Thoughts 3

No Waste
Right sized
Perfectly balanced
Get missing nutrients in powdered drink with last meal
Made to order
Freshly made mayonnaise (no preservatives)
Tastings where new menus are created so that people can try them out.
Freshly made salad dressings
A tiny percentage of our corn is for human food, the majority is for animal feed and ethanol. If
land was allocated for vegetables for food we would easily be able to feed the 10 billion people. But
people want more meat when they get richer – need to change that.
The environmental costs of eating animals are an order, or even orders, of magnitude higher
than eating plants.
Eating some meat, preferably from lean, well-fed, well-exercised, and kindly tended animals
is assuredly consistent with human health.
Epic proportions economic machine
Government come up from lawyers/business/board room /revolving door not scientist/technology
Project components
Component description
Suggest a page
Suggest a project
Suggest a project component
“I broke the spell” web page banners/icons, email signatures, t-shirts, hats, mugs, kickstarter
Nutopia is a place where people are dedicated to working on the solution. We do not participate in
dialogue which is a distraction. Climate change deniers, pro-capitalism fanatics, religious zealots, and
other unhelpful detractors are respectfully asked to leave and their comments are removed. This should
in no way be considered as censorship, it is just that we need to be laser-focused on solving the problem
because we have so little time, and getting caught up in pointless arguments is counter-productive.
Report Distraction button
Fiber optic
M wash
8 billion colors
Designers everywhere scratching their heads
Software – e.g. Windows, Office
What will a razor look like in 50 years of innovation?
Technology (computers, software) have made innovation massively productive over 50 years
but we now need to stabilize the planet not innovate our own demise.
Why better
More time
Less work
Less mundane chores
Better food
More quality time with abundant leisure pursuits
Minimal crime
No suffering
Protected environment
7-seater SUV for 1 traveler
Right-sized pods are used, e.g. 1 traveler, or size of goods
Pods can be for goods or people so sometimes have life-support
Docking stations free up the line
Two lines for both directions
So what is wrong with capitalism?
It is revered by many as the perfect system, an concepts like “the invisible hand of the free
market” and “trickle down economics” are hailed as a panacea, but is it?
Race to the bottom of quality – everything done to reduce costs, cut corners, environmental
spew, low cost materials
Competition produces waste – wasted inventory, empty factories and buildings
Planned obsolescence
Underused goods – buying new TV even though old one still working; buying new clothes and
furniture because it has gone out of “style”
It has no limits. It requires constant production and resource consumption to keep going. If it
stops then everything collapses.
The irony is that while Nutopia is the antithesis of a financial system and the eradication of
money is its goal, money is required to make Nutopia a reality. All people involved in the Nutopia project
participate willingly with no financial compensation whatsoever. However, the current world we live in
requires money for such things as land, equipment, manufactured goods, and essential services. As we
transition from our current world to a Nutopian world, the need for money will gradually reduce as
Nutopian societies take on more of the manufacturing and production.
FAQs, maybe?
Who will benefit from Nutopia?
The poor
The middle class
The suffering
The 1%
What are the benefits of Nutopia?
Less work
More leisure time
Easy access to leisure pursuits
Always get delicious, nutritious, and healthy food
No mundane chores, such as yard work, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning
No stress over money
No bullying of kids, no comparison of what possession one has over another
Minimal crime
No binge drinking or substance abuse
No police harassment
No fires
No automobile accidents
No traffic
No excessive education
No military or armed conflicts
No governments, elections, or campaigns
No junk mail, spam, or advertising of any kind
No animal cruelty with pets or farm animals
Citizens work as needed by the community during your life
Citizens agree to learn skills as need by the community
Citizens accept that there is a 2 child limit
Citizens are provided with housing, clothing, fresh water, food, sanitation, energy,
communications, transportation, and access to a wide range of leisure activities and
You accept that there are deliberate limits on animal farming and fishing to ensure that animals
are fairly treated and that fish populations can be protected, so that certain meats and seafood
are shared with all in the community and will not always be available to you.
