Minutes of 64th Multiple District Convention B'ham Final

Lions Clubs International
MD 105 British Isles & Ireland
Convention Birmingham 2015 Minutes
Minutes of 64th Multiple District Convention
9th – 10th May 2015 – Birmingham
1. The Multiple District Sergeant at Arms (MD SAA) IPCC Lion Tony Gadsby called
Convention to Order at 9.00 hrs on Saturday 9th May 2015
2. Multiple District Health and Safety Office Lion Brian Dickety announced the Health and
Safety procedures relating to this Convention.
3. Convention received PID Phil Nathan MBE and Heidi.
4. Convention received PID Howard Lee and Claire.
5. Convention received Past International President Dr Wing-Kun Tam.
6. Convention received the Mayor of Solihull Councillor Kate Wild, accompanied by PDG Lion
Simon Moss, Host Committee Chairman.
7. MD SAA conducted the Ceremony of the Flags. The Flags of the China, USA, the
Union Flag, Republic of Ireland and Lions Clubs International were paraded and saluted
by the singing of their National Anthems. The Flags were presented to Past International
President and Council Chairman and displayed on stage.
8. SAA handed over convention to CC Michael Philips who thanked the Flag Party on behalf
of Convention.
9. MD 105 Chairman of Council (CC) Michael Philips welcomed everyone to the 64th Multiple
District Convention and especially Past International President Lion Dr Wing-Kun Tam,
PID Lion Howard Lee and Lion Claire, PID Lion Phil Nathan and Lion Heidi, DGs, Past
Council Chairmen, DGEs, PDGs, MD Lioness Acting Chairman Phyllis, Lionesses, Leos and
all Lions and friends.
10. CC recognised the guests from outside the Multiple District from MD 106, MD 110 and MD
111. He then called upon those attending Convention for the first time to stand and be
11. The Candle of Peace and Remembrance was lit by DG 105 A Ramesh Parmer.
12. Convention stood to hear the Invocation read by DG 105 BS Carol Godden who then
delivered the in Memoriam. During the In Memoriam each District placed a rose of
remembrance next to the Candle of Peace.
13. PID Howard Lee addressed Convention with an eulogy of PDG David Saunders who was
instrumental in developing MD105 during his 63 years of Service to Lions Clubs
14. The Lions Clubs International Purposes were read to Convention by DG105 C Ian Sagar
and the Lions Code of Ethics were read by DG 105 E Alan Hall.
15. MD SAA conveyed the greetings to Convention from HM The Queen and the President of
the Republic of Ireland Mr Michael Higgins.
16. CC then invited Mayor of Solihull Councillor Kate Wild to formally
open Convention.
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Convention Birmingham 2015 Minutes
17. The Mayor made a short speech promoting the strengths of Solihull, stressing the
differences to Birmingham building the economic powerhouse of the West Midlands
before declaring the Convention open.
18. CC presented a small gift to the Lord Mayor on behalf of the MD as well as his personal
banner before The Mayor departed. CC remarked that we looked forward to entertaining
the Mayor at the Banquet and Ball.
19. The partners then left the hall for an opportunity to explore the arera
20. There was a brief break in proceedings.
21. SAA then called Convention to order again.
22. CC thanked the Host Committee for the organisation of the Host Night party
23. CC then called upon SAA to give an attendance report at 10.00 hrs 168 Clubs were
represented by 227 voting delegates (with 18 Alternates).
24. CC then invoked the Multiple District Standing Orders as the Order of the Day for
25. PCC John Goodchild MD Constitution, Nominations and Resolutions Officer (CNRO) took
Convention through the procedures published in the Convention Book.
26. The Minutes of the 63rd MD Convention in Manchester 8th and 9th May 2014 were
received and approved. They were formally signed CS and CC.
27. Matters arising
a. CNRO updated Convention on the 2 Resolutions from 2014 which had been sent to
the International Board, the resolutions concerning nominations for International
Director had both been rejected
b. PCC Bryan Riley raised queries concerning Message In A Bottle -one concerning
minute 26 final paragraph has the MDO been satisfied with accounts, secondly 2007/2008 monies from Manchester PCT (£50,000) how have they been dispersed?
CC ruled they will be addressed elsewhere during Convention. CT pointed out he was
unable to research 8 years records at Convention, but was willing to go back and
research an answer.
