HRD Update - North Carolina Community College Adult Educators

Human Resources Development
(HRD Program)
What Administrators Should Know!
HRD Program Moving Forward
Discussion Topics:
1. HRD Moving Forward
2. HRD Reference Documents
3. HRD Course Offerings
4. HRD FTE and Enrollment Data
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HRD Moving Forward
• Honoring our history;
• Taking HRD core services to the next level
• Embracing rigor, relevance, & quality
• Reshaping HRD’s brand
System Office Contacts
• Margaret Robert
• Teretha Bell
• Barbara Boyce
HRD Moving Forward
HRD Program – Reference Documents
Table of Contents:
Continuing Education Program
HRD Program Management
Continuing Education Management
Fiscal Management
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HRD Reference Documents
1D SBCCC 300.3
Program Classifications
Human Resources Development
Core Services:
Core Components
Skill assessment services
1) Assessment of an individual's assets and
Employability skills training
2) Development of a positive self-concept;
Career development counseling
3) Development of employability skills;
4) Development of communication skills;
Target Groups
• Unemployed Adults
• Underemployed adults.
5) Development of problem-solving skills; and
6) Awareness of the impact of information
technology in the workplace.
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HRD Reference Documents
HRD Governance
SBCC Code – HRD Program Continuation
Each college shall operate a Human Resources Development (HRD)
program to provide assessment services, employability training, and career
development counseling to unemployed and underemployed individuals. FTE
shall be generated from HRD programs. Each college shall provide HRD
instruction and support necessary for unemployed and dislocated workers to be
served within the college service areas.
Vision and Mission Statement
HRD is a dynamic and vital workforce development program with proven
economic, social, and educational success. The purpose of the HRD program
is to educate and train unemployed and underemployed individuals for success
in the workplace.
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HRD Reference Documents
Role of the HRD Coordinator/Director
1. Program Development
2. Program Outreach
3. Student Recruitment
4. Post-Training Activities
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HRD Reference Documents
Role of the HRD Coordinator/Director
1. Program Development
curriculum/course development
Key Words:
Rigor, Relevant, Program Quality
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HRD Reference Documents
Role of the HRD Coordinator/Director
2. Program Outreach
─ External Agencies
 JobLink Career Centers
 Division of Workforce Solutions (ESC)
 Social Services
 Community-based Organization
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HRD Reference Documents
Role of the HRD Coordinator/Director
2. Program Outreach
External Agencies
JobLink Career Centers
Division of Workforce Solutions (ESC)
Social Services
Community-based Organization
 National Guard
 Veterans Organizations
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HRD Reference Documents
Role of the HRD Coordinator/Director
3. Student Recruitment
─ Develop and implement an ongoing plan
to recruit and enroll individuals that are
unemployed and/or underemployed.
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HRD Reference Documents
For HRD purposes,
is defined as individuals...
working and is eligible for the Federal
Earned Income Tax Credit (FEIT); or
working and earning wages at or below
two hundred percent (200%) of the
federal poverty guidelines.
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HRD Reference Documents
Role of the HRD Coordinator/Director
4. Post-Training Activities
─ Job Placement/Referrals
─ Data Analysis
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State Board of Community College
HRD Fee Waiver Guidelines
o Eligibility Requirements
 HRD courses are not free… Fees are waived
 Waiver is based on the individual’s income
o Verification Statement
 Signature on official college document
 Maintenance of Record
 Income Charts
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Continuing Education
State Board of Community College Code
1D SBCCC 300.98
Minimum Course Standards
• Course Title
• Course Description
• Scheduled Hours
• Course Plan
• Continuing Education Units
• Course Articulation
• Course Approval Process
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HRD Reference Documents
HRD Course List
HRD 3001 Employability Skills
HRD 3002 Employability Lab
HRD 3003 Career Planning and Assessment
HRD 3004 Career Readiness/Pathways
HRD 3005 Technology Awareness
HRD 3006 Employability Motivation and Retention
HRD 3008 Economic Literacy
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HRD Course Offerings
Proposed Revisions - None
HRD 3001
Employability Skills
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and
underemployed adults. The curriculum framework must address
each of the six core HRD components:
Assessment of an individual’s assets and limitations,
Development of a positive self-concept,
Development of employability skills,
Development of communication skills,
Development of problem-solving skills, and
Awareness of the impact of information technology in the
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HRD Course Offerings
Proposed Revisions - None
HRD 3002
Employability Lab
This course provides employability skills training for
unemployed and underemployed adults. The
curriculum framework must address each of the
six core HRD components. Instruction is designed to
be self-directed, self-paced, and structured on an openentry, open-exit basis to meet the customized needs of
individuals and/or partner agencies at JobLink (One-Stop)
Career Centers. Membership hours are counted on a
contact hour basis.