3 month checkups for pets
DNA sample for pets
Short run of books for library not mass produced
Funding – kickstarter top donation gives citizenship, others are in lottery
Land masses named individually instead of continents
About 10% of our collective labor is spent on providing for our “needs” (food, water, housing,
etc.) and the other 90% is spent on our wants (making us want things we didn’t think we wanted
and then producing them) to keep the economic machine running and the collapse of the whole
system at bay.
FAQ – Barbarians
We welcome everyone to Nutopia providing they follow the rules
FAQ – Why will people come to Nutopia – because better life
Support Nutopia because:
1) You know that the current system is unsustainable and global societal collapse is inevitable.
2) You know that we have the technology to properly manage our resources to create a
sustainable system to provide a much better quality of life for all.
3) You know that our governments are under the control of a powerful few who want to preserve
the status quo, so change will never happen if left to our elected leaders.
4) You know that real change is now possible using the internet to capture the imagination of a
worldwide audience around a cause.
Why now?
For the past decade millions of disaffected people all around the world have been trying to bring
attention to their causes. Mass demonstrations, riots, and peaceful protests come and go and yet
nothing changes. The Occupy Wall Street movement was an admirable example of how 100s of 1000s of
people tried to bring attention to the myriad of social issues that plague our system today.
Unfortunately even that massive effort fizzled out as they were ultimately unable to agree on a coherent
plan to bring about the changes we desperately need.
Nutopia is a blueprint for a society that solves the problems that we have brought upon ourselves with
the corrupt and unsustainable socioeconomic system we call capitalism. It does not claim to have all the
answers but it is a plan which could transform our world from one of doom to one of hope. If we
channel all that effort from those that want the change, we can accomplish our goal.
Why Join?
It is pointless debating with others about the state of our world and
It’s within our reach
Millions of people contribute their effort
It’s not a hippie camp with houses built out of used bottles, and it’s not so technically advanced
like the Venus Project which means it will never get off the ground. It is all doable with current
Ordinarily people in general will not want to give up anything in their life for the greater good, but the
difference with Nutopia is that it gives people a better life than they have now, and it just so happens
that the positive consequences of moving to a Nutopian model is that it is sustainable and we protect
the Earth to ensure our survival as a species rather than destroy it.
Do you want your legacy to be that you willingly participated in the endless consumption of natural
resources and the destruction of the environment, or do you want to be remembered for taking action
to prevent such a catastrophe? Joining Nutopia is a like badge of honor, you are making a statement
that you know what is wrong with the world today, and you aren’t ignoring it, you are actively doing
something about it.
Sign Up Message
Thank you for joining Nutopia, this is your first step in helping us change the world. There is much to do
but the more people we have helping us, the more chance we have of succeeding. Right now we are in
the recruitment stage of our project so we want as many people as possible to join us.
Here’s how you can get started:
1) Tell your friends, family, and work colleagues that you have joined the Nutopia Project and they
should check it out.
2) Search the internet for web sites, groups, forums, chat rooms, etc. where people are talking
about the problems that Nutopia is intended to solve. Post comments to encourage the
participants to take a look at Nutopia. You can post a custom link so that you can track your
progress, see the instructions here. If there is clearly a common interest between the site
3) Change your email signature to guide other people to Nutopia. See instructions on how to do
this and suggested content here.
Break the spell
Means you can see through the fog
Elevators in houses not stairs, no fire risk.
Bigger houses go vertical with 2 or 3 floors of bed/bath rooms to save horizontal space
Pod is delivered to each floor, weather it is person, cargo, or small. The pod access and the elevator
access are back to back on each floor.
Seats extend outwards out of pod so that you can sit down and then slide back in pod so that you don’t
need tall pods for people.
Many places look great, but it’s a ticking time bomb, and it will all be an unstoppable house of cards that
will come crumbling down.
This is the moment
Down to 5% of 10 species
50% of coral reefs gone
IN JUST 50 YEARS – a blip in time – how crazy?
Oceans look the same when everything is gone
Lots of efforts to try and raise public awareness, but really what can they do in the current
system? Nothing!