CC updated his report specifically with reference to 2014 Convention decision to request a
review of MDs Disaster Response programme, to become recognised for provision of
emergency water supplies. Council and Vice Council had agreed the programme should be
water purification tablets via 105I, plus Lifesaver Jerry Cans both funded from the MD Disaster
Fund with help if available from LCIF to enable us to purchase and store equipment to provide
an immediate disaster response.
29. CS presented an update to his Convention report. The Report was on behalf of MDHQ,
currently operating at reduced staff numbers following a resignation. MyLCI was working
but still issues with the accuracy of addresses. A royalties agreement had been signed
with LCI relating to use of Lion logo on locally produced material. On line trading
including Convention bookings had increased significantly. MIAB working process with
new supplier had settled down, it was noted that over 1000 bottles had been sent to
individual requesters by MDHQ. Brigitte and Jan were thanked for their efforts. The CS
report was approved Convention.
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Convention Birmingham 2015 Minutes
30. CT PCC Philip Goodier gave Convention a detailed update to his report the approved
accounts for the year 2013-2014, and dues budget for 2015/2016.
a. The major areas of spend were identified as MDHQ and LION Magazine
b. The income came from Dues, parking charges, Telephone mast rental
c. The progress on reducing costs was analysed, including staff numbers reduction,
however the failure to find a replacement tenant was a negative
d. 2015/2016 budget was reviewed again Lion Magazine had achieved no reductions in cost
and was forecast to cost £90,000. Postage was the biggest element of cost and was
rising. Pensions auto enrolment was going to affect our employees, for four employees
the operating cost would be punitive we have no option but to comply. Community
Report would be produced every 2 years, but no LCI grant would be available to support
the next edition, so £5,500 would be reserved towards the costs of the next edition.
e. MIAB the new contract was reported on and there was an operating surplus reported of
£4207 from sales of 78 pallets. Each pallet generated a margin of £97.04. from this
margin MD Officer costs, printed materials for displays were funded.
f. The costs of Magazine were forecast to rise to £141,500 set off by a reduced contribution
of $2 per per head £17,000 leaving a cost per member £8 or £124,000. Going Digital
would reduce the forecast to £72,500. COG had agreed to set up a dialog with members
to discuss the impact of going digital
CT was questioned on the MIAB presentation and clarified that the contract required MD
to purchase production ordered.
Clarification was given to the treatment of the Redundancy payment.
CT was questioned by PCC Bryan Riley on the treatment of the Self Insurance Fund from
which £24.000 had been transferred last year and £16,000 in current year. PCC referred
to Ennis Convention and stated that in his belief the surplus was to reduce members’
dues and at present treatment was not transparent. CT replied he felt that the note to
the accounts was clear and transparent.
PDG Max Mongia offered to help source LION magazine in India at a cost reduction of
some 40%, this was to be referred to LION Magazine Committee
31. CC thanked CT for his work during the year. Convention then approved the report
presented by CT.
32. CC introduced Resolution 1
Dues Resolution proposed on behalf of Council by CT and seconded by DG 105 M Ian
“The Multiple District Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 shall be £28.50p
per Lion, payable in two equal instalments, the first in August 2015 based on
membership as at 30 June 2015 and the second in February 2016 based on
membership as at 31 December 2015.”
Explanatory Note: Council considered, in very great detail, the budget proposals for
the Lion’s year 2015- 2016. The economic situation continues to present difficult
financial conditions for all. The financial conditions led to our MDHQ tenant quitting
the lease at the end of January 2014; this has reduced full year income by £9,600
and in the current property market it is not likely that the space will be re-let quickly or
at the current rental rate.
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Following the success of the Community Report the M & PR budget has been increased to
all reserves to be generated to pay for production of the next edition in approx. two
years. The Lion Magazine budget is being affected by changes in Editor and reduced
contribution received from LCI.
Council receive a quarterly financial analysis and the Council Treasurer undertakes
quarterly meetings with Staff to review costs and expenditure, however, it should be
noted that certain costs arise as a consequence of legislative requirement, Vat and Rates,
for example.
The Budget is based on a membership of 15,500.
Cost Analysis attached to resolutions circulated to clubs
There were eight comments from the floor of Convention, 4 urging Convention to vote
for the increase and 4 urging rejection.
