class notes

ML: a quasi-functional language with strong
Conventional syntax:
- val x = 5;
(*user input *)
val x = 5: int
(*system response*)
- fun len lis = if (null lis) then 0 else 1 + len (tl lis);
val len = fn : ‘a list -> int
Type inference for local entities
- x * x * x;
val it = 125: int (* it denotes the last computation*)
Operations on lists
Similar to LISP, with (hd, tl, ::) instead of (car, cdr, cons)
- fun append (x, y) = if null (x) then y
else hd (x) :: append (tl (x), y);
> val append = fn:‘a list * ‘a list -> ‘a list
(* a function that takes a pair of lists and yields a list *)
- fun upto (m, n) =
if m > n then [ ] else m :: upto (m+1, n);
val upto = fn : int * int -> int list
(*a function that takes two numbers and yields a list *)
A simple mechanism to describe and name parts of a
fun prod [ ] = 1
(* if list is empty *)
| prod (n::ns) = n * prod (ns); (* n is first element *)
A list can be described by its head and its tail
fun maxl [m] : int = m
| maxl (m::n::ns) if m > n then maxl (m ::ns)
else maxl (n :: ns)
> ** warning: patterns not exhaustive
Recursion and iteration
A function that returns the first k elements of a list:
fun take ([ ], k) = [ ]
| take (x::xs, k) = if k > 0 then x::take (xs, k-1) else [ ];
Non-recursive version: introduce an accumulator argument:
fun itake ([ ], _, taken) = taken (* _ is pattern for anything *)
| itake (x::xs, k, taken) =
if k > 0 then itake (xs, k-1, x::taken)
else taken;
> var itake = fn: ‘a list * int * ‘a list -> ‘a list
Block structure and nesting
Let provides local scope:
fun findroot (a, x, acc) =
(* standard Newton-Raphson *)
let val nextx = (a / x +x) / 2.0 (*next approximation *)
if abs (x - nextx) < acc*x then nextx
else findroot (a, nextx, acc)
(*tail recursion rather than iteration *)
A classic in functional form: quicksort
fun quick [ ] = [ ]
| quick [x:real] = [x]
| quick (a::bs) =
let fun partition (left, right [ ]) =
(quick left) @ [a] @ (quick right)
| partition (left, right, x::xs) =
if x <= a then partition (x::left, right, xs)
else partition (left, x:: right, xs)
partition ([ ], [ ], bs) end;
> val quick : fn : real list -> real list;
fun exists pred [ ] = false
| exists pred (x::xs) = (pred x) orelse exists pred xs;
(* pred is a predicate : a function that delivers a boolean *)
val exists : fn : (‘a -> bool) -> ‘a list -> bool
fun all pred [ ] = true
| all pred (x::xs) = (pred x) andalso all pred xs;
fun filter pred [ ] = [ ]
| filter (x::xs) =
if pred x then x :: filter pred xs
else filter pred xs;
val filter = fn : (‘a -> bool) -> ‘a list –> ‘a list
Currying: partial bindings
a b c means (a b) c : (a b) yields a function that is applied to c
- fun app2 x y = if null x then y
else (hd x) :: app2 (tl x) y;
val app2 = fn : ‘a list -> ‘a list -> a’ list
(*a function that given a list yields a function that takes a list
and yields a list *)
- val ap123 = app2 [1, 2, 3];
val ap123 = fn : int list -> int list
- ap123 [10, 20, 30];
val it = [1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30]
A single formal is sufficient
If function takes more than one argument, say that it takes
a single composite one:
fun exp (x, n) = if n = 0 then 1
else x * exp (x, n-1);
val exp = fn : int * int -> int
 Single argument is a tuple (int, int) a product type
 Can also define records with named components
The type system
Primitive types: int, char, real, string
Constructors: list, array, product, record,, function
an expression has a corresponding type expression
the interpreter builds the type expression for each
type checking requires that type expressions of
functions and their arguments match, and that type
expression of context match result of function
Type inference
- fun incr x = x + 1;
val incr = fn : int -> int
because of its appearance in (x+1), x must be integer
- fun add2 x = incr (incr x);
val add2 = fn : int -> int
incr returns an integer, so add2 does as well
x is argument of incr, so must be integer
val wrong = 10.5 + incr 7;
Error: operator and operand don’t agree
- fun len x = if null x then 0
= else 1 + len (tl x);
works for any kind of list. What is its type expression?
