Unit C: Body Systems Terminology List Structural Units 1. abdominal cavity 2. anatomical position 3. anatomy 4. anterior (ventral) 5. cartilage 6. caudal 7. coronal (frontal) plane 8. cranial 9. cranial cavity 10. deep (internal) 11. distal 12. dorsal 13. dorsal cavity 14. epigastric 15. hypochondriac 16. hypogastric 17. iliac (inguinal) 18. inferior 19. lateral 20. ligaments 21. lumbar 22. medial 23. pelvic cavity 24. planes 25. physiology 26. posterior 27. proximal 28. sagittal plane 29. section 30. spinal cavity 31. superficial (external) 32. superior 33. thoracic cavity 34. transverse 35. umbilical 36. ventral Tissues and Membranes 37. adipose 38. Body systems Integumentary Skeletal Muscular Digestive Respiratory Urinary (Excretory) Nervous (Sensory) Endocrine Reproductive 39. cartilage 40. connective tissue 41. epithelial tissue 42. membrane 43. mucous membrane 44. muscle tissue 45. nervous tissue 46. organ system 47. organelles 48. organism 49. organs 50. parietal 51. pericardial membrane 52. peritoneal membrane 53. pleural membrane 54. serous membrane 55. tendons 56. tissues 57. visceral 1. _____________________________ What Doesn’t Belong? ____________ Students are to circle the word that doesn’t belong and write why it doesn’t fit with the other words. 2. 1. 3. abdominal cavity stomach eye liver _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________ 2. front anterior dorsal ventral 4. _____________________________ _____________________________ 3. 4. 5. caudal epigastric hypogastric thoracic abdominopelvic superficial ____________ umbilical 5. _____________________________ cranial ____________ 6. coronal deep transverse sagittal ____________ dorsal cavity thoracic cavity cranial cavity spinal cavity 7. bladder 8. 9. 10. stomach urinary reproductive organs rectum medial proximal sagittal anterior posterior _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________ 8. _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________ lateral 9. _____________________________ _____________________________ back dorsal homeostasis anterior superior dorsal Why doesn’t it fit? _____________________________ _____________________________ 7. 6. _____________________________ ____________ 10. _____________________________ _____________________________ ____________ Appendix 1H03.01C Anatomical Terminology Worksheet Fill in the blank completing the analogy. 1. anterior: ventral as posterior: ____________________ 2. superficial: external as deep: ____________________ 3. cranial: caudal as superior: _____________________ 4. medial: lateral as proximal: _______________________ Match the organs with what cavity they are in. CAVITY ORGAN 1.____ cranial cavity A. stomach 2.____ spinal cavity B. reproductive organs 3.____ thoracic cavity C. brain 4.____ abdominal cavity D. small intestines 5.____ pelvic cavity E. urinary bladder F. spinal cord G. liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen H. lung Who Am I? 1. I am the cavity that contains the brain and spinal cord. 2 . I am the cavity that contains the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. System Chart Complete the following chart that describes the body systems: System Functions Organs Integumentary Gives shape to body, protects delicate parts of body, muscle attachment, blood formation, stores minerals Striated/Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth Digestive Acquires oxygen, rids body of carbon dioxide Heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, lymph nodes, lymph vessels, spleen Urinary/ Excretory Controls and coordinates body functions and the special senses Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pancreas, Adrenal, Gonads Reproductive Appendix 1H03.02A What Systems Are Used? Name the systems that are used and the role that they play in the following situations. 1. Riding a bike 2. Eating a piece of pizza 3. Kicking a soccer ball 4. Writing a letter 5. Singing a song 6. Growing 7. Being scared 8. Watching a movie 9. Micturating 10. Driving Appendix 1H03.02B Body Systems Matching Worksheet Directions: Match the system to its primary functions and also to the organs found in that system. Place the value of the letter under the letter #____). The numbers next to the words should equal 100 when all the correct words are put with the system. A SYSTEM MAY HAVE MORE THAN ONE ANSWER. SYSTEM PRIMARY FUNCTIONS ORGANS _____ Integumentary #____ _____ Skeletal #____ A. (15) stores minerals AA.(40) ureter, bladder, urethra B.(59)carries oxygen and other nutrients to the body BB.(18)penis, scrotum, testes _____ #____ _____ #____ _____ #____ _____ #____ _____ #____ _____ #____ _____ #____ Muscular C.(45)water balance Respiratory D. (30)contains sensory receptors Nervous E.(39)coordinates body function Urinary F.(18)collection of oxygen Endocrine G.(52)production of life Reproductive H.(20)produces RBCs Circulatory I. (73)takes in food absorbs it, and converts it to energy JJ.(20)muscles J.(20)temperature regulation KK.(13)brain K.(40)gives movement to the body LL.(5)oil and sweat glands L. (76)secretes hormones MM.(40)bronchi & trachea M.(15)formation/elimination of urine NN.(23)mouth, stomach, rectum N.(25)framework of body OO.(30)ovaries, uterus CC.(40)striated, cardiac, smooth DD(12)nose and lungs EE.(40)bones and joints FF. (4)intestines & esophagus GG.(17)nerves HH.(24)glands, pancreas II.(11)heart and blood _____ Digestive #____ PP.(45)hair and nails QQ.(30)arteries veins RR.(30)pharynx and larynx SS.(31)spinal cord