Green Spanish crab, rainbow? Fish in Caribbean
Plastic at deepest depths in lowest part of food chain
4 billion, 120,000, 10,000, - 50 years to fuck everything
Everything we do is to try and get around or dominate nature for our own benefit. In nature a
population is kept within the limits of the environment that it occupies, for example the available food.
Humans have got around those limits with our advanced intellect and technology so that if we need
more food then we simply turn more land into farmland, and we develop new ways to maximize crop
yields regardless of the impact on the environment.
There can only be 2 outcomes:
1) If we do nothing, then the population will continue to grow and we will have to use more land
for food production to keep up with the demand. However, this cannot go on for long, and
inevitably the available resources will not be able to keep up with demand, which will certainly
cause instability around the world as nations become less and less able to feed their
2) We make a conscious effort to stabilize the human population and reduce our numbers over
time to the optimum level which is in balance with the rest of nature and the available natural
Downed power lines
Everyone is responsible
Can’t just ignore it in retirement
Look under the ocean not at the ocean
The world can look lovely, modern cities, countryside, but we are in terrible trouble
Leaky pipes, inefficient hot water systems, recycle water for toilets.
Always maintained, replace light bulbs, fix chips in walls, stains on carpets.
Measure everything at physicals
Nutopia to get away from insanity
Implementation plan – do one, then next country, etc.
Transportation pods – no parking required, mag lev, no moving parts, pods on maintenance, last for
thousands of years. Plastic coating on steel tubes and overhead maglev trains.
If you don’t like what we are doing then don’t join us. We are just building a model in isolation to see if it
works and can solve the world’s problems.
Tall, narrow, multi-floor buildings with elevators and pods stopping at each floor.
Total volunteer, no expenses, use own software, only money on resources when build. When building,
use all volunteers.
Eliminated job list
When restore, crunch all bricks, stone, concrete, recycle plastic, glass, grind all wood, etc.
The poor and disaffected people will come first but all are welcome
Rotating arm Gillette razor
Cosmetic surgery
Flowers and reuse vases
Wood can be recycled during restoration by planning off varnish, waxes, oils, and paints.
“Community Centers” for praying, book club, etc.
No design or style, or new versions, we can’t just dispose of old tvs because of rare components etc.
Pets get perfectly balanced meal based on age, weight, breed, medical conditions, etc.,
With competition it is a race to the bottom and there is too much choice and software has to try and
work with other software so it is a never a unified and elegant experience for the user. One system
means that everything is unified.
People will innovate and perform well for credibility as the reward.
No patents to prevent progress by big corporations
What will you really miss, taxes, traffic, etc.
Humane killing of animals and fish – find new ways
What is the true cost? We always want to know the ROI before doing anything. We need to ask “Do we
need to do this?” not “How much money will we make from this?”
Truth, science, and technology versus money, power, and organized religion
Religion and spirituality versus organized religion – you can believe in whatever you want but the only
guide for the conduct of people in Nutopia is the Charter. No religious influence whatsoever.
Reporting offences is a good thing and is encouraged.
We want to kill everything – wasps, flies, mosquitos, household bugs, etc. Prevent infestations with solid
houses, no garbage, no sanitation, no kitchens, etc. so that rats, pigeons, cockroaches etc. cannot live in
that environment, and relocate populations to natural places.
Picture frames are digital
Environment  Pests – build so no nests, maintenance crews stop nests of move nests if threat
Life is for living but unfortunately we live in a world where we have been conditioned to think that the
important things in life are things like getting a long edu??cation, a well paying job, home ownership,
and the accumulation of wealth for retirement.
Travel with small bag, variety of places and life and experiences…
Baby calculations plus DNA
Use it or lose it
Who cares about Henry VIII wife dates
Capitals of US states
Rock formations in geography
Establish interests early on in school rather than 4-5 years of wasted brain
If you have no artistic or music talent, or don’t like cutting animals up, or you are bored shitless
ready Shakespeare then what’s the point?
Only 10% of breast cancer cases are hereditary
The bulk is because of diet and environment, maybe?
Anyone who’s watched a wildebeest being eaten alive by a pack of hyena can attest to that.
