Enzyme reactor design Mahesh Bule Levenspiel’s four fundamental questions • In approaching the design of a reactor system the engineer has to answer a number of important priliminary questions before embarking on his detailed calculations. These questions are as follows: 1. Do I have the right reactor type in mind: should it be plug flow, mixed flow, recycle, multistage or what? 2. What temperature progression should I aim for: constant, rising, falling etc. and should that require heat exchange, may be multistage? 3. For a catalytic reaction what size of particle should be used? This tells what type of reactor should be used: packed bed, fluidized etc? 4. Does the catalyst deactivate and if so, does it deactivate rapidly or slowly? Platform to simulate and optimize the enzyme reactor operation BR – Batch reactor, BRP – Batch reactor with intermittent addition of enzyme SBR – Semi-batch reactor, MACR – mechanically agitated continuous reactor, FXBR – Fixed bed batch reactor Reactor Types • Ideal – PFR – CSTR • Real – Unique design geometries and therefore RTD – Multiphase – Various regimes of momentum, mass and heat transfer Reactor Cost • Reactor is – PFR • Pressure vessel – CSTR • Storage tank with mixer • Pressure vessel – Hydrostatic head gives the pressure to design for Reactor Cost • PFR – Reactor Volume (various L and D) from reactor kinetics – hoop-stress formula for wall thickness: – t PR tc SE 0.6 P • t= vessel wall thickness, in. • P= design pressure difference between inside and outside of vessel, psig • R= inside radius of steel vessel, in. • S= maximum allowable stress for the steel. • E= joint efficiency (≈0.9) • tc=corrosion allowance = 0.125 in. Reactor Cost • Pressure Vessel – Material of Construction gives ρmetal – Mass of vessel = ρmetal (VC+2VHead) • Vc = πDL • VHead – from tables that are based upon D – Heat capacity Cp= FMCv(W) Reactors in Process Simulators • Stoichiometric Model – Specify reactant conversion and extents of reaction for one or more reactions • Two Models for multiple phases in chemical equilibrium • Kinetic model for a CSTR Used in early stages of design • Kinetic model for a PFR • Custom-made models (UDF) Mass Balance on Reactive System • In - out + gen - cons = accumulation FA0 Rate of flow in FA Rate of flow out System GA Rate of generation/ consumption • A mass balance for the system is dN A FA0 FA G A dt • NA is the mass of “A” inside the system. • The reaction term can be written in more familiar terms, GA = rA V • V is volume of the system. • Note that the units for this relation are consistent: mass mass volume time volume time • If GA (and hence rA) varies with position in the system volume, we can take this into account by evaluating this term at several locations. Then DGA1 = rA1 DV1, • Summing the reactions over the entire volume yields: k k i 1 i 1 G A DG Ai rAi DVi • As k (that is, as we decrease the size of these cubes and increase their number) • DV 0 which gives V GA rA dV Generalized Design Equation for Reactors • In - out + gen - cons = accumulation V dN A FA0 FA rA dV dt Types of Reactors • Batch – No flow of material in or out of reactor – Changes with time • Fed- Batch – Either an inflow or an outflow of material but not both – Changes with time • Continuous – Flow in and out of reactor – Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) – Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) – Steady State Operation Batch Reactor • Generalized Design Equation for Reactors V dN A FA 0 FA rA dV dt • No flow into or out of the reactor, then, FA = FA0 = 0 V dN A rA dV dt • Good mixing, constant volume dN A rAV dt or d N A V dC A rA dt dt Enzyme Batch Reactor (constant volume, well mixed) vmax S dS r dt K M S • integrate from t = 0 to t = t, we obtain Kmln (S0/S) + (S0 -S) = vmax t • Batch reactors are often used in the early stage of development due to their ease of operation and analysis Batch Enzyme Reactor Determination of M-M kinetic parameters Linear form becomes (S0 – S) ln(S0/S) = - KM + Vmax t ln(S0/S) (S0 – S) ln(S0/S) Vmax - KM t ln(S0/S) Fed Batch Reactor • Reactor Design Equation V FA0 FA dN A rA dV dt • No outflow FA = 0 • Good Mixing rA dV term out of the integral dN A d C A V FA0 rA V dt dt Fed Batch Continued • Convert the mass (NA) to concentration. Applying integration by parts yields • Since • Then dC A dV FA0 rAV V CA dt dt dV FA0 dt dC A FA0 rAV V C A FA0 dt • Rearranging C A FA0 dC A FA0 rA dt V V Fed Batch Continued • Or dC A FA0 1 C A rA dt V • Used when there is substrate inhibition and for bioreactors with cells. Assumptions for a fed batch reactor include 1. Only a feed in 2. Either a feed in or a removal stream 3. Steady state 4. 