The Resolution was carried (151 for 62 against)
33. PDG Tom Berry MD Charities Treasurer was called to the podium to present the status of
the MD Youth Trust, the Youth Trust was much healthier financially it was now in surplus
thanks to the support from so many Clubs. The forecast for next year is to achieve
small surplus, there was no increase proposed in suggested contributions.
Financial highlights were Income £54,268, expenditure £40,738, The MD Charitable Trust
had been able to donate over £111,000 thanks to Club donations. £40,000 was ro go to
the Balkans Appeal and £7250 had already been donated to the water appeal, £1,670
had come from a public giving website.
PDG Tom then updated Convention on the status of the CIO project. This recognised the
changes in Charity status that was taking place, importantly Charity Commission had
recognised that promoting volunteering was an important charitable activity. However we
need to change our constitution to recognise the supremacy of laws of the Nation and
this was the reason for Emergency Resolution A.
CC thanked PDG Tom for the clarity of this presentation. Report was approved
34. CC introduced Emergency Resolution A proposed by Council of Governors and asked
Convention for permission to debate the resolution, this was given.
35. Emergency Resolutuion A
DG Pat O’Brien 105 I proposed the resolution on behalf of Council and was seconded by
VDG Marion Conneely 105 I
This Convention resolves to amend Article I of the Multiple District Constitution as
Amend the title to read, “Objects, Constitution and Membership”.
AND Delete Section 2 in its entirety.
AND Insert a new Section 2 as follows:
“Section 2 – Supremacy of Constitutions
To the extent permitted by the laws of England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland,
The Republic of Ireland, The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands (and, where relevant,
so far as local charity laws allow), the constitutions and by-laws of Clubs and Districts
in the Multiple District and the constitution and by-laws of the Multiple District, itself,
shall be construed so as to be compatible with the constitution and by-laws of Lions
Clubs International.
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Where applicable, Model Club and District constitutions, including any by-laws attached
thereto and any amendments thereto shall be agreed with the relevant charity
regulators in the Multiple District and notified to the Multiple District.
Every Club and District shall adopt, and operate in accordance with, the relevant agreed
model constitution but may add, in so far as is compatible with the requirements of sub
paragraph (i) above and sub paragraph (v) below, any bylaws appropriate to their
specific requirements.
The Multiple District constitution and by-laws shall comply with the laws of England and
Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Isle of Man and the
Channel Islands. If there is any incompatibility between any requirement of law in the
aforementioned geographical areas and the Multiple District Constitution and/or bylaws, the law in the relevant geographical area(s) shall take precedence and the Council
of Governors shall take such action as is necessary to resolve the incompatibility.
The constitution and by-Laws of any District or Club within the Multiple District shall
comply with the laws of England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of
Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands (as applicable). If there is any
incompatibility between any requirement of law in the aforementioned geographical
areas and a District or Club constitution and/or by-laws, the law in the relevant
geographical area(s) shall take precedence and the relevant District Governor and
District Cabinet or Lions Club shall take such action as is necessary to resolve the
If there is any incompatibility between the Lions Clubs International constitution
and/or by-laws and any requirement of law in the aforementioned geographical areas,
the law in the relevant geographical area(s) shall take precedence and the Council of
Governors shall liaise with the Board of Directors of Lions Clubs International to
remove the conflict.”
There was one comment from the floor
The resolution was passed (only 10 against)
36. MD Officers reports. The Portfolio Coordinators were asked to stand and be recognised and
requested to give updates Youth Coordinator gave 3 updates.
Convention were asked if they had any questions on any of the Officers’ reports, none were
37. Convention approved all the MD reports en bloc. All Officers were thanked for their work
during the year.
38. MD Young Ambassadors Officer Lion Glenys Sanders reported on the 2015 competition.
Unfortunately the winner Orla Jackman was unable to attend Convention in person
The winner of the Ship Shape award was James Lingfield 105A
2014 winner Chris Phillips presented the progress on his project at the conclusion of
which he presented a Defibrillator for use by the MD.
A video presentation by Orla Jackson explaining her project and her commitment to work
for Cancer sufferers was then shown to Convention
39. The Peace Poster competition winner was announced by Lion Brigitte Green, Jessica
Rizova sponsored by Lions Club of Hemel Hempstead, they were presented with the
sponsoring Club Trophy. Rizova had received her award at UN Day in March.
