Form 5 Spelling List: 2014 – 2015 Autumn Term 2014 Week 1 Word origins Borough Bourne Burgh Car Chester Dale Down Ham Ing stead Week 7 Making verbs from nouns & adjectives Advertise Apologise Create Electrify Horrify Organise Signify revise Week 2 Prefixes De/dis/mis/over/re Deforest Disappear Misbehave Overcome Overheat Overweight Return Regain reuse Week 8 Confusing words Available Especially Relevant Symbol Vegetable vehicle Week 3 Suffixes Ate/ise/ify Acceleration Advertise Circulate Finalise Identify Investigate Magnetise Notify Purify visualise Week 9 Book-related words Week 4 Fairy tale words Beautiful Castle Cauldron Enchanted Evil Fairy Handsome Princess Wicked Witch Week 10 Homophones Week 5 Prefixes Week 6 Prefixes Autobiography Autograph Bisect Bicycle Circulate Circumference Microlight microscope Telephone Television Week 11 Homonyms Congregation Connect Constellation Decade Decimal Quadrilateral Quadrant Triangle Triathlon Unicycle Week 12 Common spelling errors Appendix Blurb Contents Font Glossary Heading Index Spine Sub-heading Fort Fought Guest Guessed Morning Mourning Peace Piece Through Threw Aid Aide Affect Effect Aisle Isle Allowed Aloud Arc ark Advice Advise Breathe Breath Licence License Their They’re There 1 Form 5 Spelling List: 2015 Spring Term 2015 Week 1 Synonyms Week 2 Synonyms Funny Witty Hostile Angry Miserable Unhappy Minute Tiny Remedy cure Week 7 Useful words Favourable Quaint Fantastic Extraordinary Curious Unfavourable Strange Unusual Abnormal peculiar Week 8 Useful words Occupy Opportunity Persuade Prejudice Profession Pronunciation Recognise Shoulder Soldier Sufficient Symbol Temperature Twelfth Vegetable Relevant Rhyme sacrifice yacht Week 3 Useful words Week 4 Useful words Week 5 Useful words Week 6 Appreciate Awkward Committee Correspond Forty Occur Rhythm Who Who’s whose Week 9 Months of the Year January February March April/May June/July August September Accompany Achieve Amateur Apparent Attached Average Bargain Category Committee community Week 10 Prefixes - Mis Conscience Convenience Criticise Definite Determined Dictionary Embarrass Equipment Exaggerate existence Week 11 Prefixes micro Microbe Microchip Microbe Microfilm Microphone Microscope Microorganism Microwave Familiar Government Harass Identity Individual Interrupt Leisure Marvellous Muscle Neighbour Week 12 Prefix ex October November December Misbehave Mischief Misdeed Misdemeanour Misfit Misfortune Misinform misread mistake Exacerbate Exact Exaggerate Excavate Exceed Excellence Exclaim Exile Explode export 2