val len : fn = ‘a list -> int
‘a denotes a type variable. Implicit universal quantification:
for any a, len applies to a list of a’s.
- fun copy lis = if null lis then nil
else hd (lis) :: copy (tl lis);
Type inference and unification
Type expressions are built by solving a set of equations
- fun reduce f lis init = if null lis then init
else f ((hd lis), reduce f (tl lis) init))
null : ‘a list -> bool
hd : ‘b list -> ‘b
tl : ‘c list -> ‘c list
apply : (‘d -> e’) * ‘d -> ‘e
(*function application*)
let b be the type of init. Let a be the element type of lis. Then f
takes an a and a b and returns a b.
- val reduce = fn : (‘a * ‘b -> ‘b) -> (‘a list) -> ‘b -> ‘b
Unification algorithm
A type variable can be unified with another variable
‘a unifies with ‘b => ‘a and ‘b are the same
A type variable can be unified with a constant
‘a unifies with int => all occurences of a mean int
A type variable can be unified with an expression
‘a unifies with ‘b list
‘a does not unify with ‘a list
A constant can be unified with itself int is int
An expression can be unified with another expression if the
constructors are identical and if the arguments can be unified
(int -> int) list unifies with ‘a list, ‘a is a function on integers
Type system does not handle overloading well
- fun plus x y = x + y;
operator is overloaded, cannot be resolved from context
(error in some versions, defaults to int in others)
Can use explicit typing to select interpretation:
- fun mix (x, y ,z) = x * y + z:real;
mix : (real * real * real) -> real
Parametric polymorphism vs. generics
A function whose type expression has type variables
applies to an infinite set of types.
Equality of type expressions means structural
All applications of a polymorphic function use the
same body: no need to instantiate (as in Java)
- let val ints = [1, 2, 3];
val strs = [“this”, “that”];
= in
len ints + len strs (* int list -> int, string list -> int *)
= end;
val it = 5: int
User-defined types and inference
A user-defined type introduces constructors:
datatype tree = leaf of int | node of tree * tree
leaf and node are type constructors
can define functions by pattern:
- fun sum (leaf (t)) = t
= | sum (node (t1, t2)) = sum t1 + sum t2;
val sum = fn : tree -> int
- fun flatten (leaf (t)) = [t]
= | flatten (node (t1, t2)) = flatten (t1) @ flatten (t2);
flatten: tree -> int list
Parameterized datatypes
An idiom for containers:
- datatype ‘a gentree = leaf of ‘a
| node of ‘a gentree * ‘a gentree;
- val names = node (leaf (“this”), leaf (“that”));
val names = … string gentree
More conventional:
datatype ‘a gentree = nil |
branch of ‘a * ‘a tree * ‘a tree
Functions on parametrized data types
fun mirror nil = nil
| mirror (branch (v, t1, t2)) =
branch (v, mirror t2, mirror t1));
 val mirror = fn : ‘a gentree -> ‘a gentree
- val trio =
branch (“athos”,
branch (“porthos”, nil, nil),
branch (“aramis”, nil, nil));
val trio : string gentree
Pattern-matching on datatypes
User-defined constructors work like list:
leaf (a) matches a tree leaf, and bind a to the value of
the leaf
node (t1, t2) matches an internal node, and binds t1
and t2 to its two descendants
Type declarations are structural:
- type pair = int * int;
- val thing = (666, 999);
val thing: int * int