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40. PCC Bryan Riley introduced the winner of the Young Musician Competition Rachel Coe
sponsored by Soutwold Lions Club Branch District 105 C. Whilst the winner was
preparing to perform PCC Bryan Riley briefed Convention on the Competition and
41. Rachel then entertained Convention with a superb performance for which she received a
standing ovation from Convention. She was presented with the winners trophy.
42. CC requested PID Phil Nathan to update Convention plans for the Centennial
Celebrations. The presentation explained this was the launch of MD programme which
included amongst other things , SOGB, Garden Party, 100 years of Music, 1 st day Cover,
100 marathons, Lord Mayors Show, 100,000 trees, YLIS 100,000 hours of service,
100,000 Eye referrals, 100,000 daffodils, 10,000 hearing aids 100,000 mile walk,
100,000 lengths swimming, feed 100,000, 1000 MJFs, 100 BMHA 100,000 measles
vaccinations, 14 Hearing Dogs, 100 miles of paths cleared, 100,000 prostate screenings,
100,000 diabetic screenings, 100,000 calls to old people. 1,000,000 batteries, 100,000
pints of blood. Something for every Club for every member.
But ALL with the strap line “Do it with your friends”.
43. CC Thanked PID Phil for all his work on the Centennial project
44. CC invited CC Barbara Grewe MD 111 to present Europa Forum 2015. First she presented
greetings to MD 105 from MD 111 then explained the theme for Augsburg.
45. CC called on SAA to give any notices prior to the lunch break. Convention was asked to
return for 13.30 restart
46. SAA adjourned Convention at 12.30 hrs.
47. Call to Order 13.45 and results of Belarus Raffle
48. CC Michael welcomed everybody back. He then called upon SAA to give an updated
report on attendance. At 13.00 there were 171 Clubs with 234 (18 Alternates) voting
49. PDG John Saville introduced Jane Notly of Warners (the LION Magazine publishers and
editors) who presented the benefits of a Digital Magazine. Publishing was about being
able to access at any time, benefits included interactive communications i.e. video links.
It also offered advertisers the opportunity to link from Adverts to their website. A
demonstration was given to Convention of the digital format on a tablet, illustrating how
an article could be interactive.
50. PDG John Saville then made a presentation to Lion Margaret Kimberley retiring editor of
LION Magazine on behalf of MD105 to thank her for her 30 years of service as editor.
Margaret received a standing ovation from Convention.
51. PID Howard Lee was invited to present to Convention about his work with UN and the
history of LCI and the UN. Around the world some 14 Lions (8 in Europe) had been
appointed to work with various UN Offices/Agencies. PID Howard's position was liaison
with Geneva, the largest UN Office in the world covering some 41 agencies. He gave
several examples of the areas Lions and UN agencies could work together.
52. CC then invited Tom Millar of Sightsavers to address Convention on their work.
53. CC then invited Pete Kent from Railway Children to talk about his work in East Africa
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54. PID Phil Nathan was invited to address Convention about the work of Gift For Living. First
he presented the new Gift for Living Logo. He explained the response to the flooding that
hit the area in May 2014 and detailed the results of the Balkans Appeal. Then he detailed
the work of supplying medical equipment to the health Centre in Maglaj. PID Phil in
conclusion paid tribute to the work of Lion Armin the man on the ground on behalf of Gift
for Living.
55. CC then invited Major General (Rtd) Nick Caplin of Blind Veterans UK to address convention
about their work and the partnership with MD105 and the new appeal they were launching. CC
announced that Council had given their permission to circulate an appeal to Clubs, and
presented £10,000 which had been donated to BVUK by clubs during the past 12 months to
help with their ongoing work.
56. The Health portfolio Coordinator Lion Penny Tregillus then presented the Deaf Awareness
project, and Lions Hearing Forum to Convention.
57. A £400 cheque presentation on behalf of B&I Pin Traders was made to Hearing Dogs for
Deaf Children
58. The convention then returned to dealing with the remaining resolutions.
59. Resolution 2 –
Proposed by: VDG Heather Jeavons 105M on behalf of the Council of Governors seconded
by DG 105D Mike Hendy
Proposal to amend the Multiple District Constitution concerning the appointment of a
Council Chairman (Elect).
This Convention resolves to amend Article II Section 3 of the Multiple District
Constitution as follows:
Delete the existing body text of section 3
Add a new section 3(a) to read, “The District Governors for the time being within the
Multiple District, together with one Past District Governor who has served as District
Governor in any of the two years previous to the immediately preceding year (who they
shall appoint and who shall become Chairman of the Council) shall constitute and
become the Council and shall be the voting members thereof. The Council Secretary
and Treasurer shall attend Council meetings ex officio as observers and advisors.”
Add a new section 3b to read, “The First Vice District Governors shall each year
appoint the Council Chairman (Elect) in the July previous to that in which they shall
take Office as District Governors. The appointment shall be made from among the Past
District Governors of the then immediately preceding two years in accordance with
procedures which Council shall from time to time prescribe and review on a regular
Explanatory Note: Currently, the First Vice District Governors elect the Council
Chairman (Elect) during the weekend of the January meeting of the Council of
Governors. This proposal, if carried by Convention, will give a full year in which the Vice
Governors can form a team and bond with their “Chairman”, thus leading to greater
cohesion at the start of their year as Council.
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Constitutional Note: To be enacted, this resolution will require a two thirds majority
of those delegates present at Convention who exercise their right to vote.
There was only one comment from the floor
The Resolution was not carried as it failed to achieve the required 2/3
majority (85 for 69 against)
60. Resolution 3
Proposed by: DG Mike Hendy 105D on behalf of the Council of Governors seconded by
VDG Paul Stafford 105 E.
Proposal to amend the Multiple District Constitution to limit the terms of office of the
Council Secretary and the Council Treasurer to no more than 5 consecutive years.
This Convention resolves that Article II Section 6 of the Multiple District Constitution be
amended as follows:
Renumber the existing body text of section 6, (a) AND add the following:
In making these appointments, Council shall ensure that no individual serves as
Council Secretary or Council Treasurer for more than five consecutive years, unless no
other suitable appointment can be made.
Whenever possible, Council shall ensure that a new Secretary and a new Treasurer are
not both appointed in the same year. A successor/deputy shall be appointed for the
start of the year prior to the year from which the appointment takes effect to ensure a
seamless transition from one postholder to the next.
Explanatory Note: Article II Section 6 relates to the appointment of the Council
Secretary and Council Treasurer, whose terms of office are not currently limited by the
Constitution. Although technically, these appointments are made each year, this is
more of a confirmation than actual appointment. Council believe that no individual
should serve for more than five years in these posts unless no other suitable candidate
can be found. Both posts are crucial to the administration of the Multiple District, thus
disruption will be minimised by not appointing new Officers to both positions in the
same year and ensuring successors are in place to shadow the posts in the last year of
office – it is estimated that this may cost up to an extra £500 cost to the budget for
Secretary/Treasurer during the time of ‘shadowing’.
Constitutional Note: To be enacted, this resolution will require a two thirds majority
of those delegates present at Convention who exercise their right to vote.
There was only one comment from the floor responded to by Proposer and Seconder
The Resolution was not carried as it failed to achieve the required 2/3
majority (113 for 83 against)
61. Resolution 4
Proposed by: The Council of Governors
Proposal to give Council time to implement the Constitutional Requirements of
Resolution 3 (if passed).
This Convention instructs the current and future Councils of Governors to take such
actions as are necessary to ensure a new Council Secretary is in post by 1st July 2017
and a new Council Treasurer is in post by 1st July 2019.
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Explanatory Note: This resolution sets out a time scale by which the constitutional
amendments detailed in Resolution 3 shall be adhered to. As this resolution is
consequent on the passing of Resolution 3, It will not be debated in the event that
Resolution 3 fails to be passed.
Constitutional Note: To be enacted, this resolution will require a simple (50%+1)
majority of those delegates present at Convention who exercise their right to vote
The resolution was formally withdrawn following the failure of Resolution 3 to achieve the
necessary majority
62. Resolution 5
Proposed by: DG Terry Mason 105 SE on behalf of The Council of Governors seconded
by VDG Keith Wilding 105 W
Proposal To Amend the Multiple District Constitution regarding the post of Council
This Convention resolves to amend Article III of the MD 105 Constitution by Inserting a
new Section 6 to read:
“Section 6 – Council Chairman
(a)The duties of the Council Chairman shall be as from time to time prescribed by the
Constitution and By-laws of Lions Clubs International and such others as may from time
to time be decided by the Council of Governors, providing these do not conflict with the
requirements of LCI.
