1.1 National Association for Gifted Children 1331 H Street, NW – Suite 1001 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202/785-4268 Fax: 202/785-4248 www.nagc.org NAGC Board of Directors Conference Call Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT Board members on conference call: Tracy L. Cross (President), George Betts (President-Elect), Paula Olszewski-Kubilius (Past President), Lauri Kirsch (Treasurer), Christine Nobbe (Governance Secretary), Kimberley Chandler, Joy Davis, Brian Housand, Sally Krisel, Susan Dulong Langley, Catherine Little, Marcia Wall Absent from conference call: Michelle Swain Staff on conference call: Nancy Green; Becky Mehringer President Tracy Cross welcomed the Board members to the call and role was taken. 1. Approval of March 2014 Minutes Motion by Lauri Kirsch: to approve minutes as corrected Second: Brian Housand Vote: Unanimous Approval Comments: Lauri Kirsch: Page 8: budget should be changed to deficit, and Page 9: 10.000 should be changed to 10,000 Catherine Little: Susan Johnson should be Susan Johnsen, Shelagh Gallagher’s name is misspelled on page 8 Network Proposal responses were included as follow up to the Network proposals discussed at the March 2014 Board Meeting. 2. President’s Update Board Transition Update: President Tracy Cross thanked the outgoing Board Members: Sally Krisel, Marcia Wall, Chris Nobbe, and Lauri Kirsch for their service over multiple years. Tracy Cross then revisited the issue of appointing a member, which was discussed at length in March. He reminded the Board of their decision to wait until after Board elections to revisit the discussion of potential candidates. The possibility of appointing two or three candidates was left on the table at the March board meeting, with Board members expressing concerns that could be dealt with more clearly after elections. Now that the outcome of elections is public, Tracy 1 1.1 suggests James Moore III, professor at Ohio State, for the appointed position. While Tracy does not have a personal relationship with James, he has put him forward based on recommendations, his involvement with key issues, and knowledge of his work. Tracy stressed that he is sensitive to handling this new process correctly the first time. Paula Olszewski-Kubilius noted that while James Moore may not be an active member of NAGC, she is aware of his experience and work at the university and at a big picture level, so she thinks he would be a good candidate. Joy Davis also expresses that James would bring a rich background with him to the Board and is co-editing a book about gifted education around the world. Tracy then confirmed that this decision would be a one-year appointment. Sally Krisel agreed that the Board has deliberated a long time, and urged the Board to move forward with an appointed member. There was a unanimous agreement by the Board that this decision should be moved ahead. George Betts asked if a vote is needed by the Board. Nancy Green replied that this was discussed already at the March meeting and there doesn’t need to be a vote on the President’s recommendation. Action Needed: Tracy Cross will approach James Moore and invite him to join the Board, and also send his vita to the Board for informational purposes. 3. Year-End Financial Projections Treasurer Lauri Kirsch invited Andy Bassett to the conversation as she begins her budget review. Lauri Kirsch reviewed the highlights of the FY13-14 year-end projections, and Andy added that these numbers represent the worst case scenario and we will probably end up better than expected. The bottom line reflects a loss of ($286,000) due to technology investments and shortfalls in convention attendance in Indianapolis. He noted that NAGC expenses are holding steady, and in fact staff has been able to reduce costs more than expected in the 3rd and 4th quarters. Nancy Green noted that the new website and member database will bring improvements to operations and build member engagement. Combined with increased fundraising and new webinars and online courses, we have invested in a strong platform for increasing revenue. Tracy Cross asked if we could highlight where we saved more money than expected. Andy Bassett responded that these areas were convention, staffing, committees, and professional development. Brian Housand inquired about sales of the new e-books, and Andy agreed to provide this information, since they have been added to the Amazon.com website. Lauri noted that the budget for next fiscal year was finalized in March and will start on September 1, 2014. 