Building a sustainable future together
Plain wooden coffins
Drugs – easy availability means it’s rampant
Ration alcohol and weed based on health parameters
Getting food/drink/weed etc for someone else carries a penalty
10 units
5 grams
8 kilograms
10 kilograms
We have cheated the natural limits such as how much we eat, how much land there is with New Orleans
and Netherlands, drugs like Viagra and ant-aging, end of life drugs instead of dying naturally, etc.
Elevators in all buildings. No stairs or fire escapes because no fires. Elevator failure triggers instant
maintenance crew. Step ladders is elevator shaft for maintenance.
TP with new rolls available now
Grassing up is encouraged
Always steamed vegetables never boiled for nutrition
Restore everything – rivers, oceans, forests. Don’t build on edge of coast or banks of rivers and don’t try
to tame nature, build around nature.
All wasted effort on government think tanks, centers for study, NGOs, bureaucrats, mostly to try and fix
things we have fucked up.
Marriage no trapped
Measured by how u use your talents for the good of others not urself
Food is medicine or poison
Depression stress lathargy
Look after your microbes
Live closer to nature
We are caged animals
We need clean air and movement
We sit way too much
Toxins are making us infirtile
Antibotics killing our microbes
90% of food in store is processed
Sugar is 8 times more addictive than coccaine
The more industrial and tecnical a couuntry is the unhealthier they are
Lazy plants caused by killing pests etc
Cant trust any celebrity because of money
Dont learn stuff we already know. Recipe created then automate. Go on to next recipe
Place for kids to cook with other families
Passwords! Plus multiple questions and no wife access and multiple computers
Driving - old people
False safety institutions
No need for mega research - stablize
Only need 20% of workers
Eat whole cookie pie - nature would not allow but our tech makes it easy
No pilot lite but detect gas
Turn on grill with PAD and get reminded still on. Cleaners know it was on.
75000 dams over 3ft high in US
Need for binge plus drugs goes away
Work at work during day and np at night
Dont want to overeat- just want no hunger,yummy food, nice body
Cosmetics-cant help ourselves
No chemicals to replace fat or in diet sugar or diet sodas
Costs-car registration,etc-list them all
Doctor visit B&A - privacy and forms and guessing
Police - retire easy
Keep skin of veg just jet wash
U may think u do good job on admin, sales, accounting, pushing papers, but its all meaningless work to keep
the system going
Stool sample reqest rfid bag which then detects dna
Just in time fish, meat, veg, etc.
Joining process-dna test etc,issue home, PAD etc. Get skills and work. Once normal work done our generation
has to cleanup but next gen can focus on science etc.
Target/clay pigeon shoot ok
Security - cant enter/travel/eat/etc without rfid in arm
Too difficult giving up drugs/alcohol with such daily stress
Greasing the pole
Mini meals
Multiple chargers
Watches jewelry
Fake xmas tree anything fake not real
Protein and energy drinks
Vitamins etc
Sugar addiction we cant resist so dont let us overindulge
Calendars and other fodder
Easy but hard if u have grown up with sugar and tobacco and video games
Start from scratch
Scientists jump ship and stop competing
Sex traficcing
Ash tray
Mailboxs and blocks
Fire hydrants
Window a/c units
Car dealerships
Wedding dress shop/ rental
Auto part shop
Pizza shop
Motorcycle shop
Jewelry shop
Pawn shop
Cash for gold shop
Nail shop
Dry clean
Hair salon
Clothes shop
Shoe shop
Pet shop
Pet clinic
Smoke shop
Liqor shop
Dunkin d
Gas station
Diy shop
State inspections
Roach coach
Food trucks
Tool rental
Kitchen shop
Ups store
Post office
License plates
Kitchen chemicals
Depression pills
Camera shop
Best buy
Vending machines
Recycle and trash bins
Traffic cops
Carpet steam cleaners
Glass sunglasses shop
Tvs - no extra elecrronics + 2:1 ratio
Reality tv - hoarders etc.
