Association between Pre-Operative Statin use and Major Cardiovascular Complications among Patients undergoing Noncardiac Surgery The Study Vascular events In noncardiac Surgery patIents cOhort evaluatioN study (NCT00512109) Otavio Berwanger, Yannick Lemanach, Erica Aranha Suzumura, Bruce Biccard, Sadeesh Srinathan, Wojciech Szczeklik, Jose A Espirito Santo, Eliana Santucci, Alexandre B Cavalcanti, Andrew Archbold, PJ Devereaux for the VISION Investigators Study organization International Coordinating Centre • Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, McMaster University (CLARITY Group) and the Population Health Research Institute, Hamilton, ON, Canada Principal Investigator and Chair • Dr PJ Devereaux (McMaster University) SC and National Leader (Brazil) • Dr Otavio Berwanger (Research Institute HCor) Participating centres • 12 centres in eight countries • North/South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe Rationale Noncardiac surgery is common – 200 Million adults worldwide annually – ≥10 million will suffer major CV complication in first 30-days after surgery Observational studies and small RCTs – suggest statins may reduce risk of CV events VISION Study – large international prospective cohort study of representative sample of patients undergoing noncardiac surgery Objective of statin substudy – assess effects of perioperative statin usage on CV events at 30-days VISION Methods Prospective, international, cohort study Eligibility criteria – >45 yrs undergoing in-hospital noncardiac surgery – received a general or regional anaesthetic Sampling method – representative sample (consecutive patients) Quality Control – On-site and central statistical monitoring JAMA. 2012;307:2295-2304. TnT drawn between 6 to 12 hours after surgery and on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day after surgery Sample size – 40,000 patients After first 15,478 patients : event rate was >3 X expected report results related to 4th generation Trop T switched from 4th gen Trop T to 5th gen (hs) Trop T Outcomes Primary outcome Composite of all-cause mortality, myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery (MINS), or stroke at 30-days Secondary outcomes MINS*: peak TnT ≥0.03 ng/ml due to myocardial ischaemia Myocardial infarction (Third Universal Definition) Cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular death Stroke All events centrally adjudicated * Anesthesiology. 201;120:564-78 Study groups Patients who received statin in 7 days b/f surgery (Statin group) Patients who did not receive statin in 7 days b/f surgery (No statin group) Multivariable logistic model to estimate probability of receiving statins pre-operatively (i.e. Propensity Score) 27 pre-operative variables were included Propensity score matching to correct for confounding Nearest neighbor propensity score matching with caliper of 20% of standard deviation of logit of probability of taking statin before surgery Pre-Operative Characteristics Matched Population PRE-OPERATIVE VARIABLE Male Sex Age (years) +/- SD Statin N=2845 n % 1392 48.9 68.8+/-10.2 No Statin N=4492 n % 2077 ASD (%) 46.2 5.4 68.6+/-11.7 1.9 Hypertension 2061 72.4 3095 68.9 7.6 Stroke 295 10.4 401 8.9 5.1 Active cancer 369 13.0 587 13.1 0.3 Pre-op Beta-blocker use 721 25.3 981 21.8 8.5 ASD: absolute standardized difference; SD: standard deviation Type of Surgery Matched Population Statin N=2845 No Statin N=4492 n % n % Urgent surgery 63 2.2 100 2.2 0.1 Emergent surgery 225 7.9 357 8.0 0.1 Orthopedic 736 25.9 1210 26.9 1.4 Vascular 139 4.9 135 3.0 4.8 Other 1097 38.5 1764 39.3 1.1 Low-risk surgeries 1034 36.3 1625 36.2 0.3 SURGERY ASD (%) Variables with ASD>10% Matched Population Statin N=2845 No Statin N=4492 n % n % Coronary artery disease 560 19.7 609 13.6 17.9 Peripheral vascular disease 220 7.7 233 5.2 11.5 Diabetes 852 30.0 1129 25.1 11.1 Pre-op Aspirin use 701 24.6 839 18.7 15.3 Pre-op ACEI/ARB use 1516 53.3 2162 48.1 10.3 PRE-OPERATIVE VARIABLE * Conditional Poisson Regression to compute RR and 95% CI ASD (%) Outcomes at 30 Days Outcome Primary composite outcome * Frequency in matched RR (95%CI) cohort 11.8% P value 0.83 (0.73-0.95) 0.007 * Composite of all-cause mortality, myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery (MINS), or stroke Outcomes at 30 Days Outcome Primary composite outcome All-cause mortality Frequency in matched RR (95%CI) cohort P value 11.8% 0.83 (0.73-0.95) 0.007 1.8% 0.58 (0.40-0.83) 0.003 CV mortality 0.8% 0.42 (0.23-0.76) 0.004 Non-CV mortality 0.9% 0.82 (0.50-1.36) 0.45 MINS Myocardial infarction Stroke 10.6% 0.86 (0.73-0.98) 0.02 3.6% 0.88 (0.70-1.14) 0.35 0.5% 0.93 (0.48-1.81) 0.84 Survival at 30-days Subgroup Analyses Sensitivity Analyses Among 500 replications of main analyses, only 2 (0.4%) had P>0.05 1653 patients who received statin b/f surgery and first 3 days after surgery and 2847 matched controls Statin group had lower risk of primary outcome (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.68–0.98) Limitations Observational study Use of statins may represent surrogate for unmeasured confounders that relate to prognosis Despite matching, standardized differences remained >10% in 5 pre-operative variables All of these variables were more frequently seen in Statin group If optimal matching had been possible results might have been even more pronounced Data on type and dosing of statins, liver and muscle function not collected Conclusions In large cohort of patients undergoing noncardiac surgery, pre-operative statin use was associated with a lower risk of 30-day major CV events Statins may represent a potentially beneficial intervention to prevent cardiovascular complications in this setting Our results require confirmation in large perioperative statin RCT doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehv456