2014 Monomoy 3057 Main St., PO Box 1880, Brewster MA 02631 monomoydaycamp@capecodseacamps.com 508.896.3451 ph / 508.896.8272 fax Days A-Way Application CAMPER AND FAMILY INFORMATION– RETURN BOTH SIDES Camper’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Nickname Male Female __________/_______/___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birthdate (Month/Day/Year) Age in June Grade completed in June Camper Email Current School CheckOne:_____________________________________________________________________ Resides with: Both Parents Mother Father Other – Legal Guardian - Name Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Circle One Parent #1 First Name Last Street Address City, State, Zip Country _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Profession Home Telephone Work Telephone Cell Telephone Email Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Circle One Parent #2 First Name Last Street Address City, State, Zip Country _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Profession Home Telephone Work Telephone Cell Telephone Email ________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Camper Summer Address - Parent First Name Last Summer Street Address Summer City, State, Zip Summer Telephone _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who or how were you referred to CCSC? Name of any family member a CCSC staff or camper? Years at camp? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Name (If different) Street Address City, State, Zip Country Relationship to Camper _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Email Please check if you would like duplicate mailings sent to the address. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name #1 (If Parents are unavailable) Telephone Emergency Contact Name #2 (If Parents are unavailable) Telephone SESSION INFORMATION (Choose a session) NON-REFUNDABLE REGISTRATON FEE: $500. US DEPOSIT REQUIRED WITH EACH APPLICATION CAMPERS - AGES 8-13 Tuition _____ DAW 4 July 21 – July 25 $1125 _____ DAW 1 _____ DAW 2 _____ DAW 3 June 30 – July 4 July 7 – July 11 July 14 – July 18 $1125. $1125. $1125. _____ DAW 5 July 28 – August 1 _____ DAW 6 August 4 – August 8 _____ DAW 7 August 11 – August 15 $1125. $1125. $1125. *CAMPERS MAY ENROLL IN A MAXIMUM OF THREE WEEKS OF DAW* PAYMENT OPTIONS ~ Please indicate below how you wish to make payment. This authorizes CCSC to complete the transaction as specified below in accordance with all U.S. law. PAYMENT BY CHECK: Payable to Cape Cod Sea Camps. If you pay by check, you are permitting CCSC to convert your check into a one-time electronic debit from your bank account. PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD: MasterCard_______ Visa_______ Cardholder Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Card Number:_________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date______________ Security Code ________________ AMOUNT TO CHARGE ON CREDIT CARD ~ Payment plans available, contact the business office upon registration. ______ REQUIRED REGISTRATION FEE $500. (Minimum Required Payment) and PRIOR YEAR BALANCE DUE (if any); OR ______ TOTAL TUITION AMOUNT including Registration Fee, Canteen Deposit, JC Activity Fee if applicable and PRIOR YEAR BALANCE DUE (if any) OR ______ SCHEDULED PAYMENT PLAN Authorization to charge credit card listed for Registration Deposit, February and April Tuition Payments, and Final Balance Due. Page 1 of 2 – go to next page Camper Name:_______________________________________________________________ BASIC FINANCIAL INFORMATION WAITING LISTS Applications are accepted until space is filled in each of the Units. At that time a waiting list is started with names added as completed applications and the required deposit are received at the camp office. No names will be placed on the waiting list without a completed application on file. If we are unable to confirm a registration, we will refund the entire registration fee. Lost and Found returned articles, medical charges are posted to your child’s account and not included in the tuition charge. REFUND POLICY Before Feb 1 After Feb. 1 REGISTRATION FEE A $500. Non-Refundable Fee in US FUNDS must accompany each application with the understanding it is applicable toward the tuition. TUITION FINAL TUITION PAYMENTS ARE DUE ON APRIL 1. No refunds are granted for cancellations after APRIL 1. Failure to meet the April 1st deadline may result in cancellation of enrollment at camp. Tuition discounts will be forfeited if tuition is not paid in full by 4/1. No reduction in tuition will be made for not using transportation or meals; arriving late, absences, suspensions, dismissal, withdrawals or departing early; withdrawal due to camper or parent “homesickness”. Any changes in enrollment after April 1 st or withdrawals after the start of the camp session will forfeit the full camp fee. After April 1 After April T No penalty for weeks changed/dropped. Changes in enrollment are accepted without penalty, less the Registration Fee, prior to 2/1. After Feb. 1 if a change in enrollment occurs, there will be a $50. Cancellation fee incurred for each week dropped. No Refunds Available. TUITION DISCOUNT FORFEITURE – If tuition is not received on April 1, all tuition discounts are forfeited. FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY FOR TUITION The parent or guardian whose signature appears on the child's application form is responsible for tuition payments Refer to Financial Information and Parent Handbook for details CANTEEN ACCOUNT Any expenses incurred at camp will be itemized on a Canteen account. Personal expenditures such as optional trips, special camp clothing, store charges, PARENT AGREEMENT It is important that campers and parents have full understanding of, and be in agreement with the overall Cape Cod Sea Camps philosophy, ideals