Bus Architecture Memory unit 111 4096x16 ALU address AR 001 PC 010 DR 011 AC 100 IR 101 TR 110 E INPR OUTR clock 16-bit Bus S2 Access S1 S0 Select Bus Architecture • The three access select lines determine which register is allowed to write to the bus at a given time (recall that only one write at a time is allowed) • Registers have load input signals (LD) that tell them to read from the bus • If registers are smaller than the bus (less bits) than unused bits are set to 0 • Some registers have additional input signals – Increment (INR) and Clear (CLR) – See figure 5-4, page 130 of the textbook Bus Architecture • Memory has read/write input signals that tell it when to take data from the bus and send data to the bus • Memory addresses (for both read and write operations) are always specified via the Address Register (AR) – An alternative (used in many architectures) is a two bus system • One address bus • One data bus Bus Architecture • Results of all ALU (arithmetic, logic, and shift operations) are always sent to the Accumulator (AC) register – The ALU is the only way to set values into the accumulator except for the clear (CLR) and increment (INR) control lines • Inputs to the ALU come from – The Accumulator (AC) – The Data Register (DR) – The Input Register (INPR) • The E output from the ALU is the carry-out (Extended AC) bit – Many architectures pack this into a register with other status bits such as overflow Bus Architecture • Some pairs of microoperations can be performed in a single clock cycle – The key is to make sure they don’t both try to put data on the bus – Consider the RTL statement DR ← AC, AC ← DR – This is allowed since the DR ← AC microoperation uses the bus while the AC ← DR microoperation does not Instructions • We said previously that there are two parts to an instruction – Opcode – Operand • Realistically the two parts should be called – Opcode – Everything else Instructions • Three basic types – Those that reference memory operands – Those that reference register operands – Those that reference I/O devices • Again, this is only for the fictitious architecture in the textbook but you will find similar categorizations in real architectures Memory Instructions • There are 14 instructions in this class – 7 direct memory address forms – 7 indirect memory address forms 15 I 14 12 opcode 11 0 address I = 0 means direct memory address I = 1 means indirect memory address Memory Instructions Hex Code Symbol I=0 I=1 Description AND 0xxx 8xxx Mem AND AC ADD 1xxx 9xxx Mem + AC LDA 2xxx Axxx Load AC from Mem STA 3xxx Bxxx Store AC to Mem BUN 4xxx Cxxx Unconditional Branch BSA 5xxx Dxxx Branch to Subroutine ISZ 6xxx Exxx Increment and Skip if Zero Register Instructions • There are 12 instructions in this class – They can use the “operand field” to specify the register and type of operation since no memory address is required 15 14 0 1 12 1 1 11 0 Register operation Register Instructions Symbol Hex Code Description CLA 7800 Clear AC CLE 7400 Clear E bit CMA 7200 Complement AC CME 7100 Complement E bit CIR 7080 Circulate right AC and E CIL 7040 Circulate left AC and E INC 7020 Increment AC Register Instructions (cont.) Symbol Hex Code Description SPA 7010 Skip next instruction if AC is positive SNA 7008 Skip next instruction if AC is negative SZA 7004 Skip next instruction if AC is 0 SZE 7002 Skip next instruction if E is 0 HLT 7001 Halt I/O Instructions • There are 6 instructions in this class – They can use the “operand field” to specify the exact operation since no memory address is required 15 14 1 1 12 1 1 11 0 I/O operation I/O Instructions Symbol Hex Code Description INP F800 Input character to AC OUT F400 Output character from AC SKI F200 Skip on input flag SKO F100 Skip on output flag ION F080 Interrupt on IOF F040 Interrupt off Instruction Decoding • The control unit evaluates bits 15 – 12 to determine the instruction format • At first glance it appears that there can be only 8 unique instructions since the opcode resides in 4 bits • But, additional instructions are created through the use of the I bit and unused bits in the operand field Instruction Set Design • To be useful, an architecture’s instruction set must contain enough instructions to allow all possible computations • Four categories are necessary – Arithmetic, logical, shift operations – Moving data to/from memory from/to registers – Control such as branch and conditional checks – Input/output Instruction Set Design • The set in the book is complete in that all the possible operations on binary numbers can be performed through combinations of instructions • But, the set is very inefficient in that highly used operations require multiple instructions • This is why the Pentium instruction set is so large and complicated – it makes for efficient programs • So, how does the control unit know what