Year 7 Maths UbD Template

Unit / Topic:
Semester 2 / Term 3
Year 7 Team: ESA, VK, CBI
Stage 1- Desired Results
Established Goals:
Mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills:
 Use efficient mental and/or written methods for arithmetic computations involving rational
numbers, including division of integers by two-digit divisors
Dimension Space
 Use the properties of parallel lines and transversals of these lines to calculate angles that are
supplementary, corresponding, allied (co-interior) and alternate
 Use coordinates to identify position in the plane
 Use lines, grids, contours, isobars, scales and bearings to specify location and direction on
plans and maps
 Construct two-dimensional and simple three-dimensional shapes according to specifications
of length, angle and adjacency
 Describe and apply the angle properties of regular and irregular polygons, in particular,
triangles and quadrilaterals
 Use two-dimensional nets to construct a simple three-dimensional object such as a prism or a
platonic solid
 Recognise congruence of shapes and solids
 Use single-point perspective to make a two-dimensional representation of a simple threedimensional object
 Make tessellations from simple shapes
 Use efficient mental and/or written methods for arithmetic computations involving rational
numbers, including division of integers by two-digit divisors
 Relate similarity to enlargement from a common fixed point
 Use appropriate technology to generate random numbers in the conduct of simple
 Identify empirical probability as long-run relative frequency
 Calculate theoretical probabilities by dividing the number of possible successful outcomes
by the total number of possible outcomes
Dimension Measurement, Chance and Data
 Measure length, perimeter, area, surface area, mass, volume, capacity, angle, time and
temperature using suitable units for these measurements in context
 Estimate the accuracy of measurements and give suitable lower and upper bounds for
measurement values
 Measure length, perimeter, area, surface area, mass, volume, capacity, angle, time and
temperature using suitable units for these measurements in context
 Interpret and use measurement formulas for the area and perimeter of circles, triangles and
parallelograms and simple composite shapes
Calculate the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders
Estimate the accuracy of measurements and give suitable lower and upper bounds for
measurement value
Organise, tabulate and display discrete and continuous data (grouped and ungrouped), using
technology for larger data sets
Represent uni-variate data in appropriate graphical forms including dot plots, stem and leaf
plots, column graphs, bar charts and histograms
Calculate summary statistics for measures of centre (mean, median, mode) and spread
(range, and mean absolute difference), and make simple inferences based on this data
Dimension Structure
 Solve simple equations (for example, 5x + 7 = 23, 1.4x – 1.6 = 8.3, and 4x2 – 3 = 13) using
tables, graphs and inverse operations
 Recognise and apply simple geometric transformations of the plane such as translation,
reflection, rotation and dilation and combination of the above, including their inverses
 Use inverses to rearrange simple mensuration formulas, and then find equivalent algebraic
expressions (for example, if P = 2L + 2W, then W =
– L. If A = r2, then r =
 Use ordered pairs to specify coordinates on graphs and to describe relations between sets
Dimension Working Mathematically
 Use ordered pairs to specify coordinates on graphs and to describe relations between sets
 Use variables in general mathematical statements. Substitute numbers for variables (for
example, in equations, inequalities, identities and formulas).
 Develop generalisations by abstracting the features from situations and expressing these in
words and symbols.
 Analyse the reasonableness of points of view, procedures and results, according to given
criteria, and identify limitations and/or constraints in context.
 Substitute numbers for variables (for example, in equations, inequalities, identities and
 Use technology such as graphic calculators, spreadsheets, dynamics geometry software and
computer algebra systems for a range of mathematical purposes including numerical
computation, graphing investigation of patterns and relations for algebraic expressions, and
the production of geometric drawings.
Students will:
Essential Question(s):
Length & Perimeter:
 Accurately use the metric units of length
(km, m, cm, mm) to measure lengths and
perimeter of 2-D objects.
 How can conversion tables be constructed
and used to measure Length using
different units of measurement?
 Understand angle properties and be able
to apply them in problem-solving
calculations in 2-D and 3-D.
 What are the different angles we see in
the world around us. How are angles and
angle properties used in design and
Area, Volume & Capacity:
 Understand the concepts of area, volume
& capacity. They will be able to apply their
knowledge to problem solving 2-D, 3-D
and composite shapes.
 Area volumes and capacity is used widely
in the design and use of many everyday
items. What are the processes for
calculating the Area/Volume/Capacities of
some of these?
Plane and Solid Shapes:
 tbc
 Explore the characteristics of plane and
solid shapes. How are they used in the
manufacture of goods?