Health insurance
Traffic jams
Fire exits, alrams, emergency lights, smoke alarms
Fire stations & service
Sexual assault
Attorney on tv
Trade shops
Hearing aid
Car accessories - scrapers, wax etc.
Casting shops
Metal shops
Electronics shops
Highway repair
Garbage pickip
Recycle pickup
Home and office phones gone
Xbox etc
Video games - glorifying killing
Chefs bleeding in food
No comms in nature
The Tradeoff pros and cons
Yes no nutopia
Wrist chip
Health consol instead of options/salary
Ddd trip
Chemicals 75
Ecycle showers
New internet
Republicans wont come until prove it works
Mini meals
No costs
4 billion
Accomplishments good bad 50 years
3 types of people
People can be creative and innovative without money carrot
Figure out optimum human population
2 children (no spares if die) will mean decreasing population
Closet space
Pod storage industry
Variety of homes, locations, jobs etc.
No paper
Chore - clean fireplace
Home automation - lights, heating, heat sensors
All vegetable peelings and trimmed fat and skin and leftover food can go to good use
Steamed veg
No planet B
Diet and excercise industry and less, whole, mostly
Manu sequest
Faq drastic
8% green
Barbarians faq
No money, power, or organized religion
Sustainability Revolution
Elder care options to live at home or be cared for or communal home
Nutopia party
Ach mach
Ex sheep
Non violence
Steam cleaning
No subjects in school
No writing geography eng lang art etc
Earth flag
Cobble brick paths no motors
2040 ocean collapse
Real estate
Hedge funds
School buses
Entr/innov no money
No terms eg lgbt
No chars. Just skin color
Fewer had more decline
No ethnics minorities hispanics
No boxing
Gambling for fun
No millionare sports or celebs
Race to bottom overtime etc.
No jewels
Junk mail
Mail box
Cbuds/tp/san biodegrade
Real estate
Traffic signs
When u think of labor not money then anything possible
Submit idea
List of idea by status
Prob crappy building
System for requesting new items, multiple prototypes, voting, production
Competition bad
Too much choice nail in coffin
Discussions like what is most humane way to kill animal for food?
Is it fair, is it sustainable, etc
Faq why new community not change old?
Plato view
Suggestions get voted on and then the panel approves it
What name thread eg genisis, phoenix
Task forces
Language icon on posts
No cloning or singularity, science and tech gone mad with pandemic etc possibilities - just because we can
doesnt mean we should. Scientists have to put suggestion forward for approval like any other item. Include time
expected to complete and have a review process to shut down
Broke the spell task
Post deleted because abuse or duplicate etc
Universal icons instead of language
Entry course/test to make sure you agree/understand everything
List of crimes and penalties
Crime is easier to solve because can call on video and fingerprints when approved
No one is out to get you!
Panic button with immediate response
No marriage
Options for pregnancy adopt
Basic knowledge education then skills and research
Minimum work but dont have to stop if love it like plants and animals
Eye tests manditory
Pathways have automatic show blower and heated for ice etc
When u request bike it knows ur preference for seat height etc.
Meals offered to you can use your health as filter like low cholestral
Random set of people called upon when crime reported
Appeal 2 more times with 20 more random people. Random people do not collaborate
Camera do tests to make sure they are functioning
Jurys vote on brutality
Gps keeps sex offenders away from kids
Games consoles require login too to control amount. Not parent control but society control
Pairs of random adults with appropriate skills tell small children about abuse
Team, team leader, most active, most contributions, most thumbs up, etc.
Thumbs up/down comment
Packaging potatoes
Christmas go back to creative presents
No cars
Hydroponic self contained sections to avoid contamination
Every device like ac unit is wired so can be turned on/off
Everything is planned - hydro crops, animal life span etc
Start team and work on one or more components. Add public/private files
Non violence - boxing, weapons, war games
Hunter gatherer small meals plus less meat
Capitalism - competitive makes low quality, wastes failed products, and cut corners like dirty restaurants
Fish caught and held in tanks then sent to meal production
Animals slaughtered when needed and then shipped
Imagine the progress if all our hunan labor went towards good things
I broke spell section
Ratings control what work you can do
Faq-why its not communism
Work credits - more if less enjoyable. Quota. Cant let lapse for too long. Can learn as much as u want. 15-40. If
enjoy can keep on going.