to tell the hardware what to do? The Control Unit Instruction Register (IR) 15 14 - 12 11 - 0 3x8 Decoder Other Inputs 12 D7 – D0 I T15 – T0 n Control Unit 4x16 Decoder Sequence Counter Increment Clear Master Clock Lots of combination logic goes in here CSC321 Control Timing/Sequence Counter • Due to the nature of the Fetch-Execute instruction cycle, instructions require more than one clock pulse to complete • But, not all instructions require the same number of clock pulses • Thus, we divide the master clock into unique time steps – Each time step will provide conditional input to the logic within the control unit (recall the RTL notation for conditional operation) • Clock division is performed by the sequence counter – Recall that you designed one of these on the exam CSC321 Sequence Counter Timing Master Clock T0 T1 T2 T3 • • • • • Note that only one timing signal is a logic 1 at any given time The counter is modulo 16, T15 returns to T0 The Master Clock always increments the counter from Tn to Tn+1 A clear input resets the counter circuit back to T0 An increment moves the counter from Tn+1 to Tn+2 CSC321 Sequence Counter Timing • With the set of timing signals we can now implement RTL statements such as T0: AR ← PC • What does this RTL statement mean? CSC321 Instruction Cycle Revisited • • • • Fetch an instruction from memory Decode the instruction Read the operands from memory/registers Execute the instruction – The actual implementation of each phase is dependent on the instruction, although the fetch and decode phases are common to all CSC321 Fetch and Decode • Initially… – Something (the operating system in the case of computers that have them, hardware in the case of computers that don’t have an OS) places the address of the first program statement into the Program Counter (PC) – The Sequence Counter (SC) is cleared to 0 – Program execution begins CSC321 Instruction Fetch • Starting at time T0, fetch an instruction from memory – What are the RTL statements to perform this step? – Hint: the key words are “instruction” and “from memory” – Refer to the bus architecture: pg 130 of the textbook CSC321 Bus Architecture Memory unit 111 4096x16 ALU address AR 001 PC 010 DR 011 AC 100 IR 101 TR 110 E INPR OUTR clock CSC321 16-bit Bus S2 Access S1 S0 Select Instruction Fetch • RTL T0: AR ← PC T1: IR ← M[AR], PC ← PC + 1 • Note that after fetching an instruction we always increment the program counter CSC321 Instruction Decode • Instruction fetch took two cycles (T0 and T1) so instruction decode starts at T2 – What are the RTL statements to perform this step? – Hint: the key words are “instruction” and “decode” – Refer to the bus architecture and the control unit: pgs 130 and 137 of the textbook CSC321 Bus Architecture Memory unit 111 4096x16 ALU address AR 001 PC 010 DR 011 AC 100 IR 101 TR 110 E INPR OUTR clock CSC321 16-bit Bus S2 Access S1 S0 Select The Control Unit Instruction Register (IR) 15 14 - 12 11 - 0 3x8 Decoder Other Inputs 12 D7 – D0 I T15 – T0 4x16 Decoder Sequence Counter Increment Clear Master Clock CSC321 n Control Unit Instruction Decode • RTL T2: D0, … D7 ← Decode IR(12-14), AR ← IR(0-11), I ← IR(15) CSC321 Fetch and Decode T0: AR ← PC T1: IR ← M[AR], PC ← PC + 1 T2: D0, … D7 ← Decode IR(12-14), AR ← IR(0-11), I ← IR(15) • Figure 5-8 on page 140 of the textbook shows the schematic interactions between the timing signals, the register controls, and the bus CSC321 Fetch and Decode T1 Bus T0 Memory Address 111 Read AR 001 LD PC 010 INR IR LD 101 Clock CSC321 • What happens at time T0? • What happens at time T1? • What do we need to add to perform at time T2? Decoding the Instruction • Once the instruction is fetched from memory (T0, T1) and the opcode is passed to the decoder (T2) the control unit must figure out what to do next (T3) – Based on the opcode and the I bit (b15) it must make decisions regarding operation type (memory, register, I/O) and operand address mode (direct, indirect) – Figure 5-9, pg 142 shows the RTL in flow chart form CSC321 Decoding the Instruction Start SC <- 0 T0 AR <- PC Of course, all this stuff gets implemented in combinational logic T1 IR <- M[AR], PC <- PC + 1 Three instruction types T2 Addressing modes Decode opcode IR(14-12) AR <- IR(11-0), I<- IR(15) = 1, register or I/O = 0, memory reference D7 = 1, I/O T3 = 0, register I Execute I/O Instruction SC <- 0 Execute Register Instruction SC <- 0 T3 = 1, indirect = 0, direct I T3 AR <- M[AR] Execute Memory Instruction SC <- 0 CSC321 T3 Nothing Next Time • We start looking at RTL for each individual instruction • You should be reading/studying the material in chapter 5 (we’re up to page 143) • Don’t leave studying this material until the night before an exam (which should be coming up soon) CSC321 Homework • 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6 • Due next lecture