ustang HS Marketing Education Program

ustang H.S.
Marketing Education
2015 - 16
Syllabus, Rules, and Regulations
An Association of Marketing Students
August 20, 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian:
CONGRATULATIONS! You are an integral part of one of the most exciting programs
we have at Mustang High School. The Marketing Education program will consist of
classroom instruction, on-the-job training (if enrolled), and DECA. The combination of
these areas will provide your child all of the program benefits. Since over seventy
percent of all employment opportunities lie in the marketing field, your child is certainly
making a wise educational choice.
Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or if you know of any
resources that you feel would benefit the Marketing program. I want to utilize any
resources available to benefit the students. I encourage parental involvement in the
activities in which we will be involved.
Please read the attached pages, sign the appropriate places, and have your child
return the signature pages and DECA dues to me as soon as possible. Thank you for your
support. I look forward to a great year!
Mr. Michael Rachlin
Marketing Instructor/
DECA Advisor
Mustang High School
Marketing Education – An Equal Opportunity Program
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. . . a people-oriented field involving the activities of getting goods or services from
producers to consumers.
market research
product design and packaging
buying and selling
transportation and storing
promoting and advertising
financing and insuring
CAREERS IN MARKETING represent over one-third of the jobs in today’s economy. And,
as that economy becomes more and more service-oriented, that number will jump dramatically.
That is why a program to train workers for those jobs is so very important. That training
program is called MARKETING EDUCATION.
MARKETING EDUCATION is the vocational program designed to prepare and motivate
people for rewarding and profitable careers in marketing. Through marketing education,
students learn about the free enterprise system, economics, and the profit motive. Oklahoma’s
marketing education program is targeted towards high school students, college students, and
FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Marketing Education offers opportunity for all high school
students. For those planning to continue their education at the collegiate level, marketing can
provide you with the skills to help pay for college expenses and prepare you for college
marketing classes. For those planning to immediately begin work after high school graduation,
the high school marketing education program can give you the edge on your competition by
teaching you the fundamental skills of marketing.
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MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS is a course of study of marketing concepts and
foundations. Course content will include human relations, math, communication, economics,
salesmanship, ethics, social responsibility and leadership. A different marketing career will be
explored in every chapter. In this project-based course, students will learn competencies
required to secure and hold jobs. Students will create a professional resume and reference list for
their personal portfolios.
1. To develop competent workers in and for the major occupational areas within marketing,
2. To assist in the development of marketing techniques, and
3. To understand the wide range of social, civic, and leadership responsibilities that
accompany the right to engage in marketing in a free enterprise system.
Course Length: Full year
Course Number: HSO655
Textbook: Marketing Essentials, 2012 Lois Schneider Farese, Grady Kimbrell, and
Carl A. Woloszyk, Ph.D.
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION (Marketing II) is a study of planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling the use of an organization’s resources to effectively and
economically attain its objectives. In this project-based course, students will learn the art and
science of management and supervision, including problem solving, decision making, and
working with and through other people to accomplish common goals. Course content also
includes promotion, distribution, pricing, product and service management, and entrepreneurship
and finance. Students will continue identifying career opportunities by exploring a different
marketing career in each chapter.
1. To develop competent workers in and for the major occupational areas within marketing,
2. To assist in the further development and improvement of marketing techniques, and
3. To understand the wide range of social, civic, and leadership responsibilities that
accompany the right to engage in marketing in a free enterprise system.
Course Length: Full year
Course Number: HSO647
Marketing Fundamentals
Textbook: Marketing Essentials, 2012 Lois Schneider Farese, Grady Kimbrell, and
Carl A. Woloszyk, Ph.D.
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MARKETING ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (OJT) gives the student the opportunity to apply
their studies while on the job. This is the combined effort of the teacher, student, and employer.
The job must be in a marketing related field. Once employed, a student can change or terminate
a job ONLY WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE TEACHER! Should a student lose their job, the
teacher should be contacted IMMEDIATELY and the situation will be discussed. Students may
be released early from school each day to go to work. Students must maintain employment and
comply with all rules regarding on-the-job training to remain enrolled in this course.
