Green HRD


Green HRD:

The Potential Contribution of

HRD Concepts and Theories to

Environmental Management

Julie Haddock, Jackie Jeffrey, Derek Miles, Michael Muller-Camen, Aga Yamen,

Peter Critten, Mary Hartog

Education Against Climate Change Program of the Middlesex University 2009

Take Green Seriously

Green Government

UK Climate Change Act 2008

Legally binding targets : Green house gas emission reductions through action in the UK and abroad of at least 80% by 2050, and reductions in CO2 emissions of at least 26% by 2020, against a 1990 baseline.

A carbon budgeting system which caps emissions over five year periods, with three budgets set at a time, to set out our trajectory to 2050.

Take Green Seriously

Green Business

Tesco, the largest retailer in the United

Kingdom, has been awarded the Carbon

Trust Standard for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, and Marks &

Spencer’s latest sustainability report says the chain cut its carbon emissions by 18 percent.

Take Green Seriously

Green Marketing …

Carbon Crisis (online resource)

This online game challenges players to put together an urgent report on how we could d e a l w i t h g l o b a l c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s , suggesting methods of carbon reduction.


Source – BP Website

Take Green Seriously

Green Learning?

Those involved with sustainable development – HRD people - are not currently in evidence in making a contribution.

So, what could we do?

Green HRD


HRD professionals can consider the relevance of Green approaches to their own organisations and raise awareness through courses and campaigns.

Green HRD


We should practise what we preach. We may want to think about the impact of our practice and behaviour – challenging and changing our practice and that of others.

Green HRD


Technology provides us with a range of communications opportunities and Green delivery of learning including e-delivery.

It is about making informed choices, what we deliver and how we deliver.

Green HRD


A Green HRD culture could be developed within organisations, including sustainable people development practices including local and internal talent management.

Green HRD


HRD might reflect the commitments of the wider Organic Movement.

Can we apply the four overarching principles of health, ecology, fairness and care?


• Habits – we always have away days

• History – we were part of the problem

• Initiative Fatigue – ISO,

IIP etc

• Emotions – giving things up
