Prefixes & Suffixes Prefixes Prefixes are groups of letters placed before words or roots to create new words. We will introduce some common prefixes, and also the sample vocabulary. a-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, al-, ap-, as-, at- to, toward, near, in addition to Example1: a + side = aside (adverb): to or toward the side Example2: a +wake=awake (verb):stop sleeping Example3: ac+com+modate= accommodate(verb): provide lodging or room for somebody Example4: ac+com +pan+y = accompany(verb): walk or travel with somebody Example5: ad+dict= addict(noun): person who is unable to stop taking drugs, alcohol, etc Example6: ad+dress= address(noun): details of where a person lives, work, etc Example7: af+fair= affair(noun): thing to be done; concern; matter Example8: af+fect= affect(verb): have an influence on something or somebody Example9: ag+ain= again(adverb): once more; another time Example10: ag+gess+ive= aggessive(adject): apt or ready to attack; offensive; quarrelsome Example11: al+arm = alarm(noun): warning sound or signal Example12: al+bum = album(noun): book in which a collection of photographs, stamps, etc Example13: ap+ology =apology(noun): statement to say one is sorry for having done wrong Example14: ap+parent= apparent(adjective): clearly seen or understand; obvious Example15: as+pect= aspect(noun): particular part or feature of something being considered Example16: as+pire= aspire(noun): desire strongly to achieve something Example17: at+tack= attack(verb): make an attack on something or somebody Example18: at+tain= attain(verb): succeed in getting something a-, an- not, without Example1: an + em + ia = anemia (noun): the condition (disease) of not having enough red blood cells Example2: an + alysis = analysis(noun):study of something ab-, abs- away from, off Example1: ab + solve = absolve (verb): to be set free from one's actions or obligations Example2: ab + sent = absent (verb): not be present ante- before Example1: ante + rior = anterior (adjective): before or near the front Example2: ante +tenatal = antenatal (adjective): existing or occurring before birth anti- against Example1: anti + path + y = antipathy (noun): dislike, opposite feeling Example2: anti + -aircraft = anti-aircraft (adjective): designed to destory enemy aircraft auto- self Example1: auto + mot + ive = automotive (adjective): related to self-propelled machines Example2: auto + bio + graphic = autobiographic (adjective): of concerning autobiography bi- two Example 1: bi + ped = biped (noun): a twofooted animal Example 2: bi + centen+ ary = bicentary (noun): a two-hundredth anniversary cat-, cata-, cath- down, with Example 1: cat + ch = catch (verb): stop and hold a moving object in the hands Example 2: cat+ ch + y = catchy (adjective): pleasant and easy to remember Example 3: cata + clysm = cataclysm (noun): sudden violent change or disaster Example 4: cata + logue = catalogue (noun): complete list of items Example 5: cath + ar+sis = catharsis(noun): release of strong feelings through the effect of art Example6: cath + olic = catholic (adjective): including many or most things circum- around Example 1 : circum + vent = circumvent (verb): to manage to get around a situation Example 2 : circum + spect = circumspect( adjective): considering everything carefully before acting C2 co-, cog-, col-, com-, con-, cor- together, with Example1: co+ -author= co-author(noun): somebody who writes a book, article, etc with another person Example2: co+de= code(verb):put or write in code Example3: cog+nate = cognate(adjjective): having the same source or orgin as another one Example4 : cog+itate= cogitate(verb): think deeply about something Example5: col+lapse= collapse(verb): fall down or in suddenly Example6: col+lar= collar(noun): band, upright or folded over, round the neck of a shirt Example7: com+bat= combat(noun): fight or fighting between two people, armies, etc Example8: com+bine= combine(verb): join or mix together to form a whole Example9: con+ceit=conceit(noun): excessive pride in oneself or in one’s powers, abilities, etc Example10:con+cen+trate= fous excusively and intensely on something Example11:cor+res+pond= correspond(verb): contradict something or each other Example12: cor + rect = correct (verb): make something right or accurate contra- against, opposite Example1: contra + dict = contradict (verb) to state the opposite Example2: contra+c+tion= contraction(noun): contracting or being contracte de- to do the opposite, to take away from Example 1:de+bat+able= debatable(adjective): not certain; open to question;arguable Example 2: de + cre + ase = decrease (verb): to grow smaller, to become less di-, dif-, dis- apart, separate, two, opposite, not Example 1: di + vide = divide (verb): to separate into two or more parts Example 2: di + li +gent= diligent(adjective): showing care and effect; hard-workong Example 3: dif +fer = differ(verb): not be the same; be unlike Example 4: dif +fi+cult= difficult(adjective): requiring effort or skill; not easy dis- not, opposite of, exclude Example 1: dis + trust = distrust (verb): to have no confidence or trust Example 2: dis + like = dislike(verb): not like ex- out, out of, from Example 1: ex+act= exact(verb): demand and enforce the payment Example 2: ex+alt= exalt(verb): make somebody higher in rank or greater in power en-, em- put into Example 1: em + pow + er = empower (verb): to give power, to put into power Example 2: em + bark = embark(verb): go or be taken on board a ship or an aircraft Example 3: en + case = encase(verb): surround or cover something with a case Example 4: en + dange = endager(verb): cause danger epi- upon, beside, over Example 1: epi + logue = epilogue (noun): the concluding section of a play or literary work Example 2: epi + sode = episode (noun): event occurring as part of events as in a novel, etc extra- beyond Example 1: extra + ordin + ary = extraordinary (adjective): going beyond normal Example 2: extra + -curricular = extracurricular(adjective): outside the regular course of work or studies at school or college il-, im-, in-, ir, not, in Example1: il + leg + ible = illegible (adjective): cannot be read Example2: il + leg + al = illegal(adjective): against the law Example3: im+ mature = immature(adjective): not sensible in behaviour or in controlling feelings Example4: im + moral= immoral(adjective): not following accepted standards of morality Example5: in+ take= intake(noun): process of taking liquid, gas, etc into a machine,etc Example6: in + flame = inflame(verb): make other feel angry Example7: ir + re + cover + able = irrecoverable(adjective): cannot be recover Example8: ir +re+duci+ble=irreducible(adjective): cannot be reduced inter- between, among Example1: inter + ject = interject (verb): to throw something (usually a comment) between other things Example2: inter+ national = international(adjective): excisting beween two or more nation intro- into Example: intro + spect + ion = introspection (noun): to look into one's own thoughts and feelings Example2: intro + duce = Introduce(verb): make someone known formally to someone else M mal- bad Example 1: mal + funct + ion = malfunction (noun): when something does not work properly Example 2: mal + ic +ious = malicious(adjective): intended to harm other mis- wrong Example 1: mis + con + duct = misconduct (noun): wrong doing, bad behavior Example 2: mis + take = mistake(noun): wrong idea or opinion multi- many Example 1: multi + ply = multiply (verb): to increase in number Example 2: multi + cultural = multicultural(adjective): including people of several different races, religions or national tradition non- not, no Example 2: non + sense = nonsense (noun): something that has no meaning or makes no sense Example 2: non+ descript = nondescript(noun, adjective): without a distinctive character and so not easily classified ob-, oc-, of-, op- toward, against, in the way Example: ob + tain = obtain (verb): to gain or get, to get a hold of Example2: ob + ey =obey(verb): do what one is told or obliged to do by somebody Example3: oc + cas + ion = occasion(verb): particular time; suitable or right time; opportunity Example4: oc + cupa +tion = occupation(noun): action of occupying; state of being occupied Example5: of + fend = offend(verb): cause somebody to feel upset or angry Example6: of + fer = offer(verb): put forward something to be considered and accepted or refused; present Example7: op + in + ion = opinion(noun): belief or judgement not necessarily based on fact Example8: op + po+ site = opposite(adjective): having a position on the other side; facing over- excessive, above Example: over + work = overwork (verb): to have too much work Example2: over + rall = overall(adverb): including everything; on the whole; generally P para- beside Exmaple1: para + dox = paradox (noun): a statement that seems true and contradictory at the same time Example2: para + normal = paranormal(adjective): unable to be explained scientifically or rational per- through Example1: per + secute = persecute (verb): to go after, to pursue Example2: per + fect = perfect(noun): perfect tense post- after Example1: post + pone = postpone (verb): to put off to a later time, to delay Example2: post + graduate = postgraduate(adjective): done after taking a first degree pre- before Example: pre + cede = precede (verb): to go before, to come in front of Example2: pre + dict = predict(verb): say in advance that will happen; forecast pro- for, foward Example: pro + pel = propel (verb): to push forward Example2: pre + dict = predict(verb): say in advance that will happen; forecast