Chance and Data:
 tbc
Time Mass and Temperature:
 tbc
 How likely is an event? How can we
determine the probability of an action
taking place.
 Why is Time, Mass and Temperature
important in our everyday lives?
Students will know:
Students will be able to:
Length & Perimeter:
 The metric units of length (km, m, cm,
 Numerical scale and measures of length
 Conversion between different units of
 Perimeter and length.
Length & Perimeter:
 Understand the various units of length,
and be able to apply them appropriately
 Investigate different scales (analogue and
digital types),
 Read from scales quoting answers with
appropriate units in both decimal and
fractional form
 Construct a conversion chart
 Use a conversion chart to compare and
convert from and between units of length
 Measure perimeter of different 2-D shapes
using different units of length
 Develop simple rules for calculating the
perimeter of a square and rectangle using
the rules.
 Use a protractor accurately to measure
and construct angles
 To be able to name angles and state the
type of angle.
 To be able to calculate the size of angles
using basic algebraic skills and knowledge
of complementary, supplementary and
vertically opposite angles.
 Demonstrate an understanding of bearings
and their application to real life navigation.
Area, Volume & Capacity:
 Understanding Area
 Converting Units of Area
 Finding the Area of a rectangle
 Finding the area of a Triangle
 Area of Composite and Irregular Shapes
Plane and Solid Shapes:
 tbc
Chance and Data:
 tbc
Time Mass and Temperature:
 tbc
 Explanation of how to use a protractor
 Demonstration with a whiteboard
protractor (interactive whiteboard
 A class demonstration of constructing
angles with emphasis on accuracy and
 Introductory group engagement activity
on matching the angles to their names.
 Adding to their glossary of mathematical
 Using 3 capital letters of the alphabet to
identify and name specific angles
Area, Volume & Capacity:
 Understand the units of area and apply
them to estimate the area of various
simple shapes by counting the number of
squares needed to cover a surface.
 Students will set up their own conversion
chart to assist them to remember the
conversion factors.
 Apply the area formula to regular and
composite rectangular shapes
 Apply the area formula to regular and
composite Triangular shapes
 Students calculate the area of a selection
of composite and irregular shapes.
Understanding volume by counting
blocks and cubes of various shapes
 Students will determine the volume of
rectangular prisms singularly and in
 For non-regular shapes students will use
the formula (V=A x H) to determine the
 Exploring ways of determining the
capacity of 3D objects through volumetric
Plane and Solid Shapes:
 tbc
Chance and Data:
 tbc
Time Mass and Temperature:
 tbc
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Work Requirements (N/S)
1. Workbook
2. Problem solving
3. Mathematical Investigations
Mathematical knowledge &
Mathematical skills
Complete set of classroom activities
including class notes, worksheets,
homework sheets, all neatly presented.
Worded problems based on key concepts
and skills outlined in each chapter. ( 5 per
semester )
A selection of extended problems based on
real life situations that can be solved using
skills and concepts learnt. Correct use of
terms, formulas and graphs as required.
Clear written solution should be
incorporated. ( 2 per semester)
A selection of tests covering key concepts
and skills including problem-solving.
Complete class exercises and one
homework sheet per fortnight.
Common Assessment Tasks:
Year 7 Space & Number, Measurement: House Plans Plus
Year 7 Area, Volume & Capacity
Year 7 Angles: Bearings Investigation
Assessment Rubrics
Year 7 Rubric: Level Assessment - Number
Year 7 Rubric: Angles Bearings Investigation
Year 7 Rubric: Area Volume & Capacity
Overall Result made up of:
( %)
Very Good
Not Assessed
Other Evidence:
Teachers are required to assess students according to mathematical progression points. At the start
of Year 7 students should have reached Level 4 Standard. At the end of Semester 1 students
should be at Level 4.25. At the end of Semester 2 students should be at Level 4.5. This would give
students a rating of C at the level expected.
Stage 3- Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Year 7 topic planners:
Year 7 Semester 2 Curriculum Outlines (2009)
Year 7 Length and Perimeter
Year 7 Angles
Year 7 Area, Volume and Capacity
Year 7 Plane and Solid Shapes
Year 7 Chance and Data
Year 7 Time, Mass and Temperature
Support Materials Links:
Year 7 Template: Space & Number
Year 7 Template: Curriculum Planning
Year 7 Template: Bearings Investigation
All templates in maths folder on Lisa (x:) & Ultranet
Physical materials, aids can be found in the maths storeroom.