Student Code _________________ Teacher Code _________________ Part 1 a. The table below shows Wiremu’s utility for coke. - Complete the table by writing the missing number in the space provided in the shaded boxes Table 1 – Wiremu’s utility for coke Quantity b. TU (cents) MU (cents) 0 0 --- 1 200 _200__ 2 _350__ 150 3 450 _100__ 4 _500__ 50 The table below shows Wiremu’s demand for coke. Use the table you completed in question 1 to help you complete Wiremu’s demand schedule for coke by writing the missing number in the space provided in the shaded boxes Table 2 - Wiremu’s Demand for Coke Price ($) Quantity (units) 3.00 _0__ 2.00 _1__ 1.00 c. _3__ On the axes below draw Wiremu’s demand curve coke - Remember to label your curve with a “d” Graph 1 - Wiremu’s Demand for Coke Price ($) 3.00 2.00 d 1.00 0 1 2 3 Quantity (units) 1 d. Provide a detailed explanation about how marginal utility causes Wiremu’s demand curve for coke to slope downwards to the right - refer to specific data to support your explanation Marginal utility (MU) is the extra satisfaction a consumer gains from consuming one more of a product Table 1 shows that as Wiremu’s consumption of coke increases his MU decreases. For example the MU of 1 unit is $2 and the MU of the 3rd is $1. If we assume Wiremu is a rational consumer he will only buy coke if the MU he receives is greater than (or equal) to the price he has to pay for that extra unit. As a result Wiremu’s demand curve for coke (in Graph 1) is downward sloping to the right. Wiremu will only buy larger quantities of coke if the price falls to match the lower MU. This can be seen on Graph 1 where Wiremu won’t buy any coke at $3 as this is above his MU for the first unit and also by the fact that he won’t buy 3 units unless the price falls to $1 which is the MU he receives from the 3 rd unit consumed. The above ‘expected student responses’ are indicative only and relate to just part of what is required. . 2 Part 2 a. The table below shows Wiremu’s marginal utility for sundaes and potato chips. Table 3 – Wiremu’s marginal utility for sundaes and potato chips Sundaes Potato chips Quantity Marginal Utility ($) MUsundaes / Pricesundaes Before P↑ After P↑ (packets) Marginal Utility ($) MUchips / Pricechips 1 120 3 1.5 1 200 2.5 2 100 2.5 1.25 2 160 2 3 80 2 1 3 120 1.5 4 60 1.5 0.75 4 80 1 5 40 1 0.5 5 40 0.5 Quantity - Suppose the price of sundaes rises from 40c to 80c but the price of chips stays at 80c 1st In the column provided calculate the MU/price for both sundaes and chips before the price rise 2nd If Wiremu has up to $3.20 to spend use these results to identify the quantities of sundaes and chip Wiremu will buy: Quantity Amount spent - Sundaes ____3_____ ____1.20_____ - Chips ____1.80____ ____2_____ $3.00 3rd In the column provided calculate the MU/price for coke when the price rises to 80c 4th If Wiremu still has no more $3 to spend use the new results to identify the quantities of sundaes and chip Wiremu will buy after the price rise: Quantity Amount spent - Sundaes ____1_____ _____.80____ - Chips _____2.40__ _____3____ $3.20 5th On the axes below sketch the effect of the increase in price of sundaes (from 40c to 80c) on both graphs - your sketch graph doesn’t have to be drawn to scale but SHOULD include price and quantity data for sundaes and potato chips from your analysis above Graph 2 - Wiremu’s Demand for Sundaes Price (c) Graph 3 - Wiremu’s Demand for Potato Chips Price ($) 80 80 40 d 1 3 d1 d Quantity 2 3 Quantity (packets) 3 b. Justify the effects of a price rise for sundaes on Wiremu by writing detailed explanations about How it affected the consumption of sundaes - refer to specific data and economic models to support your explanation How it affected the consumption of potato chips - refer to specific data and economic models to support your explanation Wiremu will spend his limited income ($3.20) on goods and services so that the MU per dollar is the same for all products he consumes. When the price of sundaes increases the MU/price falls. Table 3 shows that before the price rise Wiremu would consume 3 sundaes as the MU/price = $2 which was the same as MU/price for 2 packets of potato chips. However, after the price increase MU/price for 3 sundaes is $1. To regain equilibrium Wiremu decreases his consumption of sundaes which increases his MU/price ratio. Table 3 shows equilibrium is restored at 1 sundae as the MU/price is $1.50 which is the same as the MU/price of 3 packets of potato chips (and is within his spending limit of $3.20) Graph 2 shows the effect of the increase in price of sundaes as a movement along Wiremu’s demand curve for sundaes from 3 to 1 sundaes as the price rose from 40 to 80 cents. Not only did Wiremu decrease consumption of sundaes to regain equilibrium he also increased consumption of potato chips An increase in consumption of potato chips lowers the MU of potato chips and also the MU per dollar ratio. Table 3 shows that if Wiremu increases consumption to 3 packets of potato chips his MU/price will be $1.50. This matches the MU/price for 1 sundae (and is within his spending limit of $3.20) so equilibrium is restored. Graph 3 shows the effect of the increase in price of sundaes as a shift in Wiremu’s demand curve for potato chips to the right. As potato chips and sundaes are substitutes for Wiremu he switches consumption from sundaes to potato chips when the price of sundaes rises. The above ‘expected student responses’ are indicative only and relate to just part of what is required. Thank you for giving it your best shot 4