Artifact Reflection Title: _Any Old Bag Speech in Speech Communications for Teachers_ Date Completed: _January 29, 2013__ Description: We were to give a 3-5 minute speech on ourselves and why we are who we are today. After completing this part of the assignment, we had to reflect and comment on our presentation ina typed report. The objective of the assignment was to understand what we do well while presenting and what we can improve on to become more efficient teachers. Alignment Reflection: Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment The assignment aligns with Standard 9 of the Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment, which states, “The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.” By evaluating myself, my behavior, and how I would come across to others, I addressed Standard 9. I found that while presenting, I do not portray the confidence that should be found in a teacher. This would cause a problem in the classroom because students have a tendency to not listen to teachers who do not appear confident about what they are teaching. I realize I need to work on this and I can improve on this skill by a more thorough preparation, rehearsing, and using stress techniques like taking a deep breath when I become unsure of my next thought, This improvement will help me to become a more effective teacher. UW-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skill, Disposition Statement Alignment This artifact best aligns with the UW-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skill, Disposition Statement 4.a.; Reflects on Teaching, which articulates “The candidate makes an accurate and thoughtful reflection of his/her teaching effectiveness, is aware of specific elements of his/her teaching that contributed to successful instruction, and can offer alternative teacher action to predict the future successes of alternate approaches.” With my assignment, I was told to reflect on what I did well and what I needed to improve upon to become an effective teacher. I used many filler words like “um” and “so” which made me sound like I was unsure of what I was saying. I also fidgeted and shifted from side to side out of nervousness. I found that I lack in areas that I thought myself to be proficient in, especially in portraying confidence. The confidence I portrayed in the video looked forced and unnatural. When originally presenting, I thought I sounded and acted very confident in myself, which was not the case. I am working on portraying the confidence more effectively. I plan to give myself more wait time in between thoughts so that I do not use filler words as a crutch anymore. I also will work on standing still and center to portray a more confident air about what I am lecturing on. Personal Reflection: What I learned about myself as a prospective educator: I realized that my confidence needs to be shown more thoroughly any time I am in front of a crowd and lecturing. The only way I realized that I needed to work on this was through self-reflection and evaluation. Without the reflection, I would have never realized that I need to work on showing more self-confidence in what I am discussing with my class. I think of myself as a very confident person and felt I was fairly confident in my presentation, so I was surprised to see that my confidence was not portrayed the way I thought it would be in the video footage. However, I can utilize this feedback to make changes to my present level of public speaking in order to become a more effective teacher. What I learned about teaching/learning from this experience: I learned that even a teacher with an immense knowledge about their subject can appear to be unsure and nervous if they do not hold a certain poise about themselves. I learned that I need to stand centered when I communicate with my students and not shift from foot to foot because this makes me look nervous in front of my students. My future students will have a hard time believing what I am teaching if I appear unsure or nervous about what I am saying. Becoming and appearing more confident in front of a full classroom is something I will strive for in my upcoming speeches and in my future career teaching.