reviewed/priced out. Then by December 10th Kerri will email Gary.
*Newsletter: (process okay) Terra said this newsletter they are looking into writing the
accomplishments that the board had done so far, and what are plans are for the future. We will
be doing a print copy.
*Directory: Kristin is waiting for the directory to finish it. Looking at the cost for the directory,
wondering if we could get a better cost with the Minute Men Press (Kimberly Village). Need to
make 140 copies.
*Street Fest: Process okay
*Attorney: process okay; Every time we want to change a by-law you need to go down to the
court house and do the process of recording it. We will need to get signatures, reword items so
that way we can broaden what we are wanting. (Table this item)
*Home Owner Dues: Process okay. Gary has already gone through this.
*Website: Process okay, we need to approve the board meeting notes before being posted online. Jeannie takes notes; minutes will be approved at the next meeting, so the minutes will be
one month behind. We will also approve the monthly treasurer’s report before being posted on
the website.
*Finance Reports: Gary will be in charge of the budget and financial report.
*Post Office Box: Gary and Dennis are in charge of picking up the mail.
*Budget and Bills: Process okay
New Item not on process statement:
*Meeting Date: We will send out an email to make sure the Wednesday, January 19th still works
for everyone. Kristin will host at her house, if she agrees.
*Attorney: We voted on the attorney (Steve Newport) he will be our registered agent. We
*We approved the contract for landscaping.
January Meeting:
*Talk about how we want to pursue the homeowners that are behind on payments.
*Table the meeting place.
*Business cards
*Website-consent form for children’s pictures on website.