Year 5 – Ancient Greece

Year 5 – Ancient Greece
Miss Lecky and Mrs Whitaker
In Literacy this term we are going to be studying a classic novel:
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and using this as a
stimulus to write our own stories about entering a new world!
We will also be doing persuasive writing relating to our topic to
persuade people to visit Greece. Children will also write letters
of complaint and explanation texts. We will be using drama to
support our writing and ICT to create a persuasive advert.
Starting with shape, we will learn about 2D and 3D shapes,
different types of angles, area and perimeter. We will then move
on to measures, converting units and solving word problems. We
will then cover statistics and graphs and recap division and
fractions, decimals and percentages.
We will be researching what it was like to live in Ancient
Greece. We will look at the government system, entertainment,
Olympics, inventions and Greek Gods. We will consider how
Ancient Greece has affected life today and the impact of this.
Children will use a range of sources including pictures, artefacts,
books and the internet to conduct their research.
In PE the children will play striking and fielding games with Mr
Perry focusing on fielding skills, batting and applying tactics to
work as a team. We will also be learning a unit of dance on
Monday afternoons where the children choreograph their own
dance in small groups, reflect on other groups performances and
consider how to improve and develop their own work.
Linking to the Greek Amphitheatre children will learn about
sound including how we hear, how sound travels and the pitch of
sound. Children will look for patterns between the volume of
sound and the strength of vibrations. We will then study forces
and look at gravity and falling objects.
We will be using ICT to support our learning in a
range of subjects. The children will complete
research using the internet, use the iPads to film a
persuasive advert and use powerpoint, word and
excel to present their work.
In art children will research and design an Ancient
Greek pot and use detailed pattern techniques to
decorate. Linking to RE, children will also create a
collage to present their views.
Using an Atlas we will locate Greece and many other countries.
The children will gain an understanding of the water cycle,
climate, and features of human and physical geography. We will
look at rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes.
In RE this term we are studying: Beliefs and
Actions around the world. We will look at the work
of charities, fairness, justice and peace. Linking to
Literacy, the children will write their own ‘Peace
Poems,’ and they will create a collage to support
their views.
How can you support your child?
You can support you child at home by helping them to learn their
weekly spellings and completing their Maths and Literacy
homework You can also practise mental recall of times tables
and support writing by asking children to extend their sentences.