GEPC Meeting 1730-1940, July 29, 2014 Attendees: Marty Bradley, Valerie Lyons, Ruben Del Rosario, Larry Leavitt, Cheryl Bowman, Jerry Welch, David Eames, Michael Armstrong, Kevin Daffey, Michael Piszczor, Jeff Hamstra, Naoki Maruyama, Shunichi Okaya, Keiichi Okai, Michael Hathaway, Nateri Madavan, Essam Khalil, Chris Hughes, Rich Wahls, Mike Houts, Romar Frazier. (21 attendees) Key messages from Jeff Hamstra’s P&E Meeting. – We are one of 2 PC’s. – see org chart presented Messages – Engage, don’t wait; New Awards Nomination Committee; New Annual Report Format; Membership Push; Push Energy – what is AIAA role? – Mike Piszczor and John Blanton to talk on possibilities for GEPC; Electric/Hybrid electric aircraft propulsion P&E Forum 2015 – Call for papers update Aviation 2015 – General Chair is Rich Wahls and the Tier Chair is Robb Gregg (Boeing). We had a first call for papers from GEPC (the only PC in the call for papers) and was due July 23 – had to be careful to not overlap with TC’s – but could focus on joint sessions. We also could give “first dibs” to the TC’s who best match the topic if they want to include the paper in their session. Need to draft 2015 Call for Papers for GEPC for Scitech – see what was used last year and discuss at the GEPC mtg on 7/29/14. Send by Aug 13 to Jerry Welch ( , Jason Smith & Michael Choi, and CC: Cathy Chenevey. Highlights from Aviation 2014: David Eames – Distributed Electric Propulsion and Acoustic signatures of electric propulsion systems. Brian Seeley – future transformational vehicles. Rich Wahls – Favorite session – NASA Aeronautics Vision for the 21st Century – video/Aviation2014 Actions – see list from Marty Keiichi Okai – 1) More electric and hybrid electric propulsion aircraft project in Japan – JAXA – demo of all-electric small jet – 75 Ah, 29.6V battery-powered. 2) Alternative Fuels: In 2020, the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in Tokyo – so, want to do a biofuel demo. Also Liquid-H2 fueled turbojet engine. Communications sub-committee will help add to these topics to finish the annual report by early September. Need to energize our liaison activities. Need to find a new Lead for Green Aviation – find subcommittee leaders for various topics Awards Chair for “Best Presentation” is Essam Khalil Newsletter – Tayo Ladeinde Engine Design Competition – Ian Halliwell, Jeff Hamstra – next year, low-speed engine system (this year, supersonic business jet – 3 teams competing). Need support in reading and judging the proposals – hopefully GEPC can supply judges (at least 1), along with the Airbreathing Prop TC’s, etc. Need topics for undergraduates to work on – has to be related to their course work. Maybe we can add “Green” goals to the competition – e.g. fuel burn, efficiency, emissions, etc. – have a “green challenge” added to the competition RFP. The Top 3 universities will compete for - $5000 for prizes and $7000 for partially funding travel. Maybe have a graduate-division which could do more advanced, say, hybrid engine systems, etc. Ian will provide a draft RFP – and we can help him add “green” challenges. Essam will contact Wayne Hurwitz to coordinate Awards Nominations. Danielle Soban will talk to Jimmy Kenyon about membership push. John Blanton will talk to Mike Piszczor about the “Energy” push. Electric/Hybrid Electric Propulsion – will talk to Dan Jenson (Chair) from the Emerging Technologies Committee (GEPC Leadership). Neal Herring (doing power and thermal management) – ABPSI tech organizer for P&E 2015 – could be a POC for electric/hybrid electric prop – how can we address this topic in the TC structure? Need to have a discussion at SciTech to see where we can work this in the AIAA. Figure out how to develop award packages for Green Engineering efforts in the industry? Identify SciTech 16 (Chris Hughes/Larry Levitt), Aviation 16, P&E 16 Tech Chairs – Ruben Del Rosario Need a new lead for Education to replace Essam (who is now doing Awards). Too many panels are competing with each other and the technical sessions compete also with them. The scheduling was done before anybody could look them over and prevent conflicts. Need to define plenaries and panels by Christmas so can better schedule the technical program sessions (Rich Wahls). Carol Cash’s policy panel popped up over top of some relevant other sessions. See Marty’s chart on “A Future with Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems – Opportunities and Challenges” Introduced ourselves around the table…. Subcommittee Positions to Fill: see Marty’s list Maybe do a Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter page for GEPC – need a media rep Nuclear short-course – Mike Houts is working on this for next summer. Standards – eg. Space Solar Power Education – lead needed as well as subcommittee lead for Outreach to high school, college, local sessions. Need a short “job description” for positions – e.g. conference subcommittee leader (conference planning committee) – ask Rich Wahls what is involved in this Action – put 2-3 sentence description in the Newsletter – written by the people who have previously done the job. Leadership team will prioritize the vacant positions and try to fill the critical ones as fast as possible. Franz Joseph may lead Conference Subcommittee – but must check first since we have a 2nd volunteer ? How to get more involved in GEPC – see Marty’s chart. Call for Papers? Ruben said we should consider not having a PC “Call for Papers” for P&E 15 and we need to know by Friday about the Aviation 2015 Call. Maybe formulate a Forum 360 – Rob Gregg (lead) – around a broad overview of Hybrid-electrics for Aviation 2015. Christine Pastor-Barsi – Forum 360 lead for P&E 2015. In the end, we decided that we would go ahead a do call for papers for Aviation 2015 and P&E 2015. We would then evaluate whether we should continue this for SciTech16. Future meetings: General PC telecom in Sept or Oct. Subcommittee meeting to prepare for SciTech. Make a banner to advertise the various areas we work and hang at AIAA meetings.