Concurrent Session 1, 9:00

Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the
Southeast Philosophy of Education
Hosted by:
The University of
Gorgas House, 1829, original dining hall,
post office, and infirmary of The University of
SEPES Officers:
President: Benjamin Baez, Georgia State
President Elect: Deanna Michael, University
of South Florida, St. Petersburg
Immediate Past President: Richard Lakes,
Georgia State University
Secretary/Treasurer: John Petrovic, The
University of Alabama
2004 Program Chair: John Petrovic
Friday, February 20th
At a glance
Registration and Welcome, 8:15
 Concurrent Sessions I-II, 9:00-12:15
 Lunch Break, 12:15-1:30
 Concurrent Sessions III-IV, 1:30-4:30
 Presidential Address, 5:00-6:00
 Banquet, 7:00
Registration and Welcome
Coffee, juice, pastry, and fruit will
be available outside the Mason
and Mobile rooms from 8:00
Registration will be open from
Dr. Ross Palmer will officially open
the 55th Annual Meeting of the
Southeast Philosophy of
Education Society
8:45-9:00, Birmingham room
Ross Palmer, Interim Dean, College of
Education, The The University of
Concurrent Session I, 9:00-10:30
Mason Room
Mobile Room
Adjudicating Values: Human Rights and
Equity in Education
Neutrality in Education as a Human Right
Donald Vandenberg
University of Queensland, Emeritus
Cultivating an Epistemic Ethos: On the
Necessity of Adjudication in Religious Education
Suzanne Rosenblith
Clemson University
Paths Toward Equity in Education: Why Marxist
Educational Theory is Not One
Aaron Cooley
University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill
Values and the Drive-Thru: Chik-Fil-A and
Character Education in Georgia
Deron Boyles
Georgia State University
From Acronyms to Acrimony:
“To despair or not to despair?” For teachers in the
present age that is not a choice
Douglas McKnight
The University of Alabama
Did We Listen to the Children: Teacher Quality,
Teacher Candidate Dispositions and
UNESCO’s What Makes a Good Teacher?
Kathryn Richardson Jones
The Citadel
In Pursuit of Excellence: An Ethical Assessment
of Standardized Testing
Charles Rudder
The University of Alabama, Gadsden
Citizens and the Education President: Reflections on
Habermas, Freire, and the Status Quo
Philip Kovacs & Carolyn J. VanderSchee
Georgia State University
Concurrent Session II, 10:45-12:15
Mason Room
Mobile Room
Constructing Knowledges:
Teacher Research, Aesthetics, and
A Wittgenstein Philosophy on History and
Culture: A Discourse on Broken Knowledge
Stephen S. Triche
Nicholls State University
Applying James Banks Insider/ Outsider
Research Distinctions to Teacher Knowledge
Research: Issues of Epistemology and
Roland Mitchell
The University of Alabama
Visualizing Experience: Deweyan Aesthetics &
Photography in Social Science Research
Gerald Wood
The University of Alabama
The Need for Semiotics of Teacher Knowledge
Research: What Peirce has to Say to Teacher
Education Scholars
Jerry Rosiek and Becky M. Atkinson
The University of Alabama
Critical Pedagogies,
Empowering Possibilities
Critically Transitive Pedagogy: An Antihegemonic Pedagogical Framework
Nicholas J. Shudak
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Raising Youth Voice: Experiences in a Youth
Development Organization
Leslee Trammell
Georgia State University
Digital Democracy and Schooling in the USA:
Critical Analysis through the Lens of Critical
Anne Kanga
The University of Alabama
Paolo Freire and Operation Iraqi Freedom:
Liberation or Oppression?
Philip Kovacs
Georgia State University
Concurrent Session III, 1:30-2:45
Mason Room
Mobile Room
Stepping Outside the Lines:
Performance and Representation
From Babe Didrikson to Gabrielle Reece: The Power
of Heteronormativity and the “Babe” Factor in
High School Sports
Natalie Adams, Amy Franklin, and
Alison Schmitke
The University of Alabama
Unstraight Lines
Susan Talburt
Georgia State University
Post-positivist Realist Theory: Identity and
Lorraine Gilpin
Georgia Southern University
Ethical Leadership:
Conversations about Moral Discipline and
the Common Good
Southern Youth and the Problem of Moral
Discipline at the The University of Alabama,
Stephen Tomlinson and Kevin Windham
The University of Alabama
Competing Paradigms Influencing the
Administrator’s Role in Promoting
“the Common Good”
Michael C. Natarella
The University of Alabama
Education and Hope: Reframing the Conversation
of School Leadership
Roma B. Angel
Appalachian State University
Concurrent Session IV, 3:00-4:30
Mason Room
Mobile Room
Locating Education:
History, Philosophy, and Pedagogy
The Inspired Classroom
Thomas A. Peterson
State University of West Georgia
Re)Locating the Disabled Subject in Pedagogy
Anne Kanga
The University of Alabama
The Theory-Practice Dichotomy at Central European
Joseph S. Freedman
Alabama State University
A Philosophical Investigation of Pedagogies of
Liberatory Educational Practices
Delores D. Liston and Leo Woodham Digiovanni
Georgia Southern University
Envisioning Democratic Education:
Justice, Power, and Shared
The Permanence of Injustice and Inequalities
in Education: Rawls’ Theory of Justice and
the Digital Divide
Elizabeth Hendrix
The University of Alabama
Power Shifts: From Liberal Democracy to
Capitalist Oligarchy
Michael Johnson
University of Central Florida
Shared Authority in Democracies-Always-inthe Making: Teaching Moral Lessons in an
