A Pre-Mid-Term Word Association

Evaluating the importance of
vocabulary in the first 4 Units of WHAP
 Neolithic
 Negative
components of Neolithic Revolution
 Reasons
for fall of Classical Empires (
Rome,Han, Gupta)
 Judaism
and Hinduism
 Role
of trade and Islam in Africa
 Bantu
migration impacts
 The
 Aztec
and Incas
 Trans-Regional
trading networks
 Post-classical
trading cities
 Global
commodities (Columbian Exchange)
 Columbian
 Reasons
Spain and Portugal began ag eof
exploration ( later than others)
 Why
China has historically had a favorable
balance of trade largest portion of global
trade through 17th centuries)
 Sources
of slave trade ( Africa)
 Griots
 Mughal
and Ottoman (until the 17th Century)
 Christianity
ad Islam
 Code
of Hammurabi
 Fall
of Classical Rome, Han and Gupta
 Columbian
 Mercantilism
( favorable balance of trade)
 Trans-Saharan
Trade ( Sudanic Kingdoms)
 Impacts
of the Columbian Exchange
 Indian
and Atlantic trade
 Rise
of entrepots ( trade cities located along
overland and maritime trade routes)
 Reasons
for success of Persian and Roman
 Tropical
 Increased
role of women in Post-Classical
world (600-1450)
 China’s
 Trans-Saharan
 Mongol
 Role
of Sub-Saharan Africa in classical age
 Historical
narrative told by its “winners”
 Role
of sugar in Trans-Atlantic Slave trade
(AKA Great circuit, Middle Passage, Triangle
trade, African Diaspora)
 Constantinople(
Istanbul after the Ottoman
Empire’s conquest in 1453)
 Belief
system leaders but chronologically
who comes last?
 Indian
Ocean maritime mechanisms
 Unifying
features of Dar Al Islam
 Role
of Slavery (40%) of Rome at one time
 Nomads
travel lightly
 Prophets
of the major monotheistic faith
and line of prophets in chronological order
Earliest migrations to the Americas
(North/South pattern)
 Use
of Islamic architecture on Mosques
 Confucian
social order and belief systems.
 Arabs
vs Vikings and others? Hebrews,
Aryans, Bantus, Polynesians, Huns. Germanic,
Mongols, Aztecs, etc.
 Civil
servants desire to work to maintain the
Mandate of Heaven ( a job well-done)
 India’s
geographic and ethnic diversity
 Drama
as a means of identifying ethics and
religion in Greece
 Civil
service restoration after the Yuan