Course Length: Full year
Course Number: HSO648
Requirement: Enrolled in Business Management and Supervision (Marketing II)
In order to develop not only the academic and technical skills necessary, each student is
encouraged to become actively involved in our student organization, DECA (An Association of
Marketing Students). Through DECA, students will gain the importance of civic and school
involvement, as well as the opportunity for local, state, and national recognition. DECA
members will have the opportunity to participate in charitable projects, to demonstrate their job
skills at the State DECA Career Development Conference (CDC), and participate in activities
designed to allow for the student’s fullest development of their individual abilities. Those
qualifying at the State conference will have the opportunity to represent the State of Oklahoma at
the International Career Development Conference (ICDC). DECA points will be distributed
among each of the DECA leadership activities for all students based upon their participation,
which counts toward their total grade.
All members are expected to pay DECA dues and join this student organization. In order
to qualify for local, state, and international membership, annual dues must be submitted. Your
$30.00 dues cover local, state and international membership, one International DECA
membership pin, one local chapter T-shirt, and a subscription to DECA Direct magazine.
The four aspects of DECA membership include:
Leadership Development
Social Intelligence
Civic Consciousness
Vocational Understanding
Please submit cash or make checks payable to MHS DECA. Also, students may earn the money
for their dues by participating in a fundraiser. Dues must be paid in full before students may
participate in DECA activities.
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DECA is designed to develop leadership and professionalism. Mustang High School DECA is
an active chapter and members will have the opportunity to participate in many activities
throughout the year. Monthly membership meetings are required to maintain eligibility for
competitions and trips. During the latter part of the first semester, each OJT student honors
his/her employer at the Employer Appreciation Luncheon. It is a very special way to show our
business community how much we appreciate their interest, cooperation and training. DECA
members who have earned awards will also be recognized. Again, it will be required for all OJT
students to attend and support this function.
1. Pencil or Pen (black or blue ink).
2. Two Pocket Folder – Participation Points
a) For all graded papers
b) Stays in classroom
c) Folders will be checked and extra credit given
3. 3-Ring Binder with lined paper for notes or Subject Notebook – you will keep this
with you. Taking notes during class will help you on quizzes and tests.
4. Textbooks stay in the classroom. Do not take them home.
5. Box of Kleenex and/or Hand Sanitizer – Participation Points
Instructional Methods and Grading
The instructional methods within each class will vary from cooperative learning (group projects),
activities, and individualized study. Student’s grades are based on daily assignments, classroom
participation/work habits, leadership/professionalism, written & oral projects, tests, and quizzes.
Pop quizzes cannot be made up.
Breakdown of the percentages are as follows:
The student’s grade is assessed using the following distribution:
Worksheets/Guided Notes
Total 100%
The Leadership grade consists of participation in various activities. Including: community
service projects, monthly DECA meetings, and program activities. If you already perform
community service, talk to Mr. Rachlin about how it might apply.
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Class Attendance and Preparation
Since this business course is preparing you for the real world, I feel you will need to be prepared
for situations that will arise in the workforce. The “real world” has little tolerance for
absenteeism, tardiness, whining, and inadequate preparation. We will cover a lot of material in a
short amount of time, so daily attendance is a plus for you. (Remember – per school policy –
over 12 absences means “no credit”. And, (three tardy equal 1 absence.) If you are absent, it is
your responsibility to find out what material was covered. You may need to borrow someone’s
notes and copy them. Any assignments missed must be turned in, in a timely manner.
Make-up Work
An assignment calendar will be kept on a bulletin board in the classroom. After an absence, it is
your responsibility to check the calendar and then make up any missed assignments. You may
get any handouts or worksheets you missed from me upon request. Time given for this make-up
work will correspond to length of absence, i.e., if absent two (2) days, he/she will be given two
(2) days beginning the day of his/her return to make up the work. Your grade will be identified
as AB (Absent) for the assignment, quiz, or exam, until the make-up work is submitted and
graded. If not submitted according to the make-up time, your grade will change to zero.
