Paula Simon Paula Simon shares through her book

Paula Simon
Paula Simon shares through her book, "The Gift of Loss" the story of her son whose life was nothing short
of a miracle and whose death changed his family in profound and unexpected ways. Paula shares with us
her journey into the joys and fears of motherhood; her descent into unspeakable anguish following the
loss of her baby son; and the brilliant gifts of hope, gratitude and wisdom that she and her husband
successfully salvaged from the depths of suffering.
"The Gift of loss" is her first book. Paula said, "I am not an exceptional person with an extraordinary
experience. It is quite the opposite. People suffer unbearable losses every day, and it is that sameness,
that essences of the human experience that compels me to tell our story. I want others who are struggling
to cope with painful loss to know that there are people who understand. And that it is possible to have an
even more fulfilling life despite --or even because of -- what you've experienced."