No printed bus cards, flyers, newspapers, etc.
No printers or i
Steph cuthbert
Surving progress
2012: time for change
R Buckmaster Fuller
Power Principle
George Carlin
Russell Brand
Sharing Community
Goes away:
Postal service
Phone cards
Instant lottery
Bike pump
Garden tools
Spray paints
Bike racks for garage and car
Fishing rods & gear
Snow shoes
Wet vac
Watering cans
Garden chemicals
Battery chargers
Power cables
Toilet chemicals
Bog roll
Entertain kids, less school
Happy less crime
Built on simplicity and technology
Technology gone too far destroying hummanity
Auto stool samples and checks
No advertising
No animal cruelty
One ratio for all devices
No smoke alarms etc
No UI on any devices just use standard with wifi
No adverts
Race to bottom - cheap, cheaper
No envy, jelousy, etc. Less crime, more hapiness.
Automatic processes. Less hours of work needed.
Central food/meal production
Central wash/dryer
Ration/rental queue
Digital memories
Rented toys in real time
70% packaging
Planned obsoleacence
Everything breaks
Cold call to cell phones
Shitty workmanship
No time, no money
Crap complex UI on everything
Just in time hot water
Underground temp heating system
All devices are modular for easy fixing no dumping
Poor quality meals
Crazy disgusting kitchens
Wired devices are wireless hubs
Cameras and video cams are wireless to the cloud
Handover all analog stuff when arrive and put in cloud
Rfid tags in everything + clothes
Low power society because all powered stuff is controlled and no power converter wastage to heat
Rfid in all humans and pets when born or arrive
Use wood then plant tree
All diy and landscaping done by crews
Adequacy and enough is enough high tech not dubai high tech
All our efforts go in to science not consumer capitalism
Roads built to last with mag strip and heated mesh and obstacle detection
Government beurocracy replace by technology people
All screens have same aspect ratio
One logical language and all metric
Most things have been figured out - screen resolution, fiber optic comms. We dont need continual improving
and dumping old. New versions and new styles are just marketing ploys.
No more phones only cell phones
No more home ent. gadgets
No IR remotes, all wireless pods
No switches. All wireless pods.
Everything exact and in metric increments. Think of hardwood floor where exact size underlay and number of
panels supplied. No cutting and no waste.
End of life treatment is same for everyone. If it can be increased then it is for everyone.
Scheduled poop and blood tests etc. Preventative!
3 levels. Private, Communal, Detainment.
3 strikes and warnings and forgiveness periods to move levels but extensive education on the rules and when
they change
Handover all money when arrive and can bring one standard box of personal posessions
All clocks are wireless and exact
All batteries are recharable
All devices go to sleep when inactive including toys
Only battery powered vacuum cleaners. No need for sockets every 6 ft.
Go to staging shop to get home furnishings when arrive and change house or when u feel like it
People in food/meal/laundry dispatch places dont know where it is coming from or going to
Voice recognition will be one of the biggest areas of development
Wasted food 40% herbs etc
Always fresh food. Sandwiches. Soups. No cans or frozen or preservatives.
Put effort in to automation to eliminate mundane jobs
Industrial laundry centers can properly deal with waste water
Showers and sinks get piped to a different pod section than toilets
Vacuum suck toilets
Baseboard and moulding HVAC vents
No frigging paperwork! It is a digital world!!
2 types of furniture sliders for carpets and wood or tile floors
water at tap not tank
Because ur water thing
Conflicts of interest?
Social revolution
My intro
Mother earth news
1-19 s fruit st
No chains like wm
Tactile and sensual
Lost in town lost in phone
Changing places - tedex- mit
The duke of saab
Bat chargers
No NRA or unions or all others
Force broccoli no but better health
Noisy gas vehicles
No paper ebook everything
Stuck in traffic
Perpetual pavements
Fabric formed concrete
2 story max
Central res/barrier no turn lanes no stop start
Traffic jams