Syllabus * English 101 (F01) * Spring, 2003

Syllabus – English 101 1014 –Composition I
Fall 2014
Instructor: Monica Fairbanks
Number of Credits: 3
Transferability of Course within Nevada:
Transfers within the state of Nevada.
Instructor Contact Information: E-mail:
All written formal assignments in English 101 will be submitted through This class’s
access code is: 8614673 and the password is: fairbanks101.
The class also has an Edmodo group where missing paperwork can be reprinted as well as messages delivered,
etc. The group code for this account is sqf5uk.
Registration for both accounts is mandatory and worth a grade in ENG 101.
Course Description in WNC Catalog:
Studies expository writing with special attention to the modes, arrangement and style. Students learn to write
essays that are unified, thorough, clear and convincing. Students read essays to augment critical reading skills.
They learn the research, reasoning and organizational skills necessary for effective academic and research
Grading Policy and Procedures
 Students will write well-developed paragraphs and essays using the steps of the writing
process. Papers in final form are due on the dates indicated. Final drafts, rough drafts, prewritings, and peer evaluations must be turned in assembled together on the dates listed on the
schedule. Writing assignments are not accepted late without prior approval.
 Students will read assignments weekly and write responses as listed on the schedule.
 Two 30-minute tutoring sessions in the Learning Center are required. One must be in the first 8
weeks of class (by the midterm exam), and one must be in the second 8 weeks (before the final
exam). Each tutoring session is worth 50 points. There will be a final exam.
 Students must bring their textbooks and all written assignments to class each week.
 Surprise quizzes may be given at any time.
Student Evaluation:
Written Assignments: Students will be graded on the quality and accuracy of writing and
completeness of the assignments. If you cannot submit your assignments on time for some
important reason, you must request permission to submit it up to a week late. A 50% grade
reduction will be given for a portfolio submitted up to one week after the due date. I will
not accept portfolios more than one week late. I will not accept late portfolios without prior
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given as scheduled.
Participation: Contributions to class discussions will be counted as participation.
Attendance: Regular attendance is necessary in order to understand new material. Students are
expected to arrive at class on time with assigned class work completed. Arriving late or leaving
early can count as 1/2 absence and any work missed during that time cannot be made up. Please
call or e-mail me if you must miss a class. Each unexcused/uncleared absence may result in a
letter grade reduction. If a problem arises, contact me immediately to work out a solution.
Student Conduct: The College expects its students to act with integrity. Dishonesty, fraud,
and failure to respect the rights of others will not be tolerated in a community that is
dedicated to the development of responsible individuals.
Make-Up Policy for Assignments:
I expect assignments to be completed on time. See above for written assignments. Assignments
are due at the beginning of the class period.
Quizzes may not be made up, but I will eliminate your two lowest quiz grades at the end of the
Cell Phones: Cell phones must be turned off. No calls or texting allowed in class! If students
are found texting or making phone calls during quizzes or assignments, the quiz or
assignment will be taken away and no points will be awarded for that quiz or assignment!
Grading Policies: Students may view their grades online at my WNC. Mid-term grades for fullterm classes are generally available after the eighth week of the semester for fall and spring
semesters. Final grades are available two weeks after the end of the semester.
Grades will be based on the following criteria:
Attendance and participation (150 pts) / registration (50 pts.)
Daily Reading Quizzes or Homework Handouts (150 pts total)
Short Reading Responses (25 pts each - 100 pts total)
Research Project (500 points total). This is broken down as follows:
Annotated Bibliography (50 pts.)
Research Paper Outline/Prewrite (50 pts.)
Research Paper Rough Draft (100 pts.)
Research Paper Final Draft (300 pts.)
Final Exam (100 pts.)
Total possible points = 1150
Final grade equals total points earned divided by total points possible (e.g., 1050 points earned – 1050 / 1410 =77% = C).
Additional Resources:
Academic Skills Center (ASC): I encourage you to use the ASC (located off the WNC Library)
to get help on revising writing assignments and instruction in grammar and essay composition in
addition to your two required tutoring sessions. All WNC students may use the ASC without
charge. Make an appointment to meet with an English tutor to have priority over other students
who may drop in for tutoring.
Computer Lab: The computer lab in Sage Hall is available for all WNC students. Students not
enrolled in a computer class must pay a lab fee. Computers with word processing capability are
also available in the library and ASC for no charge.
Conferences: Formal conferences will be scheduled during the Research Paper review.
Otherwise, please let me know if you would like to discuss any of your assignments and I will
set up a time to meet with you.
Disability Services: If you have a disability for which you will need to request accommodations,
please contact the Disability Support Services Office at 775-445-3266 or 775-445-3275 as soon
as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.