ELACC3RF3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. a. Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. b. Decode words with common Latin suffixes. c. Decode multi-syllable words. d. Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. VOCABULARY o o o o o o o Prefixes Word meaning Derivational suffixes Phonics Suffixes Word analysis Decode Words Skills/Concepts for Students: o o o o Identify and infer meaning from common root words, Identify and infer meaning form common prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, dis-, in-), Identify and know the meaning of derivational suffixes Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using knowledge of common Latin suffixes (e.g., -tion, -ous, -ly o Infer word meaning from taught roots, prefixes, and suffixes Strategies for Teachers: o Provide explicit instruction and scaffolding as necessary for the skills and concepts students should acquire for RF3 (see above) o Provide differentiated small group instruction as needed o Provide additional opportunities for students to master these skills and concepts through the use of literacy centers o Create posters with basic facts about prefixes and suffixes o Provide students with words and sentences containing prefixes, derivational suffixes for them to identify and tell the meaning of the words o Require students to keep a journal of prefixes, suffixes and derivational suffixes to refer to when reading and writing Sample Task for Integration: Provide students with copies of a poem that contains common prefixes and/or suffixes. Discuss and give examples of prefixes and suffixes before reading the poem. Let the students do a choral reading of the poem. Following the reading of the poem students will underline and write the words that start with prefixes and/or suffixes. Students can discuss the meaning of the prefixes and/or suffixes found in the poem. Student may write a poem using some of the prefixes and/or suffixes from the poem.