Chapter 03-2 - NMSU College of Business

Chapter 3
Marketing through Sports
Mainstream Strategies
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Sports Overlay or Platform
• Using Strategic Initiatives to Integrate
Sports in Order to Create a Sports Theme
or to Reach One’s Designated Target
Markets More Effectively
Traditional Strategies
• Employing Target Market and Marketing
Mix Initiatives to Achieve that Sports
Mainstream Strategies
• Using Traditional Strategies in an Effort to
Sell Nonsports Products
• Mainstream Strategies Are Not Based
upon Any Official Sponsorship-Based
Relationship with a Sports Entity
Nonsports Products
• Examples of Nonsports Products Often
Marketed Using a Sports Platform
– Cars (Volvo)
– Beer (Fosters)
– Colas (Coca-Cola)
– Watches (Swatch)
– Fast Food (McDonald’s)
Mainstream Strategies
• Nonsports Products Using Traditional
Elements of Marketing Strategy
– Target Market – Car ad in Golf for Women
– Product – Clothing with sports design
– Distribution – Restaurant at sports arena
– Price – Discounts for bar patrons in uniforms
– Promotion – Ad featuring a sports setting
Target Market Access
• Segment the Market
• Select Appropriate Target Markets
• Identify Relevant Target Markets that Can
Be Reached Via a Sports Platform
Target Marketing Applications Using
Mainstream Strategies
• Advertising beer during a TV broadcast of
a football or rugby game
• Luxury automobile marketer featuring golf
in its brochures that promote its cars
• Marketer of an energy drink using outdoor
advertising along a marathon race route
Incorporating Pricing Decisions
in a Mainstream Strategy
• Marketer Offers Discounts to Venue
Operators in Order to Have its Food or
Beverage Products Sold There
• Hospitality Industry (restaurants & hotels)
Providing Discount Prices for Certain
Categories of Athletes or Fans
Incorporating Product Decisions
in a Mainstream Strategy
• Packaging Featuring Sports Images
• Sports Bar Showing Sports Events on TVs
• Hospitality Package Featuring Tickets to a Sports Event
(selling hotel rooms)
• Credit Card Company Providing Special Access to
Tickets for Sports Events
• University Offering a Course/Degree in Sports Marketing
Incorporating Place Decisions
in a Mainstream Strategy
• Marketer Selling Its Goods and Services at
a Sports Venue (Stadium, Arena, etc.)
• Marketer Selling Its Nonsports Products at
A Retail Store Specializing in Sporting
• Intensifying Regional Efforts Where a
Sport is Popular
Incorporating Promotion Decisions in
a Mainstream Strategy
• Traditional Promotional Mix Components
– Advertising
– Personal Selling
– Sales Promotion
– Public Relations / Publicity
• Excludes Sponsorship; Sponsorship would
Represent a Domain-Focused Strategy
Incorporating Promotion Decisions in
a Mainstream Strategy
• Emerging Promotional Tools that Can Be
Used to Create a Sports Platform for the
Marketing of Nonsports Products
Product Placement
Virtual Advertising
Using Advertising in
a Mainstream Strategy
• Advertise during the Super Bowl
• Advertise in a Sports Magazine
• Creative Aspect of Ad Features Actors in Sports
• Advertise on “Sports Talk Radio”
• Advertise on Dorna Boards at Sports Venue
Using Personal Selling
in a Mainstream Strategy
• Salesperson Providing Tickets for a Sports
Event to Customers and Prospects
• Conducting Business on the Golf Course
Using Sales Promotion
in a Mainstream Strategy
• Specialty Advertising – Calendar Featuring
Marketer’s Logo and a Team’s Schedule
• Coupons – Discount Sent Via Direct Mail (i.e.
the Coupon Features a Sports Graphic)
• Free Sample – Distribute at Sports Venue
• Consumer Expo – Display at Golf Show
Using Sales Promotion in
a Mainstream Strategy (cont’d)
• Customer Loyalty Program – Credit Cards that
Accumulate Points for Benefits
• Contests – Chance to Win Event Tickets
• Point-of-Sale (POS) Display – Signage that
Features a Sports Theme at a Super Market
• Premiums – Sports-Oriented Giveaways
Using Public Relations/Publicity
in a Mainstream Strategy
• Objective of PR is the Dissemination of
Positive Publicity through the Media
– Aligning with Sport for a Charitable Cause
– Press Release Regarding Marketer’s Support
of a Local Athlete
Emerging Promotional Strategies
• Product Placement – Product Featured in a
Movie or TV Program Where Brand is Identifiable
• Virtual Advertising – Computer-Generated
Signage Displayed on the Field of Play during a
Televised Broadcast –
• Internet – Advertise on a Sports Web Site – see
• Hospitality – Staff a Tent at a Golf Tournament
Closing Capsule
• Many Marketing Efforts for Nonsports
Product Attempt to Influence Consumer
Purchase Behavior by Incorporating a
Sports Platform (or Overlay)
• Mainstream Strategies Involve the Use of
the Traditional Elements of Marketing
Strategy – Target Markets & the Marketing
Mix – to sell Nonsports Products