and goals related to group living and community involvement. I understand Cape Cod Sea Camps program is an active, outdoor, group living experience of a positive and constructive nature. The program requires full and complete participation from all campers. I understand Cape Cod Sea Camps reserves the right to determine whether or not a child is able to meet the physical and emotional rigors of camp life. I understand that Cape Cod Sea Camps relies upon the information contained in this application form, medical information and other forms provided on behalf of the child. The parent or guardian signing this document assumes all risk of loss arising from information that may not be accurate or complete and agrees to indemnify Cape Cod Sea Camps, its officers, directors, successors and assigns against all claims for loss, damage or injuries sustained to the child and relating to such incomplete or inaccurate information. I understand it is required to read all materials s and complete all forms in a timely manner required for participation at the Cape Cod Sea Camps. I understand that there are numerous risks associated with participation in any camping activities, including but not limited to activities such as sailing, swimming, archery, riflery, cycling, athletics, woodworking and transportation to and from camp activities. A complete listing of inherent and other risks is not possible and there may be some risks that cannot be anticipated. Risks that contribute to the unique character and desirability of the activities involved pose the possibility of severe injury, illness or death. I further understand that the activities involved will take place in an outdoor environment and upon open water where unalterable weather conditions may pose risks beyond the control of Cape Cod Sea Camps. I further understand that Cape Cod Sea Camps is not a therapeutic program or treatment center. PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE - My child may use, under the supervision of camp staff, hazardous equipment involved in but not limited to activities such as Woodworking, Archery, Riflery, Cycling etc. My child may participate in any trip or activity sponsored and supervised by Cape Cod Sea Camps on or off the campus, and may travel when deemed necessary by the program via public carrier or vehicles leased or operated by Cape Cod Sea Camps. I give permission for my child to participate in all camp activities including those described on this form. I acknowledge and assume the risks involved in these activities and for any damage, illness, injury or death resulting from such risks for myself and my child. There are no physical, emotional, mental problems or limitations associated with my child’s participation in camp activities, except as disclosed by me in writing to Cape Cod Sea Camps. I understand, unless otherwise stated, permits camp to use photographs or video pictures of my child taken in the course of the program for publicity of camp or the American Camp Association. EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION - In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the camp director to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child named above. I understand In the event of misconduct or other circumstances, Cape Cod Sea Camps reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to expel a camper before the completion of the session in which the camper is enrolled. I understand weapons and firearms are not permitted, with the sole exception of the camp’s supervised instructional programs in archery and riflery, using equipment provided by camp. CAMPER EXPECTATIONS It is important for our camp families understand our basic expectations and rules for behavior for your campers as a member of our camp community. Please review and discuss the Camper Expectations with your child, signing the enrollment application to acknowledge agreement. As A Camper I Will: Know and abide by the Camper Code of Conduct or Junior Counselor Code of Conduct (refer to Parent Handbook) which covers but not limited to the following: o Alcohol and other drugs; o Sexual Harassment and Sexual Behavior; o Verbal, Emotional and Physical Harassment and Bullying; o Inappropriate Language; o Personal Presentation; o Off-campus Behavior; o Boundaries and Curfews; o Core Values. Show respect to other Campers, and treat them as well as I would like to be treated. Respect the rights and beliefs of others, and treat others with courtesy and consideration. Communicate in an appropriate manner, which means I must not use foul language or gestures, harsh words, demeaning comments or harsh tone of voice. Conduct myself responsibly. I understand that unwelcome teasing or other unkind behaviors are not allowed. Refrain from deliberately causing bodily harm to others. I understand that pushing, kicking, hitting or fighting are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Respect the property of others; which includes not stealing, property damage, graffiti, or vandalism. Be fully responsible for my actions and understand that irresponsible behavior will result in disciplinary action or dismissal from camp. Let an adult know if someone is bullying me. Let an adult know if I witness someone else being bullied (reporting is confidential). Know and abide by the Policies and Procedures as outlined in the Parent Handbook. PARENT SIGNATURE (REQUIRED) PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (REQUIRED): I have read and accept all of the terms and conditions set forth on BOTH SIDES of this Enrollment Application. I AGREE with and have read and discussed the “Camper Expectations” with my camper. Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT NAME________________________________________________________________________________________________Date_______________