USA +1 954 300 2244 Russia +7 499 500 0450 Worldwide +44 20 8133 0070 VAPOR BARRIER PRODUCTS Uncontrolled water vapor through concrete slabs has cost building owners, designers and contractors billions of dollars. This moisture infiltration into structures contributes to the proliferation of mold, mildew and fungus and leads to flooring system failures, including adhesive failures, warping, blistering and staining. In addition, water vapor migration carrying alkali can cause structural failure of the concrete when reinforcing steel is present. Issues Directly Related to Flooring System Failures Many flooring systems used today form vapor barriers on top of concrete slabs and therefore trap water and alkali between the flooring system and the slab. 1999 federal mandate on VOC emissions created the need and use of water-based flooring adhesives. Excessive moisture content of slabs leads to adhesive failures, warping, blistering, and staining. Elevated PH levels due to water vapor driving alkali to the surface of concrete slabs cause failures of flooring adhesives and epoxy systems when the PH level exceeds the PH tolerance of the material. Underslab Vapor Barriers The use of underslab vapor barriers is the best method and most economical solution for controlling water vapor migration through concrete slabs. The issue of admixtures and topically applied materials does not address the issue that concrete cracks or the potential for elevated PH levels. ASTM E 1993 and ASTM E 1745 are the two industry standards for vapor barriers and retarders under concrete slabs in contact with soil. Note that typical polyethylene film does not meet the requirements of these standards because it degrades in this environment due to the high recycled content of the material. ASTM E 1993-98 - Standard Specification for Bituminous Water Vapor Retarders Used in Concrete with Soil or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs. These products are typically specified and used in applications where the best available protection from damaging moisture is warranted. The 1993 specification materials are also the toughest available membranes, able to best resist the rigors of placing and finishing of the concrete slab. These materials are designed for the ultimate in water vapor permeance and strength. The perm rating requirement for this standard is 0.002 perms or less. In addition, these materials are designed to be extremely durable with tensile strengths over 140 lbs. lb./in.2 and puncture resistance of 90 lbs. force. ASTM E 1745-09 - Standard for Plastic Vapor Retarders in Contact with Soil Under Concrete Slabs. One of the primary requirements of this standard is that the material be manufactured using virgin materials. While USA +1 954 300 2244 Russia +7 499 500 0450 Worldwide +44 20 8133 0070 there are some polyethylene materials that meet this requirement, these products require fiber reinforcement to meet the tensile strength and puncture resistance requirements of the standard. The most economical material is polyolefin, which meets the requirements of the standard without the need for reinforcement. The perm rating requirement for products that meet this standard is 0.1 perms. In addition, this standard has three classes that deal with tensile strengths and puncture resistance. Featured Products RWP001 PERMINATOR® underslab vapor barrier is manufactured using a blend of virgin polyolefins. Tougher then normal polyethylene, PERMINATOR provides the vapor barrier industry with a highly effective, economical choice for helping to reduce the penetration of moisture and water vapor through the slab into the structure, thereby helping to reduce fungus, mildew and mold growth. These vapor barriers also help reduce radon gas from entering the structure. PERMINATOR is available in 15 mil and 10 mil thicknesses. Air barriers RWP004 AIR-SHIELD self-adhering air/vapor and liquid moisture barrier is part of a total system to complete the building envelope. It is a roll-type product that is nominally 40 mils thick. The membrane’s controlled thickness is fabricated from cross-laminated polyethylene bonded to specially modified asphalt. This unique, self-adhesive membrane, protected by a special release paper, is strong and durable. It remains flexible when surface mounted and will adhere to most primed surfaces at minimum temperatures of 40° F (4° C). The membrane provides excellent protection as a tough barrier that won’t shrink, sag, dry out, crack, or rot. It offers excellent resistance to punctures during installation. The selfhealing characteristics of AIR-SHIELD facilitate recovery if minimal damage is sustained under normal use applications, i.e. when penetrated with self-tapping screws or nails. CONCRETE WATERPROOFING ROSSCO Inc. propose a wide array of accessory and related products for both PERMINATOR and PMPC. We can supply you with a complete system that will work together to create a solid, seamless structure. RWP0055 MEL-DRAIN® ROLLED MATRIX DRAINAGE SYSTEM MEL-DRAIN is a dimple-raised, molded polystyrene sheet bonded to high strength polypropylene fabric. This geocomposite allows the passage of moisture through the fabric while preventing fine soils from entering the drainage channel. Various drain designs are available, depending on soil pressure and flow specifications. (An optional polyester backing film is available when used in conjunction with flexible waterproofing material.) The family of MEL- USA +1 954 300 2244 Russia +7 499 500 0450 Worldwide +44 20 8133 0070 DRAIN products provides excellent protection in vertical, horizontal, and site applications. Used in conjunction with a total moisture protection system, MEL-DRAIN is the ideal choice for enhanced waterproofing protection of basement walls, plaza decks, earth-sheltered homes, commercial buildings, retaining walls, underground parking, site drainage, etc. RWP0056 MEL-ROL® Rolled, Self-Adhering Waterproofing Membrane MEL-ROL waterproofing system is a flexible, versatile, dependable, roll-type waterproofing membrane. It is composed of a nominally 56 mil thick layer of polymeric waterproofing membrane on a heavy duty, four-mil thick, cross-laminated polyethylene carrier film. The two components are laminated together under strict quality-controlled production procedures. MEL-ROL waterproofing system provides a cost-effective answer to properly waterproof foundations, vertical walls, and belowgrade floors in residential and commercial construction. It is equally effective for use as between-the-slab waterproofing on plaza decks, parking decks, and structural slabs. Use it as a waterproofing membrane to isolate mechanical and electronic rooms, laboratories, kitchens, and bathrooms. MEL-ROL offers positive protection when “wrapped around” major rapid transit, vehicular, utility, and pedestrian tunnel projects. MEL-ROL can also be used on insulated concrete forms (ICF). RWP179 POURTHANE® SL Self-Leveling Joint Sealant POURTHANE SL is a single-component, self-leveling, premium-grade polyurethane sealant with an accelerated curing capacity. POURTHANE SL is used to seal horizontal expansion joints in concrete and cementitious slabs, such as sidewalks, balconies, pavement, terraces, warehouses, factories, civil structures, plazas, and pitch pans. RWP130 CEM-KOTE® FLEX CR CEM-KOTE FLEX CR is a highly flexible, fiber-reinforced, hydraulic cement based material. It is a two-component system consisting of dry Component A and liquid Component B. For additional tensile strength, it may be reinforced with REINFORCING FABRIC HD. USES CEM-KOTE FLEX CR is designed for waterproofing, repair, and protection of concrete structures exposed to hydrogen sulfide environments, such as sewers, manholes, lift stations, and digesters. It is extensively used in protection and waterproofing of concrete wastewater treatment facilities and concrete structures subjected to various chemicals (e.g., tanks, secondary containments, and floors).