Day 8 July 2

Invitational Summer Institute
July 2, 2015
Daily Log, Author’s Chair
Francisco Tamayo-Teaching Writing as Social Justice
Demonstration Response
ELD Standards
Lunch Demo Lesson coaching
Rosemary Mitchell-????
Demonstration Response
Writing Groups
 Daily Log:
 Author’s Chair
 T-shirt orders…
 Inquiry groups?
 Looking at student
work on Wednesday
#CWPchat on Sunday, 07/05, at 9 a.m.
 If you are interested in participating in the
California Writing Project chat, it is this Sunday,
07/05, at 9 a.m.
 Follow the hashtag #cwpchat on Twitter
 For more information on how to participate in a
Twitter chat, visit (link also on
Teaching Writing as Social Justice
Francisco N. Tamayo
Classroom Demographics: I teach the stretch writing courses
offered in the Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies.
The majority of my students are representatives of America’s
people of color—Chicana/o and Latina/o. Many are
transnational, (border-crossers, always on the move); who
are constantly forging difference in meaning as they shuttle
across their intersectional ties (race, class, gender and
sexuality); they are multilingual, (performing in their home
languages); they go through a labor intense process to
negotiate meaning across a hegemonic influence of
Standard English, and they are also language-minoritized
students, (those who have been socialized to believe that
they are limited speakers of American English) because their
language differences have been seen as personal deficits
unsuitable for formal academic purposes.
Background: The first graded essay that I assigned is
the Literacy Autobiography Essay. In this assignment,
students recount their literacy development; for
example, if they grew up in a bilingual/multilingual
setting how did they manage to negotiate their literacy
skills from their home languages to Standard English
and vice-versa. They address a serious of questions
like, do you think that by being bilingual/multilingual, it
has obstructed your learning of academic literacy?;
what has the potential to give away, a rejection of
ethnicity and/or cultural identity to fully assimilate into
academic discourse?; are you the language broker in
your family (the translator)?
What follows is a series of scaffolding activities to
enter conversations about the role of language
difference in transnational and multilingual contexts of
teaching, learning, and literacy practice in writing.
 “Man Disrupts Iowa Kindergarten Concert with ‘English Only’
 Let’s Write: (10mns.).
 Write about your running thoughts?
 Discussion exercise: Please share your running thoughts with a
 Now, let’s evaluate the news video by addressing the
circumstances in which meaning is communicated (rhetorical
 Rhetorical Situation: (the circumstances in which meaning is
 Evaluating news video:
– Purpose: Why was the video created (news networks/TV)?
What messages are sent by this video?
– Content: Is this news video organized and focused on a
particular topic/theme?
– Audience: To what type of viewer is this news video directed
(general viewers, students: elementary, high school, postsecondary, and/or post-baccalaureate)?
– Usefulness: How can this news video be used to support an
argument(s), refute an argument(s)?
Discussion exercise:
– With a partner discuss how making use of the
rhetorical situation can create meaning. Record
your responses. Individually, you will write a short
summary without adding and/or deleting anything
from the original video.
Share out of summaries…
You tell me that I am a criminal. You say
what I am is no good. That I should be like you so
that I may be a good citizen.
I have been told these things all my life. My
teacher doesn’t want me to speak Spanish because
it is no good. I should not be a Catholic because it
is no good. I should not have brown skin because it
is no good. I should not be loyal to my friends
because it is no good. I should not be so clannish
because it is not the American Way.
I now speak only English, I am no longer
Catholic, I have quit being loyal to my friends, and I
am no longer clannish. I have changed everything
but the color of my skin. And what have I become; a
brown man who has no belief in god, cannot speak
his parents’ language, who has become a traitor to
his friends and an outcast of my people.
I have tried to be like you and now you tell me
that I am a criminal. Isn’t this what you wanted, or is
it because I couldn’t change the color of my skin that
I am still no good?
-Tony “Chato” Estrada
(qtd. in Literatura Chicana: texto y contexto
Annotating the Text
Scaffolding Exercise: Have students annotate the poem
Try to identify the main points/thesis.
Write short comments and questions in the margins.
Circle unfamiliar words.
Note passages where you agree/disagree with the
 Note places where the same idea occurs more than once.
 Highlight or underline material that you think is significant.
Annotating the Text
Discussion Exercise: After annotating the text have
students record what thoughts might be going
through their minds in reference to the poem. After
recording their viewpoints have them share these
same viewpoints with a partner.
Annotating the Text
Let’s Write Exercise: Based on the meaning created
by the annotation of the poem, have students write
a summary/claim statement by following the writing
recommendations in, They Say-I Say, “The Art
Demonstration Lesson Response
Identifying the Major Challenges to
Improving Literacy in Adolescent ELLs
1. Lack of Common Criteria for Identifying ELLs and Tracking
Their Academic Performance
2. Lack of Appropriate Assessments
3. Inadequate Educator Capacity for Improving Literacy in ELLs
4. Lack of Appropriate and Flexible Program Options
5. Limited Use of Research-Based Instructional Practices
6. Lack of a Strong and Coherent Research Agenda for
Adolescent ELL Literacy
English Language Development
Quick Write
Take 5 minutes to write down
what English language learners
need to become successful
Former ELD Standards
 Beginning
 Early intermediate
 Intermediate
 Early advanced
 Advanced
 With the categories: Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing
New ELD Standards
New ELD Standards
They are written to be:
Overview of the CA ELD
Standards and Descriptors
 Decide on one specific
grade for the lesson
 Pairs or triads will
develop a writing
lesson that includes the
components of the new
ELD standards
 Decide on one
proficiency level for the
lesson (emerging,
expanding, bridging)
 Groups:
 Remember: this is a
writing assignment!
 Elementary School
 Middle School
 High School
 Be ready to share!!!
Let’s Share Our Ideas
Exit ticket for the lesson
5 minute quick write:
How will these
correspond to the
Theory to Practice: What constitutes
aligned instruction?
 Overlaps?
Theory to Practice: Application
 Identify a lesson that you have taught and are
likely to teach again this year.
 What are the learning outcomes?
 Identify the CCCSS focus standards that you will
 Identify the ELD standards that you should
 Using the lesson plan form (or another format of
your choosing) write the lesson. Prepare to
Rosemary Mitchell
Demonstration Lesson Response
Writing Response Groups
For Next Time…
 Sunday, July 5th at 9:00 am join the CWP Twitter
Chat if you can…
 Next week: Writing to Read (executive summary)
 Pathways to the Common core