CP Biology Prefixes & Suffixes Name: _______________________ You often can glean the meaning of new/unknown words by studying word roots. Learning these prefixes and suffixes (listed below) will help you decipher the meaning of many new words you will come across in Biology. Word Part Meaning a-/ an- / anti- / non-ase autobi- / dibiochloro-cide chemococytoecoembryoeuex- / exohemoherbiheterohomo- / homeointerkary- / karyo-logy / -ology micromono- / unimorphmulti-ose -osis pathophotopolyproresemisyn- / symtrophe / trophic-vore zo- /zoa zyg- / zygo- not / opposite enzyme self two life green killer chemical / chemistry with (together) cell environment early development true / good / lots outer / outside blood plant different the same between / among kernel / nucleus of a cell study of small one change in form / structure more than one sugar action / a process disease light many before again partially / half together nourishment / feeding to eat animal pair (union) Dr. Snyder / LCHS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Use the prefixes and suffixes (roots) to define the following commonly used terms in biology. For example: abiotic a bio not living nonliving… is the meaning of the word abiotic! 1. Embryology 2. Herbicide 3. Heterozygous 4. Autotroph 5. Antibiotic 6. Metamorphosis 7. Photosynthesis 8. Heterotrophic 9. Pathology 10. Symbiosis Dr. Snyder / LCHS