
Is there a difference with weather ?
Climate vs. Weather
Climate is long term, regional conditions
Weather is short term, local conditions
Video by Teddy
What is Climate and its major factors?
Describe and be able to locate the six major
climate zones.
Identify the causes of climate
Differentiate between long and short term
climate changes.
Compare and contrast the difference between
the “Greenhouse Effect” and “Global
What is Climate?
Climate is the name for the general
conditions of a region or area over a
long period of time.
Two Basic Factors of Climate
The climate of a region is determined
by two basic factors:
 temperature
 precipitation.
Part 1
Factors that Affect Temperature
Latitude, elevation and the presence
of ocean currents and wind currents
are four natural factors that affect the
temperature at a particular location.
Latitude is the measure of the distance north
and south of the equator. Latitude is measured
in degrees. Areas close to the equator, or 0
degrees latitude, receive the direct rays of the
sun. These direct rays provide the most
radiant energy. Areas near the equator have a
warm climate. Polar regions have a cold
Seasons Due to Earth’s Tilt of Axis
Tilt, Rotation and Revolution
of the
9 Minutes
Climate Zones
Elevation, or altitude, is the distance above sea
level. As elevation increases, the air becomes
less dense. This means there are fewer gas
molecules in the air and they are spread far
apart. Less- dense air cannot hold as much
heat as denser air. So as elevation increases,
temperature decreases.
The high elevation and proximity to the equator
allows visitors to experience every climate type.
Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa also features a year round
snow-topped peak.
The surface temperature of water affects the
temperature of the air above it. Warm water
warms the air and cold water tends to cool it.
Land areas near warm water currents have
warm temperatures. The Gulf Stream is an
ocean current that carries warm water along
the eastern coast of the United States. The
California Current travels toward the equator
carrying cold water along the west coast of the
United States.
Ocean Currents
Seasonal Affluance
Autumn/Fall - Autumnal Equinox ≐ Sept 20th.
Winter – Winter Solstice ≈ Dec. 20th.
Spring – Spring Equinox ≅ March 20th.
Summer - Summer Solstice a June 20th.
Let’s Think
Puzzler 1.
Indigo had an astronomy project to do. She was
very excited because her father and she were
going to camp out all night to watch the stars.
They would look for everything on her project
checklist. Indigo knew that this was the best
night to do it because it would give them them
most star watching time. Her project was due
thirteen days later.
When was Indigo's project due?
Puzzler 2.
Alexander wants to hold the best party for all of
his friends. He wants the party to last all day
and all night, but his mom said they can only
play their music until it gets dark.
What date should he hold the party?
Puzzler 3
The McBrides are farmers. At 5:50 am they
opened their door, one early October morning,
to breathe in the fresh scent of autumn. Mrs.
McBride stepped out on to the porch stairs and
WOMP! she landed flat on her bottom.
"Well, that'll be the end of the season for the
crops," her husband said, as he helped her
stand up and looked down at the porch stairs.
How did Mr. McBride know that the crop
season was coming to an end by what
happened that morning?
Part 2
Factors that Affect Precipitation
The two factors that affect the amount of
precipitation at a particular location are
prevailing winds and mountain ranges.
Prevailing Winds
A wind that blows more often from one
direction that from any other direction is called
a prevailing wind. Prevailing winds have a
great influence on the climate of regions in
their path. Different prevailing winds carry
different amounts of moisture. The amount of
moisture carried by a prevailing wind affects
the amount of precipitation a region receives.
Winds formed by rising warm air tend to bring
Direction of Prevailing Winds
The direction from which a prevailing wind
blows also affects the amount of moisture it
Some prevailing winds blow from the water to
the land (sea breeze and moist).
some blow from the land to the sea (land
breeze an dry)
A region that receives less than 10 inches = 25
centimeters of rainfall a year is called a desert.
The combined effect of a prevailing wind’s
moisture content and its direction can make it
possible for a desert to exist near a large body
of water. The Sahara Desert is bordered on the
west by the Atlantic Ocean. The prevailing
winds that blow across the Sahara originate far
inland, carry little moisture and are caused by
sinking cold air.
Chinook winds
Rain Shadow
Mountain Ranges
The amount of precipitation at a particular
location is also affected by mountain ranges.
A mountain range acts as a barrier to
prevailing winds. The windward side of a
mountain has a wet climate. On the leeward
side, relatively dry air moves down the side of
the mountain and results in very little
precipitation. A good example is the Great
Basin on the leeward side of the Sierra Nevada
Mountain Range.
Climate Zones
The Earth’s climate can be divided into
general climate zones according to average
temperatures. Scientist classify localized
climates as microclimates.
The three major climate zones on the Earth are
the polar, temperate, and tropical zones. With
three additional minor zones; Sub-Polar, SubTropical and Highlands
Five Factors Video
5.5 Minutes
Let’s Think
Polar Zones
In each hemisphere, the polar zone extends
from the pole to about 60 degrees latitude. In
polar zones, the average yearly temperature is
below freezing. There are some areas in the
polar zones, such as the northern coasts of
Canada and Alaska and the southern tip of
South America, where the snow melts during
the warmest part of the year.