Late Workrk:
You will receive 3 Late Work Passes for daily work not turned in on time,
for the semester. The Late Work Pass must be attached to the late work
and turned in no later than two days late, to receive full credit for this
work. No other late work will be accepted. Any unused Late Work
Passes may be turned in at the end of the semester for 5 bonus
points each on the final exam.
Cell Phone Rule C
Absolutely, NO Texting, Selfies, Snapchat, or any other type of cell phone activity during class.
Cell phone may be used to research projects only! Violators will be placing their phone in the
Cell Phone Jail until class ends.
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Computer Usage
This is not a computer course. All use of the computers, at any time, will be instructed by the
All conditions and rules stated in the District Internet Agreement/Usage and Student
Handbook will apply to this class when using computers, IPAD’s, or Personal Devices.
1. Absolutely no food or drink at any time on or around the computer and technology
2. The Internet is to be used for school purposes only. No downloading games or playing
games using school equipment or your own personal device, unless permission is
granted by the teacher.
3. You shall not set-up personal passwords on the school IPAD or Laptop for equipment
4. Do not misuse, deface, or damage computer equipment or files. Do not attempt to fix a
computer yourself. Always let the instructor know that the computer is not functioning
5. Be sure to log off, shut down your computer and return device to cart and plug in charger
after each use.
6. The printers are to be used for class assignments only.
7. Never log into another students account.
Breach of any one of these rules will be grounds for termination of computer/internet access and
will result in the disciplinary action of a referral to the student’s assistant principal.
Parental portal will allow you to keep track of your student’s grades online. It can be
accessed at Students may also access this sight so they can monitor
their grades.
The class website will initially contain information about: DECA activities, class assignments,
and announcements. More information about this website will be forthcoming. The website can
be accessed by either parent or student at, select “Teacher Sites” from the
menu at the top of the page.
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1. In order to receive high school credit applying toward graduation, the student must be
employed in a marketing job a minimum of 150 hours per semester (10 hours/week for
15 weeks) to receive 1.5 credits per semester. The student will be On-the-Job Training
during 5th, 6th, and 7th hours for the complete year. The student must meet the
requirements of the school in regards to class work. The student must be at least 16 years
of age and be a senior. The student must continue to work throughout the semester in
order to receive credit.
2. The student will be expected to depart the school grounds immediately upon completion
of his/her scheduled courses, unless outside school activities require their presence.
3. You must have your own transportation to work.
4. As to the manner of dress and grooming, the student must remember that business people
must look “business like”. The student will conform to the current school dress code and
practice good grooming at all times. When working, the student shall follow the
employer’s dress code.
5. If at all possible, the Teacher/Coordinator will help place the student in a training job of
his/her choice. Students must have personal and occupational characteristics suitable for
the type of work and must be acceptable to the employer. You may not work for your
parents (unless special permission is granted), or in any job that is not marketingrelated.
6. The Teacher/Coordinator will make regular visits to the training station to consult with
both the student and the employer regarding the student’s progress. The
Teacher/Coordinator will meet with the student following an evaluation to create goals to
improve on-the-job productivity.
7. Students will remain on the job throughout the school year unless laid off due to slack
business periods. To leave a job under any other circumstances the student must have
proper release from the employer and the Teacher/Coordinator. These situations will be
reviewed on a case-to-case basis.
9. The Teacher/Coordinator will investigate any student who is fired from his/her job for
any reason. If the student is NOT at fault, then attempts to obtain other employment will
be made. The student will be required to attend and document a minimum of three (3)
job interviews each week until employed. If new employment is not obtained within
three weeks, the student will be dropped from the program. If the investigation shows the
student WAS at fault, he/she will lose credit for that grading period.
10. Any student who is fired from his/her job because of dishonesty, stealing, chemical
abuse, or sexual misconduct will be dropped from the program immediately.
11. All confidential information from student training stations will be kept confidential,
although communication between the student, teacher, employer and the parent/guardian
is encouraged.
