Anthropology Basic Concepts - Mix and Match

Anthropology Basic Concepts - Mix and Match
Social & Cultural
Anthropology _____
A. The tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of
one's own culture and which often entails the belief that one's own
ethnic group or culture is superior
Culture _____
B. Set of qualitative research strategies including informal interviews,
direct observation, participation in the life of the group, collective
discussions, life-histories etc which aim to gain a close and intimate
familiarity with a given group.
Cultural Holism _____
C. Perspective that focuses on the behaviours, ideas and values that are
meaningful (consciously or unconsciously) to the members of a given
D. The comparative study of different cultures
Cultural model_____
E. Everything people have, do, and think
F. Rules (implicit or explicit) a group enforces for appropriate and
inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.
Cultural relativism_____
G. Study of the relationship between language and culture of a particular
ethnic group, and the way different ethnic groups perceive the world
through the way perception and conceptualization influences
Ethnocentrism _____
H. Idea that the properties of a given cultural system cannot be
determined or understood by its component parts alone
Ethnography _____
J. the process of learning the norms, values, attitudes, and behaviours
of one’s culture
K. Study of cultural variation among humans, as well as organization of
statuses, roles, groups, institutions, and the relations among people
L. A construction of reality that is created, shared and transmitted by
members of a group
M. An account of the culture of a particular society or group based on
Ethnolinguistics _____
N. Principle that beliefs, values, and activities of a particular group of
people should be interpreted in terms of their own culture.
Perspective that focuses on the concepts and categories that have
meaning for scientific observers