2 and 3 5. All of the above 64% 29% 7% A ov e ab ll o ft he 2 an d 3 e st at dy or in d fe e ra th e St ea d fe e a nl y O Ei 0% a. .. in 0% Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor • Assume rate of flow in = rate of flow out • FA = v CA and FA0 = v CA0 • v = volumetric flow rate (volume/time) CSTR - continued • General Reactor Design Equation V FA0 FA • Assume Steady State • Well Mixed • So V dN A rA dV dt dN A 0 dt rA dV VrA FA0 FA VrA 0 or FA0 FA V rA CSTR for Enzymes (Enzyme remains inside) • Input - output + generation - consump = accumulation • • • • • dS FS0 FS rV v dt F - flow rate l/hr S - substrate conc. V- reactor volume r - reaction rate at Steady State dS/dt = 0 CSTR - enzymes rV = F(S0 - S) and vmax S r KM S Introducing space-time θ ( = V/F) and r in above equation we get S0 =S VmaxS + KM + S θ Continuous Stirred Tank Enzyme Reactor at steady-state Linear form becomes CS = - KM + Vmax Sθ (42) (S0 – S) S Vmax - KM Determination of M-M kinetic parameters Sθ (S0-S) Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) • Tubular Reactor • Pipe through which fluid flows and reacts. • Poor mixing • Difficult to control temperature variations. • An advantage is the simplicity of construction. PFR Design Equation for Product formation • Design Equation V FA0 FA dN A rA dV dt • Examine a small volume element (DV) with length Dy and the same radius as the entire pipe. Flow of A into Element Flow of A out of Element • If the element is small, then spatial variations in rA are negligible, and Assumption of “good V rA dV rA DV mixing” applies only to the small volume element • If volume element is very small, then assume steady state with no changes in the concentration of A. dN A 0 dt • Simplify design equation to: FA y FA y Dy rADV 0 • rA is a function of position y, down the length of the pipe and reactant concentration • The volume of an element is the product of the length and cross-sectional area, DV = A Dy • Design Equation becomes: FA y Dy FA y ArA Dy • take the limit where the size of a volume element becomes infinitesimally small dFA ArA lim Dy 0 dy • or because Dy A = V, dFA rA dV • This is the Design Equation for a PFR • Bioapplications - Sometimes hollow fiber reactor analysis is simplified to a PFR Plug-flow Enzyme Reactor at steady-state F S0 F S F S+dS F Sf dV Mass balance for the substrate over dV: FS = F(S + dS) + (-rS) dV The above can be simplified to - FdS / dV = -rS F for the steady flow rate through the reactor S for concentration of the substrate dV for small volume of the reacting mixture (-rS) for substrate utilization rate in dV Plug-flow Enzyme Reactor at steady-state F F S S0 F S+dS F Sf dV Introducing space-time θ ( = V/F), we get - dS / dθ = -rS F for the steady flow rate through the reactor S for concentration of the substrate dV for small volume of the reacting mixture (-rS) for substrate utilization rate in dV Plug-flow Enzyme Reactor at steady-state Substituting (-rS) for the simple enzyme reaction in, we get - VmaxS dS dθ = KM + S Rearranging above equation we get S ∫( - S0 KM + S S θ ) ∫ dS = Vmax dθ 0 Integrating above gives () KM ln S0 S + (CS0 – CS) = Vmax θ Plug flow enzyme reactor Determination of M-M kinetic parameters Linear form becomes (S0 – S) ln(S0/S) = - KM + Vmax θ ln(S0/S) (S0 – S) ln(S0/S) Vmax - KM θ ln(S0/S) Immobilized enzyme reactor (example) Recycle packed column reactor Advantages of immobilized enzymes: - Easy separation from reaction mixture, providing the ability to control reaction times and minimize the enzymes lost in the product - Re-use of enzymes for many reaction cycles, lowering the total production cost of enzyme mediated reactions - Ability of enzymes to provide pure products - Possible provision of a better environment for enzyme activity Disadvantages of immobilized enzymes: - Problem in diffusional mass transfer - Enzyme leakage into solution - Reduced enzyme activity and stability - Lack of controls on micro environmental conditions Methods of immobilization 1) Entrapment Immobilization 2) Surface Immobilization 3) Cross-linking 1) Entrapment Immobilization It is the physical enclosure of enzymes in a small space. - Matrix entrapment (matrices used are polysaccharides, proteins, polymeric materials, activated carbon, porous ceramic and so on) - Membrane entrapment (microcapsulation or trapped between thin, semipermeable membranes) 1) Entrapment Immobilization Advantage is enzyme is retained. Disadvantages are - substrate need to diffuse in to access enzyme and product need to diffuse out - reduced enzyme activity and enzyme stability owing to the lack of control of micro environmental conditions 2) Surface Immobilization - Physical adsorption (Carriers are silica, carbon nanotube, cellulose, and so on; easily desorbed; simple and cheap; enzyme activity unaffected ) - Ionic binding (Carriers are polysaccharides and synthetic polymers having ion-exchange centers) - Covalent binding (Carriers are polymers containing amino, carboxyl, hydroxyl, or phenolic groups; loss of enzyme activity; strong binding of enzymes) Methods of immobilization 3) Cross linking is to cross link enzyme molecules with each other using agents such as glutaraldehyde. Comparison between the methods Adsorption Covalent coupling Entrapment Membrane confinement Simple Difficult Difficult Simple Low High Moderate High Variable Strong Weak Strong Yes No Yes No Applicability Wide Selective