4. National Office Update Executive Director Nancy Green reported the significant time spent since the last Board meeting on the implementation of two major technology initiatives—a newly designed website, which interfaces with a new member database. Staff has spent a lot of time in the past few months 2 1.1 doing the membership conversion and cleanup for the membership database and organizing the website into updated sections. Andy Bassett reported that the transition went very smoothly, as indicated by the drop in member questions and phone calls since the “go live” date. Staff has also worked out kinks with getting convention registration online. Yet to be implanted is Member Fuse, a new feature to share documents and communicate with other members of networks and committees. Nancy reported that NAGC is close to selecting Orlando as a location for the 2016 convention. NAGC’s partnership with Disney will lead to a truly enhanced attendee experience-- including free airport transfers, action labs on Disney property, a night at Epcot Center-- combining both fun and a learning experience. George Betts inquired about what will be provided for the children who attend the conference. Nancy noted that the whole convention model in Orlando will be family friendly, and integrate learning in the Parks. NAGC has also received a positive reaction from state members and we believe this could be a win-win for Florida as well as NAGC. Nancy visited Phoenix a couple weeks ago and said they are very excited to have us next year. Nancy then noted that reports from all of the directors are included in the National Office report, including Jeff Danielian, and Kathy Nilles, NAGC’s two remote staff. On the development front, Nancy reported that she and part time Development Director Lyndi Schrecengost have made a great investment of time into fundraising, writing numerous grant proposals, the Corporate Advisory Council, etc. and are looking forward to seeing results. Lauri Kirsch mentioned that she liked the program by the Professional Development Network offering to match Javits-Frasier donations with the reserve funds from the Network. Action Required: Develop discussion framework around issue of SIGS and Networks. 5. March Action Item Updates 5.1 Network Projects and Awards Policy Motion by Lauri Kirsch: to approve Network Awards Policy Second: Catherine Little Vote: Unanimous Approval No discussion/comments/questions Kim Chandler reminded the Board that the GRACE SIG was approved by electronic ballot, but feedback showed that there were some members who wanted more discussion. The comments asked how this SIG differs from the diversity committee and whether over-lapping roles exist, and also how SIGs can become networks, which would then affect convention session slots, etc.. Noting that a Convention Task Force was appointed while Paula was president and recommendations were left unimplemented, Paula and Kim suggested that time be scheduled at a future Board meeting to discuss SIGs and Networks in general, and a possible new structure that is feasible for planning the convention. Both noted the answer is not just “more sessions,” particularly with convention attendance decreasing over time. Catherine Little pointed out that we need a more defined procedure for SIG approval. The Board agreed that in the near future, a 3 1.1 significant discussion needs to occur on how SIGs relate to Networks, overlap, and affect convention. Need to put this on agenda for the September retreat. Kim also noted the outcomes of Network elections. Nine Networks elected Chair-elects and one elected a Chair. Kim’s report also included an extensive update on network requests. After the March meeting, Kim worked with Nancy, using the questions from the Board, to work with the networks to refine their budget requests and project proposals. There has been positive progress with each of the network proposals. 5.2 Position Statement Review Governance Secretary Chris Nobbe presented background on the Arts Position Statement and the Accountability Position Statement for review and approval. a. Arts Position Statement Motion by Marcia Wall: to accept position paper on “Art Education and Gifted and Talented Students” Second: Brian Housand Vote: Unanimous approval Background on process: Statement was underway in November and waiting for the Art Education Standards, which were released in March. First started working with Bess Worley and John Gaa. Susan Dulong Langley took over and did some rewriting, adding in more of the Steam piece as well as the standards. The position has also been through publications committee review, whose members revised as did the Governance Committee. It has been vetted! Discussion: Chris will email some small grammatical/verb edits to the statement b. Accountability Position Statement Background on process: This topic was encouraged as a result of a Policy Task Force that Paula appointed when she was president. At the time, she solicited feedback from the task force on the points that should be included, in order for the statement to be valuable to advocates and educators. The position has been reviewed by Governance and Publications Committee. Motion by Lauri Kirsch: to approve “Accountability for Gifted and Talented Student Learning,” Position Statement Second: Brian Housand Vote: Unanimous Approval Chris reminded members of the Governance Committee of the pre-service teacher position that still requires their feedback, and expressed her desire to get this one approved by vote before August 31. She also noted that Linda Sheffield is working on a Math position paper with NCTM and also one with NCS. Jonathan Plucker is working on an “excellence gap” position that should be ready by the end of August. The Diversity Committee, through Frank Worrell is also working on a revision of the position statement on diversity and equity. Lastly, GLBT SIG