re- back, again Example: re + ad + mit = readmit (verb): to allow in again Example2: re + act = react(verb): behave differently or chande as a result of something retro- backward Example: retro + spect = retrospect (noun) to look back at past events Example2: retro + act +tive = retroactive(adjective): effective from a past date S se- apart, move away from Example: se + cede = secede (verb): to withdraw from an organization semi- half Example: semi + annu + al = semiannual (adjective): occurring twice a year sub-, suc-, suf-, sup-, sur-, sus under, beneath, near, from below, secretly, above, up Example: sup + port = support (verb): to hold up, too keep up super- over, above Example: super + im + pose = superimpose (verb): to place something on top of something else syn-, sym- together, at the same time Example: sym + path + y = sympathy (noun): sharing another person's feelings, compassion trans- across, beyond, change Example 1: trans + form = transform (verb): to change shape Example 2: trans + fer = transfer(verb): move something/somebody from one place to another tri- three Example 1: tri + pod = tripod (noun): a three-legged stand Example 2: tri + angle = triangle(noun): geometric figure with three straight sides and three angles un- not, against, opposite Example: un + ceas + ing = unceasing (adjective): never ending, continuous Example2: un + able = unable(adjective): not having the ability, opportunity or authority to do something uni- one Example: uni + form = uniform (adjective): having the same form or consistancy Example2: uni + fy = unify(verb): form something into a single unit or make uniform Suffixes A suffix follows the end of a word and forms a new word. Some common suffixes will be introduced and the sample vocabulary will be given. A(1) -acy, -cy state or quality Example 1: immediacy = (Noun): the state of something seem real and important Example 2: accuracy = (Noun)the state of correct and exact -age 1.activity, or result of action Example: courage = (Noun) : having the spirit to overcome fear 2.cause to be Example: graduate = (Verb): to give a degree to, to pass from one stage to the next -al action, result of action Example 1 : international =(Adj) involving more than one country Example 2 : medical = (Noun)an examination of your body by a doctor to find out if you are healthy A(2) -an person Example: african = (Noun) : a person of or from Africa -ance, -ence action, state, quality or process Example 1 : performance = (Noun) : the action of entertaining others Example 2 : violence = (Noun) : actions or words which are intended to hurt people -ancy, -ency used to form nouns showing a state or quality Example 1: de + pend + ent = dependen(Noun)t: a thing supported by another, a thing determined by another Example 2: frequency = (Noun): the number of times something happens within a particular period A(3) -ate 1.action, resulting state Example: educate = (Verb) to teach someone 2.kind of state Example: in + viol + ate = inviolate(Adj) : not disturbed, pure -able, -ible worth, ability Example 1 : available = (Adj)able to be obtained, used, or reached Example 2 : in + cred + ible = incredible(Adj): not able to be believed, amazing -ial, -ical quality, relation Example 1 : territ + or + ial = categorical(Adj): related to a category, aboslute Example 2 : economical = economical(Adj): not using a lot of fuel, money, etc -ar, -ary resembling, related to Example 1 : spectac + ul + ar = spectacular (Adj): related to something that is eyecatching or amazing Example 2 : primary = primary(Adj): more important than anything else; main -dom place, state of being Example 1 : wis + dom = wisdom(Noun) : possessing knowledge Example 2 : free + dom = the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. -er, -or 1.person or thing that does something Example 1 : speaker = speaker(Noun): someone who speaks a particular language Example 2 : col + lect + or = collector(Noun): a person who collects or gathers things 2.action Example 1 :pond + er = ponder : to think about Example 2 : col + lect + or = collector(Noun): : a person who collects or gathers things -en cause to become Example: moist + en = moisten(Verb) : to cause to become moist or damp 2.material Example: silk + en : silken(Adj) :made from silk, a fiber produced by worms -ful amount or quanity that fills Example: mouth + ful = mouthful(Noun) : an amount that fills the mouth 2.having, giving, marked by Example: fanci + ful = fanciful(Adj) : marked by imagination -fold in a manner of, marked by Example 1 : four + fold = fourfold(Adv) : being four times as great Example 2 : mai + ni + flod = manifold(Adj): many and of several different types: -ian, an related to, one that is Example 1 : ped + estr + ian = pedestrian (Noun) : a person who walks Example 2 : hum + an = human(Noun) : a person -ia names, diseases Example 1 : phob + ia = phobia(Noun) : an illogical fear of something Example 2 : anaemia = a medical condition in which there are not enough red blood cells in the blood -ing 1.material made for, activity, result of an activity Example: swim(m) + ing = swimming(Noun): the activity of swimming or moving through water 2.present participle Example:de + pict + ing = depicting (Verb) : showing, describing with images or pictures -ion condition or action Example 1 : ab + duct + ion = abduction(Noun) : the action of carrying someone away by force Example 2 : col + lect + ion = collection(Noun) : when something is taken away from a place -ism doctrine, belief, action or conduct Example 1 : form + al + ism = formalism(Noun) : a belief in sticking to prescribed forms or artistic styles Example 2 : feminism = feminism(Noun) : the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men -ist person or member Example 1 : pod + iatr + ist = podiatrist(Noun) : a foot doctor Example 2 : tourist = tourist(Noun) :someone who visits a place for pleasure and interest -ish having the character of Example 1: new + ish = newish(Adj) : modern, recent Example 2 : Irish = Irish(Noun) : people from Ireland -ive, -ative, -itive having the quality of Example 1: sens + itive = sensitive(Adj): easily felt, responsive to the senses Example 2 : alterative = alterative (Adj):Tending to restore to normal health Example 3 : sens + itive = sensitive(Adj): easily felt, responsive to the senses -less without, missing Example 1 : mot + ive + less = motiveless(Adj) : without a reason for someone to do something Example 2 : end + less = endless(Adj) : never finishes or seems never to finish -ly in the manner of Example 1 : flu + ent + ly = fluently(Adv) : marked by ease of movement, effortlessly smooth Example 2 : pri + est + ly = priestly(Adj) : relating to or like a priest -ment condition or result Example 1: docu + ment = document (Noun) : an official paper usually showinf proof or evidence of something Example 2 : man + age + ment = management(Noun) : the control of the way an organization operates -ness state, condition, quality Example 1: kind + ness = kindness(Noun) : the quality of being kind or nice Example 2 : fit + ness = fitness(Noun): the physical fitness -or condition or activity Example 1 : val + or = valor(Noun) : bravery, courage Example 2 : su + per + i +or = superior(adjective) : better than average or better than other people or things of the same type -ory place for, serves for Example 1 : territ + ory = territory(Noun) : an area around a place Example 2 : fact + ory = factory(Noun): a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are made using machines -ous, -eous, -ose, -ious having the quality of, relating to Example 1 : ad + vent + ur + ous = adventurous(Adj) : charcterized by the desire to seek new experiences or risks Example 2 : cl + ose = close(Adj) : having direct family connections or shared beliefs, support and sympathy Example 3 : serious = serious(Adj) : severe in effect; bad -ship having the rank, position, skill or relationship of the stated type Example 1: re + lat + ion + ship = relationship (Noun) : the state of being related or connected to something or someone Example 2 : friend + ship = when two people are friends -ure act, condition, process, function Example 1:ex + pos + ure = exposure(Noun) : the condition of being exposed or unprotected Example 2 : fail+ ure = failure(Noun) : when someone or something does not succeed Example 3 : procedure =procedure (Noun) : a set of actions which is the official or accepted way of doing something -ward in a direction or manner Example: home + ward = homeward(Adv) : toward home -wise in the manner of, with regard to Example: time + wise = timewise(Adverb): with regard to time Y -y 1.state, condition, result of an activity Example: soci + et + y = society(Noun) : companionship 2.marked by, having Example: hungr + y = hungry(Adj) : having hunger, marked by a desire Here is an exercise for our classmates to learn more about Prefixes & Suffixes. 1. ab-, abs2. bi3. circum4. dis5. extra6. intro7. mis8. non9. over10. pre- A. around B. not, no C. away from, off D. before E. wrong F. excessive, above G. two H. not, opposite of, exclude I. into J. beyond Suffixes 1. –an 2. –ism 3.-ment 4.-ory 5. -ize 6. -able, -ible 7.-est 8. -less 9. -ous, -eous, -ose, -ious 10. -ly A. Noun: person B. Verb: cause C. Adjective: superlative D. Noun: doctrine, belief ,action or conduct E. Adjective: having the quality of, relating to F. Noun: condition or result G. Adverb: in the manner of H. Noun: place for, serves for I. Adjective: without, missing J. Adjective: worth, ability Prefixes 1.C 2.G 3.A 4.H 5.J 6.I 7.E 8.B 9.F 10.D Suffixes 1.A 2.D 3.F 4.H 5.B 6.J 7.C 8.I 9.E 10.G