(b)The Council of Governors may remove the Council Chairman from office at any time
in accordance with the procedures from time to time prescribed by the Constitution and
By-laws of Lions Clubs International.
AND renumber existing sections 6 to 15, 7 to 16 respectively”
Explanatory Note: Currently the Multiple District Constitution does not set out the powers
and duties of the Council Chairman. In the past, these have not been prescribed by Lions Clubs
International but, at the Toronto International Convention, changes to the LCI Constitution
were approved to rectify this situation. This resolution, if passed by Convention, will bring the
MD Constitution in line with the revised requirements of LCI.
Constitutional Note: To be enacted, this resolution will require a two thirds majority of those
delegates present at Convention who exercise their right to vote.
There were no comments from the floor, The Resolution was carried unanimously
63. Resolution 6
Proposed by: CNRO PCC John Goodchild on behalf of Council of Governors seconded by VDG
Nigel Ware 105C
Proposal to amend Convention Standing Orders to permit Resolutions and Amendments to be
displayed on screen.
This Convention resolves to amend Convention Standing Order 3 to read, ”Resolutions and / or
amendments to be taken as read and may be displayed on screen as part of the audio visuals
at Convention”.
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Explanatory Note: For several years now, Council have taken a decision to this effect. The
inclusion of this will obviate the need for Council to take such a decision each year. Previously,
amendments to resolutions were not covered by this Standing Order and, technically, were still
required to be read into the record. The sections highlighted reflect the additions to the text of
the current Standing Order 3.
Constitutional Note: To be enacted, this resolution will require a simple (50%+1) majority of
those delegates present at Convention who exercise their right to vote.
There were no comments from the floor, The Resolution was carried unanimously
64. Resolution 7
Proposed by: DG Andrew Kerr-Sutherland 105 NE on behalf of the Council of Governors
seconded by VDG Dave Wells 105 NE
This Convention requests the following resolution to be tabled before the European Council at
Europa Forum 2015, “The European Council resolve to approve all the revised Rules,
Procedures, Financial Arrangements, etc., relating to the Young Ambassador of the Twenty
First Century Award, which have been collated into one single document, for future use.”
Explanatory Note: Currently, the Rules of Procedure, Financial Arrangements, etc. for the
European Young Ambassador competition are contained within a number of
documents. All of this information has been drawn together and combined
into one single
document. It is not intended that this will change any of the finances or
practised over the seven years of the competition, but will
ensure that all
aspects are covered within one single point of reference. To be adopted
for use, this will
need the approval of the European Council, which requires the prior
endorsement of such a
resolution by a Multiple District Convention.
Constitutional Note: To be enacted, this resolution will require a simple (50%+1)
of those delegates present at Convention who exercise their right to vote.
There were no comments from the floor. The resolution was carried unanimously
65. Resolution 8
Proposed by: The Lions Club of Rottingdean & Saltdean
Seconded by: The Lions Club of Lewes
This Convention requests Lions Clubs International investigate and adopt a workable process
by which those Lions Clubs eligible to vote but unable to be represented at
Conventions can
register their votes in absentia.
Explanatory Note: Conventions are an important part of the Lion’s calendar; most
importantly they are the time when Club opinions are voiced and by the voting process
decisions made on the resolutions that can have a large impact on how our organisation
For International, Multiple District and in some parts of the world District Conventions the
geographic area covered and transport infrastructure available can make it impossible for
some clubs to be represented. Travelling long distances to venues can be difficult and travel
costs plus expensive hotel rooms, can put attending such Conventions out of the reach of
dedicated Lions. These clubs unable to be represented are disenfranchised and consequently
lose the ability to influence and support Lion’s policy.
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In the UK political arena voters can register for postal voting. Our club feels that adopting the
resolution will bring us in line and up to date with current electoral practices.
Constitutional Note: To be enacted, this resolution will require a simple (50%+1)
of those delegates present at Convention who exercise their right to vote.
