Cancer • – a substance that causes Carcinogen

• Carcinogen
– a substance that causes
–Examples include tobacco
smoke, ultraviolet rays,
and asbestos
Cancer Terms
Tumor - Abnormal growth of tissue
Benign - Does not invade
surrounding tissues
Malignant - Possesses the ability to
invade adjacent tissues and spread.
Cancer Terms – Cont.
Metastasis - the spread of cancer from
its primary site to other places in the
Cancer Categories
1. Carcinomas - Cancer of tissues that cover
the body surfaces and linings of the
body organs.
e.g. – skin or lung
2. Sarcomas – Cancers that form in the
middle or connective tissues
e.g. – cartilage, fat, muscle, or bone
Cancer Categories – cont.
3.Lymphomas – Develop and metastasize
in the lymph system
e.g. – Hodgkin's disease
4. Leukemia - Cancer of the blood and
blood-forming part of the body
Treatment for Cancer
–Remove the cancerous
–Greatest chance for cure
–Good if not
Treatment for Cancer
–Treatment with anticancer
–Side effects – hair loss,
anemia, and nausea
Treatment for Cancer
–High energy rays to kill or
damage cells
–Attacks reproducing
cancer cells
Treatment for Cancer
–Immune system is stimulated to
fight cancer cells
–Good for small, early stage