working on a GLBT and gifted position statement. Chris Nobbe agreed to update the position paper grid for new Governance Secretary Susan Langley as she transitions out of this role. 4 1.1 5.3 Publications: Conflict of Interest Policy for Publications Paula reviewed the current draft with the Board, calling attention to the two changes made to items 4 and 6 at the request of the Board. These reflect additional oversight by the association editor in cases where a GCQ editor or co-editor submis manuscripts, and addresses the actions needed when both the GCQ editor and the association editor have a shared conflict of interest. (e.g. if the author of a manuscript is a student of both editors) Motion by Marcia Wall: to accepted Conflict of Interest Policy for Publications Second: Susan Dulong Langley Vote: Unanimously Approved 5.4 Technology Education and Gifted TF Brian Housand discussed developments with the Technology Education and Gifted Task Force. The document included in Board materials describes the initial charge for the group, which outlines 3-4 main points. Brian had some initial discussions with interested parties who represent the leaders in the computers and technology network as well as some others within the field. The general direction the task force might begin to investigate: What other organizations are doing and doing well involving integrating technology and social media, ways to best leverage social media, ways to create a best practices or resource clearing house targeted towards gifted students. George Betts suggested that a focus on products and resources be an outcome of the task force.. Brian agreed that the charge includes developing resources for teachers to use, but also ways the organization as a whole can send out information through social media. Brian suggested three different areas of focus: Social media, what other organizations are doing, and various resources. He agreed to share the list of members with the Board once it has been finalized. 6. Approval of 2014-2015 Committee Rosters Nancy Green provided background on the committee rosters, noting that each year NAGC invites member volunteers to sign up for committees as part of the election process. Over the past 3 years we have gotten fewer new volunteers each year, and a lot of the same people switching around on committees. She suggested that it might be good to bring up getting newcomers involved with Leadership Development Committee. Nancy reminded everyone that most chairs are usually appointed by a new president, over the same two-year term as the President. Motion by Susan Duong Langley: to approve the committees as published Second: Lauri Kirsch Vote: Unanimous approval No comments or questions 7. Past President Update a. Talent Development Summit Preview 5 1.1 Paula Olszewski-Kubilius reported that NAGC and the Development Committee have initiated a Corporate Advisory Council as part of our work on Fundraising and Development, and Norm Augustine, former chair of Lockheed Martin, has agreed to chair this group. The group is working to bring national attention to issues of talent development. The group will have a presummit meeting at convention to plan a full Summit in early 2015. This meeting, to be held on Wednesday, November 12, will include an invitation-only group of leaders across sectors— research, corporate community, and education. All Board members will be invited to participate that morning. George Betts inquired about the resources involved. Nancy responded that the financial commitment is minimal, because the people attending from the business community and experts in the field are either from Maryland or are already there for the convention. From this event, we will build a case for sponsoring the Summit itself. Tracy asked that any other comments or feedback be sent to Paula or Nancy since time is running out. b. Governance Impact Assessment Paula then reminded the Board about the change made this past year on the evaluation of the Executive Director by separating the evaluation of her management skills from the leadership initiatives tasked to the Board and staff each year. Paula and Nancy have been working on survey questionnaire to tailor it to the specific goals for this year. This questionnaire will go out on survey monkey and Nancy will prepare a report summarizing progress and activities. The Board will then review to determine successes and challenges, how to modify goals, and discuss why certain goals weren’t met. This will be used to guide work and goal setting for the following year. Paula concluded by noting that this will be a topic of discussion at the September leadership retreat. 8. Future Meeting Dates/September Retreat Plans Future Board Meeting dates include the Board retreat held September 19-21, 2014 in Baltimore, MD. The second is in conjunction with this year’s Annual Convention to be held in Baltimore, November 12-16, 2014. The Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday late afternoon and Board related activities will continue all day on Wednesday, November 12th. The third meeting will be held in conjunction with the State Affiliate Conference March 21-22, 2015 in Washington, DC Tracy adjourned the meeting at 12:11 pm 6