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HRD Course Offerings
Proposed Revisions - None
HRD 3003
Career Planning & Assessment
This course provides employability skills training for
unemployed and underemployed adults. The
curriculum framework is designed to assess the
interests, attitudes, aptitudes, and readiness as it
relates to career, employment, and/or educational
goals. The content of the instructional materials must
focus on the following topics: personal development,
career exploration, goal setting and the development of a
written plan of action.
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HRD Course Offerings
Proposed Revisions - Effective Spring 2014
HRD 3004
Career Readiness/Pathways
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and
underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is based on a specific
occupation and includes one or more of the following topics: career
exploration, entry-level skills competencies, employability skills and job
search strategies.
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HRD Course Offerings
Proposed Revisions - Effective Spring 2014
HRD 3005
Technology Awareness
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and
underemployed adults. The curriculum framework and the content of the
instructional materials will focus on computer use skills as it relates to:
developing basic keyboarding, word-processing, and internet awareness,
learning technology based job search strategies, applying for employment
online, and accessing governmental and educational resources and
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HRD Course Offerings
Proposed Revisions - None
HRD 3006
Employability Motivation & Retention
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed and
underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is based on four
post-employment service strategies--- transition, retention,
advancement, and re-employment. Transition involves being ready
to work (school-to-work, school-to-school, and/or balancing work and
family). Retention involves keeping a job and staying employed
(work ethics). Advancement involves attaining better jobs with
performance and skill development (upgrading and retraining). Reemployment involves gaining independence through a lifetime of
work (work-to-work).
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HRD Course Offerings
Proposed Revisions - None
HRD 3008
Economic Literacy
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed
and underemployed adults. The curriculum framework is
designed to help students understand real-life economic
concepts and economic ways of thinking that will enable
them to make better informed decisions related to their
role as a member of the workforce. Topics include, but are
not limited to wage improvement plans, workplace business
concepts and basic economic literacy concepts.
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HRD Course Offerings
HRD Course Offerings – New Opportunity
Microsoft IT Academy – Digital Literacy Certificate
The goal of Microsoft Digital Literacy is to teach and assess basic computer
concepts and skills so that people can use computer technology in everyday
life to develop new social and economic opportunities for themselves, their
families, and their communities.
Whether you are entirely new to computing or have some experience, this
curriculum will help you develop a fundamental understanding of computers.
From using the Internet to sending e-mail or creating a résumé, the Digital
Literacy Curriculum helps you develop the essential skills you need to begin
computing with confidence.
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HRD Course Offerings
Microsoft Digital Literacy
HRD Course Offerings – New Opportunity
Welcome to the Microsoft Digital Literacy curriculum. The courses help you learn the essential skills to begin computing with confidence,
be more productive at home and at work, stay safe online, use technology to complement your lifestyle, and consider careers where you can
put your skills to work.
Basic Course
Learn the value of computers in
society and how to use a mouse
and keyboard.
Standard Courses
Learn about computer basics, the
internet, productivity programs,
security, privacy, and digital
Advanced Courses
Learn about creating an e-mail
account and a great resume,
searching the Web, and social
Digital Literacy Certificate Test
Pass this test to get a personalized
certificate showing you have learned
the basics of using computers!
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HRD Course Offerings
HRD Course Offerings – New Opportunity
Microsoft IT Academy – Digital Literacy Certificate
The Digital Literacy Standard Curriculum consists of five courses each
estimated for 2 – 3 hours in length:
Computer Basics
Introduction to Computers
Common Computer Terminology
Computer Performance and Features
Computer Operating Systems
Career Opportunities
Computer Security and Privacy
Overview of Computer Security and Privacy
Protecting Your Computer and Your Data
Protecting Yourself from Security Threats
Keeping Your Computer Secure and Updated
Computer Ethics
Productivity Programs
Common Features and Commands
Word Processing
Presentation Programs
Digital Lifestyles
The Modern Digital Experience
Digital Audio
Digital Video
Digital Photography
Digital Technology and Career
The Internet and the World Wide Web
The Internet
The World Wide Web
Communicating on the Internet
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HRD Course Offerings
HRD Course Offerings – New Opportunity
Microsoft IT Academy – Digital Literacy Certificate
The Microsoft IT Academy is available to all 58 community colleges and the content
is accessible to all academic levels within the institution!
Contact your IT office or Business/Technology Division for additional information on
your campus for specific information on accessing the website, curriculum and
assessment tools.
Digital Literacy Certifications are not Certiport exams and can be accessed via the
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