MDOT’s First Transportation System
Performance Report
Next Generation Road & Bridge Goals
Other Aspects of the Road and Bridge System
Integrated Across all modes
Based on MI Transportation Plan Goals
MI Transportation Plan Goals
Preserve transportation system investments, protect the environment, and utilize public resources in a responsible manner.
Safety and Security
Continue to improve transportation safety and ensure the security of the transportation system.
System Improvement
Modernize and enhance the transportation system to improve mobility and accessibility.
Efficient and Effective Operations
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the transportation system and transportation services and expand MDOT’s coordination and collaboration with partners.
MDOT’s First Transportation System
Performance Report
Current Phase
For each of the four goals/objectives, determine what we are already measuring
Identify how the data is being collected and where it is stored
Provide current targets with a snapshot of where we are today
Provide trends, past and future, if available
Examples of Passenger Transportation
Stewardship Goal
Aim: Minimize the portion of the rural transit and the specialized transit fleet that are operating past their useful life
Measure: The highest percent of any one rural or specialized transit agency’s fleet that is past its useful life
Definition: "Useful life" is based on Federal Transit Administration’s definitions
Standard: 0% of bus fleet past their useful life -> Desirable
<20% of bus fleet past their useful life –> Acceptable
Status: As of 9/23/08, the highest percent of buses of any one agency that is past its useful life is 24%
Examples of Passenger Transportation
Stewardship Goal
Aim: Preserve existing local bus transit services in all 83 Michigan counties
Measure: Public transit service operating assistance distribution
Definition: Number of counties that receive operating assistance from MDOT for public transportation
Standard: Maintain existing local bus services in all counties
Status: Currently all 83 counties receive operating assistance from MDOT
Examples of Passenger Transportation
Stewardship Goal
Aim: Preserve existing intercity passenger rail transportation services
Measure: Number of daily train miles
Definition: Route miles covered while maintaining indicated service
Standard: Maintain minimum of one round-trip daily service from Port Huron to
Chicago and Grand Rapids to Chicago
Status: Currently, the standard is being met
Examples of Passenger Transportation
Stewardship Goal
Aim: Preserve existing intercity bus transportation services
Measure: Intercity bus service proximity
Definition: Population of the state within 100 miles of intercity bus service
Standard: Maintain statewide access to national intercity bus transportation system, defined as everyone is within 100 miles of the intercity bus service in Michigan
Status: Currently, 100% of the population of Michigan lives within 100 miles of intercity bus service
Examples of Passenger Transportation
System Improvement Goal
Aim: Expand transportation system (MichiVan) access
Measure: Growth in MichiVan ridership and number of MichiVans in service
Definition: Comparative counts of riders and vans
Standard: Goal – Steady growth to match the increase in ridership and demand
Status: Growth in MichiVan Ridership (2004-2008) = 271.4%
Growth in number of MichiVans (2004 -2008) = 270.5%
Examples of Passenger Transportation
System Improvement Goal
Aim: Expand transportation system (terminal) access
Measure: Percent of passenger terminals served by two or more modes of transportation
Definition: Terminals include passenger rail terminals, intercity bus terminals, and local transit terminals. These are considered serving two or more modes if they include:
1) Under a four-hour wait time for connectivity between modes;
2) Scheduled local transit is within ¼ mile of the terminal or the terminal is located within a Dial-A-Ride system service area and connection between modes is possible based on operating hours; and
3) The facility is a designated passenger facility staffed by an official agent of a carrier
Standard: A statewide standard is not realistic. Each terminal has differing capacities to be multimodal depending on available services.
Status: As of June 1, 2009, 34 out of 42 terminals were served by two or more modes of transportation = 81%