African-American School
Barbara Thayer-Bacon
University of Tennessee
Contesting Consensus: Redefining Equal
Educational Opportunity
Gerald Wood
The University of Alabama
Evening Activities
Birmingham Room
Presidential Address
Dinner Banquet
Searching for the
“Public” in Public
Café Venice
2321 University Blvd.
Tuscaloosa, AL
205 366 1209
Benjamin Baez
Georgia State University
Saturday, February 21st
At a glance…
Concurrent Sessions V, 8:45-10:15
Keynote Address, 10:30-11:45
Lunch Break, 11:45-1:00
Concurrent Sessions VI-VII, 1:00-4:00
Business Meeting, 4:15-5:00
Concurrent Session V, 8:45-10:15
Mason Room
Mobile Room
Educational Professionals:
Implications of Theory
Liberal, Contemporary Conservative, Radical,
and Postmodern Thought: Implications for
Teacher Education
Zeynel Amac
Indiana University -- Bloomington
Peircean Semiotics and Reader Response
Theory: A Theory of Teacher Knowledge
Becky M. Atkinson
The University of Alabama/ Samford University
Challenging Normalcy: Using Theory to
Interrogate Occupational Therapy Education
Jennifer Sanders
The University of Alabama
Still Relevant Historical Figures: Dewey,
Thorndike, and (Non)Democratic
Where is Democracy in Education?
Gail L. Kidd
Indiana University -- Bloomington
Thomas Dalton’s Becoming John Dewey: A
Sound Means for Engaging Students in the
Philosophical Assumptions Underlying Education
Randy Hewitt
University of Central Florida
The Face of Progressive Education: John
Dewey, William H. Kirkpatrick…Mike White,
Richard Linklater, and Jack Black?
Eric C. Sheffield
Southwest Missouri State University
Teaching without Thinking: A Comparison of
Thorndike’s Hierarchical Model with Bergson’s
Closed Society
Pamela Crosby
Florida State University
Keynote Address, 10:30-11:45
Birmingham Room
Dr. Kenneth R. Howe,
Professor, College of
Education, University of
Colorado, Boulder
Concurrent Session VI, 1:00-2:30
Mason Room
Mobile Room
Thinking Constructively: The Quilting of
Diverse Students’ Stories
Celebrating Chaos
Yan Cao
University of Tennessee
Tool of Imagination: Traveling in Other’s Country
Scott Ellison
University of Tennessee
Communication and Relational Skills
So Young Kang
University of Tennessee
This is My Page”: Using Imagination and Intertext in
the Classroom
Jennifer Spirko
University of Tennessee
Chair/ Discussant
Barbara Thayer-Bacon
University of Tennessee
Language Fallacies: Citizenship,
Rhetoric, and Funds of Knowledge
Giving Our Kids World Citizenship: Three Levels
at Which We Need Heritage Languages
Xiang Zhang
The University of Alabama
An Enlightening Contradiction in the Rhetoric of
Community Development
Larry Johnson
University of South Florida -- St. Petersburg
The Practical Turn
Stanley Nevins
St. Joseph’s College
Funds of Knowledge and Extreme Investments in
Education among the Hidalguense Mexican
Community in Clearwater, Florida
Oliver Bernsdorff
University of South Florida – St. Petersburg
Concurrent Session VII, 2:45-4:00
Mason Room
Mobile Room
Learning and (Un)learning Masculinity:
Rac(ing) through History
Learning to Become Self-Made Men: Nineteenth
Century Technical Education in Cincinnati
Richard Lakes
Georgia State University
“The XY Pair” Van Disel and Bruce Willis:
Theorizing Masculinity and Educational Practice
James S. Kaminsky and Sean Forbes
Auburn University
From Black Beauty to Beauty and the Beast:
(Re)Contextualizing the Images of Black
C. P. Gause
University of North Carolina -- Greensboro
Exploring the Politics of Race:
Desegregation, Resegregation, and
Affirmative Action
John Rawls: A Just Society through
Affirmative Action
James Van Patten
University of Arkansas -- Fayetteville, Emeritus
The Contradictions of Desegregation in Georgia:
The Carter Administration’s Dilemmas with
Deanna Michael
University of South Florida – St. Petersburg
Neighborhood Schools: A Critique Using
Dewey’s Conception of Democratic Education
Kathleen M. Kinslow
The University of Alabama
Business Meeting, 4:15-5:00
Continuing Business
Call to order (Baez)
Approval of the Minutes
Financial Report
Pursuing Affiliation with
PES (Baez)
Installation of 2004-05
(additional items TBD)
New Business
Future Meeting Sites
(additional items TBD)
Special thanks to…
Dr. Ross Palmer, Interim Dean, College of
Education, The University of Alabama
Dr. Harold Bishop, Professor, Department of
Educational Leadership, Policy, and
Technology Studies
Gerald Wood, Doctoral Student, Educational
Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies