Chapter 11: PersonalityStudy Guide After completing this chapter you should be able to: 1. Define personality. 2. Summarize the interaction of elements of personality according to Freud's theory: id, ego, and superego. Identify Freud's five stages of psychosexual development. 3. Differentiate between the theories of Jung, Adler, and Horney. Identify what these theories have in common. 4. Identify Erik Erikson's eight stages of personality development. 5. Contrast Carl Rogers' humanistic theory with Freudian theory. 6. Explain trait theory. 7. List and describe the Big Five personality dimensions. 8. Describe what recent evident shows about the genetic basis of personality traits. 9. Compare cognitive social-learning theories to early views of personality. 10. Describe the four basic tools psychologists use to measure personality. List two objective tests, two projective tests, and their uses. Also included on the test will be all terms from the chapter (listed on page 449) and any other terms in the book that may have been in italics but discussed in class during notes or discussions. It may help to make a study guide completing the above objectives. Remember you can use any notes on the test but I would HIGHLY recommend you make a study guide based on the difficulty of the 5 tests before this one! GOOD LUCK and thanks for an awesome semester! Chapter 11: PersonalityStudy Guide After completing this chapter you should be able to: Define personality. 2. Summarize the interaction of elements of personality according to Freud's theory: id, ego, and superego. Identify Freud's five stages of psychosexual development. 3. Differentiate between the theories of Jung, Adler, and Horney. Identify what these theories have in common. 4. Identify Erik Erikson's eight stages of personality development. 5. Contrast Carl Rogers' humanistic theory with Freudian theory. 6. Explain trait theory. 7. List and describe the Big Five personality dimensions. 8. Describe what recent evident shows about the genetic basis of personality traits. 9. Compare cognitive social-learning theories to early views of personality. 10. Describe the four basic tools psychologists use to measure personality. List two objective tests, two projective tests, and their uses. 1. Also included on the test will be all terms from the chapter (listed on page 449) and any other terms in the book that may have been in italics but discussed in class during notes or discussions. It may help to make a study guide completing the above objectives. Remember you can use any notes on the test but I would HIGHLY recommend you make a study guide based on the difficulty of the 5 tests before this one! GOOD LUCK and thanks for an awesome semester!