12. If the student is absent from school, the high school office will show him/her absent the
entire day including job credit hours. Employers will be requested not to allow you to
work on days of absence. If you are too ill to come to school – you are too ill to go to
work. Likewise, if you are well enough to work – you are well enough to attend high
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13. Students must always be aware of their responsibilities of being on time at work and
14. You will be required to attend the Employer Appreciation Luncheon. You will invite
your employer. If a meal ticket is required, you will pay for yourself and your employer.
If the class votes to do “pot-luck” you must participate.
15. Marketing Education is NOT the place for an individual who does not like to work.
Holding a job is a requirement of the program if the student is enrolled in Marketing OnThe-Job Training.
1. Students who are interested in a marketing career. With this interest come
responsibility, enthusiasm, and a sincere desire for self-development.
2. Parents who want their children to receive more than a classroom education. Your help,
interest, and support are essential to our success. You are more than welcome to attend
any activity we have.
3. Employers who offer a real training experience and want motivated part-time employees.
Employers who provide a positive, ethical image for our students are the foundation of
our program.
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Anything written or mentioned in the above document is subject to change and any
changes made are entirely under the discretion of Mr. Rachlin and Mustang Public Schools.
If you have a certifiable disability that may affect your class performance, please inform
the teacher privately so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Mustang Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex/gender, age, disability, or veteran status. Inquiries
concerning application of this policy may be referred to the Mustang Public
Schools Compliance Coordinator, 906 S. Heights, Mustang, Oklahoma 73064,
or 405-376-2461.
The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex/gender, age,
disability, or veteran status. Inquiries concerning application of this policy
may be referred to ODCTE, Compliance Coordinator, at 1500 West Seventh
Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074-4364, 1-800-522-5810 or 405-377-2000.
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Mustang Public Schools
Field Trips/Activities
Teacher/Sponsor: Mr. Michael Rachlin
Class, Organization, or Team: DECA
Possible Trips: Mustang Community Center; Oklahoma State University; CareerTech
offices in Stillwater; role play competitions and practice; Canadian Valley Technology
Center; Oklahoma State Capital; job shadowing; local businesses; Mustang schools; state
officer candidate interviews in Stillwater; fall competition; Fall Leadership Conference;
State Career Development Conference; International Career Development Conference;
and other trips and activities approved by Mustang Public Schools.
Purpose of Trips: Leadership development, competitions, community involvement.
While participating in these activities, I will accept the responsibility for maintaining
good conduct and I will follow directions of sponsors at all times. I have read and fully
understand the Oklahoma DECA Delegate Conduct Practices and Procedures and Dress
Code and agree to comply with these conduct guidelines. Furthermore, I am aware of the
consequences that will result from violation of any of the above guidelines.
Student Signature
I give my permission for ________________________________________ to participate in these activities
(Print Student Name)
and to accompany the group on these field trips. I understand that the school will provide
supervision for the trip. I also understand that the school board provides no special
insurance. I also do hereby absolve and release the school officials, the DECA Chapter
Advisor, and the assigned State DECA staff from any claims for personal injuries that
might be sustained while he/she is en route to and from or during the DECA sponsored
Parent/Guardian Signature
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I authorize the Advisor to secure the services of a physician or hospital to incur the
expenses for necessary services in the event of accident or illness, and I will provide for
the payment of these costs.
We have read and agree to abide by the DECA Code of Conduct. We also agree that the
school officials, the DECA Chapter Advisors, and the State DECA staff have the right to
send _________________________ home from the activity at our expense, provided that
(Print Student Name)
he/she has violated the Delegate Conduct Practices and Procedures and /or Dress Code
and/or his/her conduct has become a detriment.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Insurance Company Name
Insurance Policy Number
Chapter Advisor Signature
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2015 – 16
Return signed by Friday August 21, 2015
I have read and understand the information and guidelines for the Marketing
Program, DECA organization, and On-the-Job Training Program and hereby
agree to comply with all rules, regulations, and requirements.
Student Signature / Date
Parent/Guardian Signature / Date
Teacher/Advisor Signature
Student Contact Information:
Print Student Name: ____________________________________________
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Primary Parent Contact Information
Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Work Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone: ___________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________
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