
Martin Kruliš
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Single Point of Entry
◦ One bootstrap script (e.g., index.php)
 Per application or service, not per page
Including Scripts
◦ Declarations only, no effective code
◦ Not directly accessible by web server
 In separate directory, blocked by .htaccess
◦ Included only once
 include_once(), require_once(), autoloading
◦ Exceptions
 Only very few – e.g., HTML templates
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
◦ Built on TCP, not encrypted
◦ Encrypted data transfers
◦ TSL layer between TCP and HTTP
◦ Matter of web-server configuration
 And SSL certificate selection
◦ Ensuring secure connection
 Verify whether $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on';
 Redirect in case of failure (to https://... URL)
◦ Encryption is not everything …
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
◦ Not all powerful, handle the contents carefully
◦ Often rely on correctness of 3rd party libraries
 Like OpenSSL
◦ Based on the hope that factorization-based
cryptography is secure
◦ History taught us to be caution…
CCS Injection Vulnerability
Heartbleed bug
Poodle bug
Predictable keys vulnerability (Debian)
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Script Parameters
◦ GET (from URL) and POST
 Usage of $_REQUEST array is not recommended
◦ Ensuring integrity
 All incoming parameters need to be validated
 By regular expressions, by conversion to numeric types, …
 User can easily modify URL or hidden form fields
◦ Prevent sensitive data caching/resending
 POSTed data are cached by browser
 Can be correctly solved by using redirect after each
POST query
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Securing the Database System
◦ DBMS must be in the “trusted base”
 Particular problem for cloud applications
◦ Separate account for PHP script
 With minimal rights
◦ Frequent backups
Sensitive Data
◦ Encrypted or hashed by a strong hashing function
 <salt>,hashfnc(<salt>,<password>)
◦ PHP has built-in functions for password hashing
 crypt(), password_hash(), password_verify()
PHP 5.5
PHP 5.5
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Database Inputs
http://xkcd.com/327/ (Exploits of a Mom)
◦ Possibility of SQL injection attack
◦ Sanitize ALL user inputs
 Preferably use prepared queries and variable binding
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
HTML (JavaScript) Injection
◦ User provided inputs are inserted into HTML
◦ Code can be inserted in <script> tag
 JavaScript can read cookies and send them
◦ htmlspecialchars() – sanitizes data for HTML
PHP Injection
◦ Data are used in eval(), include(), require(), …
Shell Injection
◦ Data are used in system(), exec(), shell_exec(),
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Authentication Process
◦ Verifies identity of a user (e.g., by login-passwd)
◦ The greatest challenge is to keep the information
 HTTP is stateless, IP verification is not enough
 Authentication must be repeated with each request
 Without user’s interaction
Authentication Solution
◦ Authentication tokens must be saved on both sides
 Slightly complicated on the client side
◦ Tokens must not be stolen
 Big issue in web browser security
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Problem of Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
◦ Malicious client-side script injected in the page
◦ Copies security tokens and sends them to attacker
◦ Attacker uses the tokens to assume the identity
Protection Guidelines
Secure connection
Data are sanitized before inserted into HTML
Protecting cookies from XSS (HttpOnly flag)
Additional Techniques
 Security tokens have expiration time
 IP (browser) verification, multiple security tokens, …
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Authentication Embedded in HTTP
◦ If the auth. information are provided, they are in
◦ The script can request authentication data
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Auth test"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
◦ Potential problems
 Password is sent with every request
 Logout operation is not very well defined
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
◦ Process of verification access rights of the user
Security Model
◦ Defines protected objects, authorities, operations
◦ Simple (state-less) models
 Function (object, authority, operation) -> yes/no
◦ More complex models exist
◦ Single module (class, function, …)
◦ Two phase verification (when the controls are
rendered and when the action is performed)
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Directory (Capability List)
◦ Authorities have lists of accessible objects
Access List
◦ Protected objects have lists of users (+permissions)
Access Control Matrix
◦ Matrix Authorities-Objects, each item describes
access restrictions
Bell-La Padula
◦ Each authority has level of access, each object has
minimal required level of access
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Minimal Rights Principle
◦ Permissions are explicit, denials are implicit
Aggregation of Permissions
◦ User groups (e.g., as in unix systems)
 Group permissions are inherited by members
◦ Security Roles
 Security templates adopted by users
◦ Capabilities
 (Temporary) permissions – like a cinema ticket
 Usually used in combination with more complex
verifications (that are computationally demanding)
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
Backups and Logs
◦ Backups are useful not only for security breaches
◦ Responsibility tracking is also important
Software Updates
◦ Some exploits uses bugs in PHP, web server, or the
database management system
Be Tidy
◦ Remove old information from URLs, cookies, …
◦ Destroy sessions when no longer used
◦ Restrict access to unnecessary files, data, …
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015
by Martin Kruliš (v1.0)
2. 4. 2015