Cultural Anthropology test information

Cultural Anthropology Test expectations:
Types of questions to expect:
o 15 multiple choice (1 pt each)
o 10 matching (1 point each)
o 2 lists ( various)
o 3 short answer (various)
 50 points total
Some questions on the test will need you to be able to apply the information into a
given scenario.
Questions will also ask you to know the definition of a certain group of words.
Subsistence Strategy chart and political organization graphic organizer are allowed to be
used with the test.
o Sharing of test materials with other students in the room will result in a zero.
o Talking while tests are out will result in a zero.
 After first warning, test will be automatically marked zero!
Topics covered on Cultural Anthropology test:
Ascribed status
Achieved Status
Economics in Anthropology
o Phases of Economic Activity
o Modes of exchange
o Reciprocity
o Ways to consume
Macro Culture
Micro Culture
Emic/Etic Perspectives
Subsistence Strategy definition
o Extensive vs. intensive
o All five subsistence strategies (application questions)
Typologies definition, limitations
Political systems
o Centralized vs. uncentralized
o Political Organizations
o Leaders of Political organizations
Life without Chiefs worksheet (Headman, Big man, Chief responsibilities)