RWANDA HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS TRAINING - 2013 HOW TO USE A COMPUTER 1. The Parts……………………..3-9 2. Actions………………………..10 3. Ubuntu Desktop………..…..11-15 4. Web Browser….…………….16 5. Practice………………………17 WHY WE USE COMPUTERS Helps us better serve our patients by saving time Eventually all health centers in Rwanda will use computers Computer notes are easier to read than handwriting 1. THE PARTS Cursor Mouse You control the mouse, which controls the cursor on your screen. The cursor allows you select icons, folders, files, etc… When in a program where you can type to enter information you will see this cursor. It will be flashing and will show you where the Cursor letters will appear if you begin typing. 1. THE PARTS The monitor is the part of the computer that allows you to see what you are doing. Monitor / Screen 1. THE PARTS The PC tower turns on the machine 1. THE PARTS Barcode Scanner The barcode scanner allows you to scan the patient code on the label 1. THE PARTS 5. 2. 1. Keyboard 4. 3. 1. Shift: Enter: Holding When typing it allows will make you toany move You this usebutton the keyboard to letter downyou thetype page. a capital. If entering It will data also it may Caps lock: A permanent state of the input data into the Space bar: Inserts a space when hit. allow submit you information. to type thebut character located shift button, forcharacter letters only. Will Backspace: Removes the computer. above another. Nocapital shift: 4, Shift: $. No typetointhe all directly left of letters. the cursor. shift: /, Shift: ?. You have to hold it while you type that character. 1. THE PARTS Printer A printer allows you to turn an electronic document into a hard copy. 2. ACTIONS Right Click Left Click Left click is the most common action. It selects the item under the cursor. Right click brings up a menu related to the item under the cursor. Double clicking involves quickly doing two left clicks in a row. This action is used to open folders and files or to launch programs from an icon. 1. THE PARTS Window Directory Increase/decrease window size Send to taskbar (minimize) Close window Scroll bar: allows you to scroll up and down the page Directory: shows you which folders you have entered. Taskbar: The area at the bottom of the screen that allows you to see the programs that are running but that are not visible on the screen. Icons Icons can be files, folders, or programs. You must double click an icon to open it. Internet Battery connectivity Volume life Programs Keeping your mouse over a menu item with an arrow beside will open a nested menu. A second menu that shows related items. Your open windows will be displayed on the task bar. To bring up any of these windows you left click on the desired one. 4A. PROGRAMS – UBUNTU Ubuntu allows you to navigate your computer. Documents, pictures, videos, and music are all kept here. These are icons. Double clicking one will open it and show you the files and folders it contains. Documents can be opened by either finding the icon on the desktop or locating it in the start menu. 4A. PROGRAMS – UBUNTU Folders contain files. You must double click a folder icon to see its contents. You must double click a file to open it. The column titled “type” will show you if the icon is a folder or a file. 4B. PROGRAMS – MOZILLA FIREFOX Tabs Web address bar Search bar Menu You can type a website into the web address bar to go there ( You can search something by typing into the search bar. Tabs allow you to have two or more webpages open in one window. The menu allows you to print, save, and perform other tasks. PRACTICE Type the following: Your name Date of birth Health center name Sector, Cell, Umudugudu