Workshop on Video/Television Program Development for Bruneian Teachers Jakarta, 18 – 20 Dec. 2000 Workshop on Video/Television Program Development for Bruneian Teachers Jakarta, 18 – 20 Dec. 2000 Characteristics of Video and Television as a Medium of Instruction INSTRUCTIONAL Media Communication Media : media through which information/ message delivered to audience Instructional Media : communication facilities to be utilized for transferring/ delivering instructional material to learners Contributions of media to the learning process The delivery of instruction can be more standardized The instruction can be more interesting Learning become more interactive through applying accepted learning theory The length of time required for instruction can be reduced The quality of learning can be improved Contributions of media to the learning process (cont`ed) The instruction can be provided when and where desired or necessary. The positive attitude of students towards what they are learning and to learning process itself can be enhanced. The role of the instructor can be appreciably changed in positive direction. (Kemp and Dayton, 1985) Why do we utilize media in the learning process Human knowledge and experiences 75% from seeing 13% from listening 12% from touching, smelling, etc (Peoples, 1988) Why do we utilize media in the learning process Type of Presentation Verbal only Visual only Verbal+Visual (Peoples, 1988) Degree of Understanding and memory 1 3,5 X 6X Characteristics of television and video program to the learning process The video program Video = media of motion Effective for: Relating one idea to another Building a continuity of thought Creating dramatic impact to the subject Contribution of video to the learning process Concretizing abstract concepts Providing substitution of direct experience Enclosing dangerous object to the learner without harming them Presenting visual and verbal information at once Television Program Advantages Covers wide area and large number of audiences. Be able to transmit the information promptly. Be able to provide real situation using various techniques, and visual or sound effect. Television program Disadvantage Depend on the schedule of the TV Station. Could not be controlled by learner or instructor. No interactivity – one way communication. Video PROgram Advantages Particularly useful in describing motion, showing relationship, and giving impact to topic. Allow instant replay of video recording. Videotape reusable Easy to record lip sync on videotape May include special filming techniques (animation, time lapse, etc.) Video Program Disadvantage High cost for production. Resolution limited with video for fine detail. Incompatibility of video format types. Needs talented human resources in developing the program. 14 Langkah Menuju Layar TV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ide Sasaran Tujuan Pokok-pokok materi Tulis sinopsis Buat treatment Tulis Naskah Pengkajian Naskah 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Produksi Prototpa a. Pra Produksi b. Produksi c. Pasca Produksi Ujicoba Revisi Preview Penggandaan Pemanfaatan Alur Proses Produksi Program Praproduksi Ide/Gagasan Outline/GBIP Treatment Naskah/ Skenario Storyboard Produksi Script Conference Pascaproduksi Editing/ Manipulating Hunting Production Meeting Technical Meeting Rehearsal/ latihan Shootig/ Rekaman Preview Finalisasi/ Packaging Siaran/ Pemanfaatan