
Biological Sketches – Tissues
In this lab you are to look at prepared slides of animal and plant tissues. After inspecting all the tissues
pick one plant tissue and one animal tissue to sketch. Take time to sketch an accurate depiction of the
tissue you will view, you will need to refer to them once the lab is over. You may sketch the tissue on
medium or high power.
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Analysis / Questions
1. Does the tissue seem the same throughout the whole sample? Is the section you sketched a good
representation of the whole tissue?
2. Do some research on the cells you picked and answer the following:
a. Describe the cells in the plant tissue. How does the cell structure relate to the function of
the tissue?
b. Describe the cells in the animal tissue. How does the cell structure relate to the function
of the tissue?
Next Class
As a class, find a partner with plant tissues that has a similar function as your animal tissue or vice versa
and compare drawings. Do you see any similarities between plant and animal tissues that have similar
functions? What did you see? Is this what you would have expected to see?