Temperate Zones
In each hemisphere, the temperate zone is
found between 60 degrees and 30 degrees
latitude. IN the areas of the temperate zones
farther from the equator, snow is common in
the winter. In the areas of the temperate zones
closer to the equator, rain normally falls all
year round. The average amount of
precipitation is about the same throughout.
The average temperatures range from 5
degrees C to 20 degrees C. T
Tropical Zones
The tropical zones, which extend from 30
degrees north and south latitude to the equator,
have high temperatures and high humidity.
Tropical zones are also known as low-latitude
climates. The average temperature during the
coldest month of the year does not fall below
18 degrees C. Many deserts are located on the
western coasts of the continents. This is
because the prevailing winds, the trades, blow
from east to west.
Sub-Tropical and Sub-Polar
Marine and Continental Climates
Within each of the three major climate zones,
there are marine and continental climates.
Areas near an ocean or other large body of
water have a marine climate. Areas located
within a large landmass have a continental
climate. Areas with a marine climate receive
more precipitation and have a more moderate
climate. A continental climate has less
precipitation and a greater range in climate.
Changes in Climate
The three natural factors responsible for
climate changes are the slow drifting of the
continents, changes in the sun’s energy output
and variations in the position of the Earth
relative to the sun. These natural factors are
not related to human activity. The results of
the human activity of the burning of fossil
fuels may also lead to changes in climate.
Ice Ages
Periods when much of the Earth’s surface has
been covered with enormous sheets of ice are
called ice ages or major glaciations. Scientists
have found evidence of four major ice ages
during the last 2 million years each lasting
about 100,000 years. The average temperature
was 10 to 15 degrees C. The causes are not
known but they are probably associated with
variations in the tilt of the Earth’s axis and the
shape of the Earth’s orbit around the sun.
Interglacials are the time periods between
major glaciations or “Ice Ages”. Interglacials
are warm periods. During an interglacial, the
average temperature was about 4 to 6 degrees
higher than the average temperature during a
major glaciation. A cold period called the
Little Ice Age lasted from 1500 to 1900.
Drifting Continents
About 230 million years ago, all the Earth’s
landmasses were joined in one super continent,
Pangaea. The slow drifting apart of the
continents caused dramatic changes. As the
continents moved toward their present-day
locations, the sea level dropped, volcanoes
erupted, and much of the Earth’s surface was
pushed upward. The combined effect was a
drop in temperature and precipitation all over
the Earth. These changes were gradual.
Extinction of the Dinosaurs
The climate change caused by the drifting of
the continents may have resulted in the
extinction of the dinosaur. Many types of
plants also became extinct. Dinosaurs that
depended on these plants died. Meat-eating
dinosaurs that depended on plant-eating
dinosaurs died. Other scientists believe that
dinosaurs became extinct as the result of a
giant asteroid striking the Earth 65 million
years ago.
Variations in Radiant Energy
Many scientists have tried to relate changes in
the Earth’s climate to changes in the sun’s
energy output. During periods of high energy
output, the Earth’s temperature would rise.
The temperature would drop during periods of
low energy output. No evidence has been
found to support this theory.
Global Warming
IN the mid-nineteenth century industrialization
led to the increased burning of fossil fuels,
including coal, oil and natural gas. Then these
fuels are burned they release carbon dioxide
that traps heat. As a result, the atmosphere
becomes warmer. Meteorologists found that
temperatures in the 1990’s were the highest in
more than 100 years.
Natural Greenhouse Effect
Human Enhanced
Greenhouse Effect
???????Global Warming???????
The greenhouse effect is the naturally
occurring process of greenhouse
gases (CO2, water vapor, methane...)
keeping heat in our atmosphere.
Without this effect, the Earth would
be frozen and life here would most
likely not exist.
Enhanced by Humans
However, global warming is caused
by an enhanced greenhouse effect.
More and more greenhouse gases are
being put into the atmosphere (most
because of humans) and this is
keeping more heat in the atmosphere.
Animated Greenhouse
5 Min
Short Term Changes in Climate
Some short-term changes may be the result
of changes in ocean currents and
Global winds.
Volcanic Eruptions
Any major change in an ocean current can
cause a change in climate. El Nino is an
El Nino
A cold current that flows from west to east
across the southern part of the Pacific Ocean
turns toward the equator along the coast of
South America and flows north along the coast
of Chile and Peru. It is known as the Peru
Current. Occasionally the Peru Current is
covered by a thin sheet of warm water. Every
2 to 10 years, strong winds spread the warm
water over a large area resulting in droughts in
some areas and flooding in others.
Diverting Costly Climate
Al Gore
9 Minutes
Deserts in the Temperate Zone
Deserts in the temperate zones are usually
located in land, far away from the oceans. The
winds that blow across these inland deserts
carry little moisture. Although very hot during
the day, temperatures at night can drop to
below freezing. Inland deserts are found in
Australia (the Great Sandy Desert) and Central
Asia ( the Gobi Desert).