Wide Very wide Running problems High Low High High Matrix effects Yes Yes Yes No Large diffusional barriers No No Yes Yes Microbial protection No No Yes Yes Characteristics Preparation Cost Binding force Enzyme leakage Immobilized enzyme reactor (example) Recycle packed column reactor - Allow the reactor to operate at high fluid velocities Immobilized enzyme reactor (example) Fluidized bed reactor - A high viscosity substrate solution - A gaseous substrate or product in a continuous reaction system - Care must be taken to avoid the destruction and decomposition of immobilized enzymes Immobilized enzyme reactor (example) - An immobilized enzyme tends to decompose upon physical stirring. - The batch system is generally suitable for the production of rather small amounts of chemicals. Continuous stirred tank reactor Effect of mass-transfer resistance in immobilized enzyme systems: Mass transfer resistance is present - due to the large particle size of the immobilized enzymes - due to the inclusion of enzymes in polymeric matrix Effect of mass-transfer resistance in immobilized enzyme systems: Mass transfer resistance are divided into the following: - External mass transfer resistance (during transfer of substrate from the bulk liquid to the relatively unmixed liquid film surrounding the immobilized enzyme and during diffusion through the relatively unmixed liquid film) - Intra-particle mass transfer resistance (during diffusion from the surface of the particle to the active site of the enzyme in an inert support) External mass-transfer resistance: Assumption: - Enzymes are evenly distributed on the surface of a nonporous support material. - All enzyme molecules are equally active. - Substrate diffuses through a thin liquid film surrounding the support surface to reach the reactive surface. - The process of immobilization has not altered the enzyme structure and the MM kinetic parameters (rmax, KM) are unaltered. CSsSs CSbSb Enzyme Liquid Liquid Film Thickness, L film thickness, L External mass-transfer resistance: Diffusional mass transfer across the liquid film: CSsSs CSbSb JS = kL (CSb – CSs) kL liquid mass transfer coefficient (cm/s) CSb substrate concentration in the bulk solution (mol/cm3) CSs substrate concentration at the immobilized enzyme surface (mol/cm3) Enzyme Liquid Liquid Film Thickness, L film thickness, L External mass-transfer resistance: At steady state, the reaction rate is equal to the mass-transfer rate: CSsSs CSbSb JS = kL (CSb – CSs) Vmax CSs = KM + CSs Vmax maximum reaction rate per unit of external surface area (e.g. mol/cm2.s) KM is the M-M kinetic constant (e.g. mol/cm3) Enzyme Liquid Liquid Film Thickness, L film thickness, L External mass-transfer resistance: Vmax CSs JS = kL (CSb – CSs) = KM + CSs Non dimensionalizing the above equation, we get 1 - C’Ss β C’Ss = NDa 1 + β C’Ss where C’Ss = CSs / CSb NDa = Vmax / (kL CSb ) β = CSb / KM is the Damköhler number is the dimensionless substrate concentration Damköhler number (NDa) NDa = Maximum rate of reaction Vmax = Maximum rate of diffusion If NDa >> 1, rate of diffusion is slow and therefore the limiting mechanism rp = JS = kL (CSb – CSs) If NDa << 1, rate of reaction is slow and therefore the limiting mechanism rp = Vmax CSs KM + CSs If NDa = 1, rates of diffusion and reaction are comparable. kL CSb Effectiveness factor (η) actual reaction rate η= rate if not slowed by diffusion η= rmax CSs β C’Ss KM + CSs 1 + β C’Ss rmax CSb = KM + CSb Effectiveness factor is a function of β and C’Ss β 1+β Internal mass transfer resistance: Assumption: - Enzyme are uniformly distributed in spherical support particle. - Substrate diffuses through the tortuous pathway among pores to reach the enzyme - Substrate reacts with enzyme on the pore surface -Diffusion and reaction are simultaneous - Reaction kinetics are M-M kinetics CSs CSr2 Diffusion effects in enzymes immobilized in a porous matrix: Under internal diffusion limitations, the rate per unit volume is expressed in terms of the effectiveness factor as follows: Vmax’ CSs rS = Vmax’ KM CSs η η KM + CSs maximum reaction rate per volume of the support M-M constant substrate concentration on the surface of the support effectiveness factor Diffusion effects in enzymes immobilized in a porous matrix: Definition of the effectiveness factor η= η reaction rate with intra-particle diffusion limitation reaction rate without diffusion limitation For η < 1, the conversion is diffusion limited For η = 1, the conversion is limited by the reaction rate Effectiveness factor is a function of β and C’Ss Diffusion effects in enzymes immobilized in a porous matrix: β η φ Theoretical relationship between the effectiveness factor (η) and firstorder Thiele’s modulus (φ) for a spherical porous immobilized particle for various values of β, where β is the substrate concentration at the surface divided by M-M constant. Diffusion effects in enzymes immobilized in a porous matrix: Relationship of effectiveness factor (η) with the size of immobilized enzyme particle and enzyme loading Thank you!