There were nine comments from the floor. The resolution was not carried
66. CC thanked the CNRO for his hard work in taking Convention through the resolutions
67. SAA was requested to give final notices before closing the second session of Convention at
68. The third session of Convention was called to order by SAA at 9.15 hrs.
69. Convention stood to welcome PID Phil Nathan and Lion Heidi, PID Howard Lee and Lion Ian
Claire, Chairman of Council Lion Michael Philips and Lion Patricia, and Past International
President Lion Dr Wing-Kun Tam.
70. CC Michael welcomed Past International President and the Lions Family to the final session of
the 64th Convention. He then presented to Convention the 2014-2015. DG Team and
partners He paid tribute to their work during the ten months to Convention reminding them
they still had seven weeks to go. Convention were asked to show their appreciation for the
work that Council had undertaken.
71. CC of MD 110 Netherlands and MD 106 Denmark presented greetings to Convention
72. The PR Team were invited to present to Convention the work to date on the PR and
Marketing Toolkit. This was both very entertaining and informative.
73. PID Howard Lee and PID Phil Nathan spoke to convention introducing the winner of the
Bert Mason Trophy Lion Minesh Meta 105A
74. PDG Simon Moss was presented to Convention as Council Chairman Elect for 20152016.
75. The DGs for 2015-2016 were presented to Convention by SAA. Convention greeted the
incoming Governors with their usual enthusiasm.
76. CCE Simon Moss then addressed the Convention, he talked about the challenges facing
the MD. He illustrated what 500 members could achieve in service hours, identified the
PR Toolkit and Centennial Challenges as important tools for growth.
77. DGE Paul Stafford 105E and DGE Heather Jeavons 105M presented the Vision for
2015/2016 that had been developed by the incoming DG Team.
78. PID Howard Lee introduced Past International President Lion Dr Wing-Kun Tam to
Convention, giving brief details of his career and his activities outside Lions as well as his
work Internationally for Lions.
79. Past International President Lion Dr Wing-Kun Tam
gave an superb and entertaining but
thought provoking address to Convention. We were challenged to find better, newer ways
to serve our communities
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80. PID Phil thanked the Past International President for attending the Convention and the
speech he had just given. PIP was presented with gifts as a memento of their visit to MD
105, a cheque would also be presented to LCIF on behalf of PIP Wing-Kun Tam.
81. Presentation of MD Trophies by PIP Wing-Kun Tam
The Travelling Lion Trophy winner Normanton Lions Club 105C
Scrap Book Competition winner Stoke on Trent Lions Club 105 BS
Environmental Photo competition winner Lion Brian Winter Yeo Valley Lions Club
82. Awards were then presented to the following Lions.
Certificate of Appreciation from IPIP Barrie Palmer to Immediate Past Council Chairman
Lion Phil Robinson
International President’s Certificates of Appreciation to
Lion Mandy Broadbent Lifeskills and PR coordinator
Lion Brian Dickety MD Health & Safety Officer for 8 years
PCC John Goodchild retiring MD CNRO
Lion David Leigh retiring Environment Officer
PDG Frank Marnell retiring MD Leo Coordinator
PDG Larry Pearce for services to District
Lion John Sanders retiring Sight Officer and work with Lions Sightsavers
Lion Heather Yaxley PR Team especially Lions in the Community
International Leadership Medals were presented to
PDG Jacquie Prebble retiring MD IRO
Lion Vic Truluck Hearing Aid recycling project
International President’s Awards were presented to
PDG Tom Berry for work on District and MD Charities
Lion David Colville for work as Data Protection Officer and Vulnerable Persons Officer
CC Michael Phillips for his working in leading the MD
PID Howard Lee for his ongoing work to promote Lions in MD and internationally
83. Lion John Cattaway took to the podium to present the venue for Convention 2016 to be
held in Eastbourne – May 8th and 9th 2016.
84. SAA/Convention Officer PCC Tony Gadsby thanked Lion Dave Allen and the AV Team,
MDHQ staff, Metropole Hotel staff and then introduced the Birmingham Host Committee
to Convention. Convention showed their appreciation in the usual manner.
85. The SAA then arranged for the Convention Flag to be passed from Birmingham to
86. CC made his closing remarks thanking Lion Patricia for her support throughout the year.He
thanked everybody for attending Convention, the speakers host committee and SAA before
wishing everyone a safe journey home.
87. Following some organisational announcements from SAA Convention closed at 12.00 hrs with
the singing of Land of Hope and Glory and Auld Lang’s Syne.