National Association of State Boards of Geology 1 (ASBOG®) examinations and the licensing of geologists 2 Williams John W. Department of Geology, San José State University, San José, CA 95192-0102 The National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG®) facilitates the coordination of individual State Boards responsible for licensing geologists. 28 states and one territory require licensure of geologists for professional geologic practice for the public. ASBOG® through its committees, evaluates and recommends guidance on issues of common interest to these boards. Included among these topics are: Criteria for registration Education Work experience Testing – preparation of national examinations as one way to measure minimum competency Examination waivers “Grandfathering” Reciprocity ASBOG® examinations: Fundamentals of Geology (FG) Practice of Geology (PG) A number of colleges and universities have elected to use the Fundamental Examination (FG) as an Exit Examination as one element of undergraduate curriculum evaluation. 30 Protection of the public health, safety, and welfare; FG and the PG examinations are administered twice yearly on the same day across the US. These first were given in Oct, 1992. FG: 130 multiple-choice questions to test the examinee's basic, academic knowledge of geology, including geologic subject matter and interpretative skills. Completion of appropriate work experience supervised by a qualified registrant or licensee. Length of work experience required varies from state to state, but averages about 4 years. 2Professor of Geology and Past President of ASBOG Many state licensing boards have implemented a Geologist-inTraining (GIT) program. A GIT has a degree in geology and has passed the FG, but lacks the required geologic experience for becoming a Licensed Professional Geologist. 10 Based on comments and observed practices in states with geologic licensure, the following trends have been recognized: 5 PG: 100 multiple-choice questions to test geologic knowledge gained from work experience. Subject matter content of examinations (% of questions) Content Domains Year Candidate success on examinations FG% PG% General Geology: Field Geology, Geophysics, Imagery, Modeling, and Graphical Methods Mineralology, Petrology, Petrography Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Paleontology Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, and Surficial Processes Structure, Tectonics, and Seismology Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry Engineering Geology Economic Geology and Energy Resources TOTALS 17 Employers of geologists are more likely to hire a geologist who is 1956 1962 1968 1974 1980 1986 1992 1998 2004 1958 1964 1970 1976 1982 1988 1994 2000 1960 1966 1972 1978 1984 1990 1996 2002 18 90 80 80 74 73 70 4 6 10 5 14 14 9 22 Many employers are basing employee evaluations and advancement of their geologist employees on their current and/or potential licensure status. 85 80 15 14 a Geologist-in-Training or a Licensed Professional Geologist. 100 67 70 60 70 64 65 62 64 70 66 66 63 60 68 73 73 75 64 59 58 57 54 52 53 54 55 52 60 58 70 68 61 59 61 50 68 71 79 78 56 57 57 58 61 60 57 63 60 57 59 57 58 53 40 30 20 10 9 7 100 20 16 100 0 O ct -9 A 2 pr -9 O 3 ct -9 A 3 pr -9 O 4 ct -9 A 4 pr -9 Se 5 p9 A 5 pr -9 Se 6 p9 A 6 pr -9 Se 7 p9 A 7 pr -9 Se 8 pM 98 ar -9 Se 9 pM 99 ar -0 Se 0 pM 00 ar -0 Se 1 pM 01 ar -0 O 2 ct M 02 ar -0 O 3 ct M 03 ar -0 O 4 ct M 04 ar -0 O 5 ct M 05 ar -0 6 Passage of two nationally administered competency examinations (and, if required, state-specific or specialty examinations); Attended field camp; Taught physical or historical geology labs; Historically has been a high-achiever in geological course work. 15 Percent Passing A minimum of 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours in geoscience/geological course work and a college degree in the geosciences/geology; Students taking the FG as an Exit Examination appear to perform better if s/he has one or more of the following: 20 0 Generalized basic requirements for geologic licensure Mississippi was the first state to use the FG as an Exit Examination for curriculum review and assessment. All of Mississippi’s universities and colleges offering four-year degrees in Geology use the ASBOG® FG as an Exit Examination for graduating seniors. Kentucky schools Number of States/US Territories With Geologist Licensure by Year also use the FG as an Exit Examination. Other colleges and universities are considering this use of the FG. 25 The examinations and the examination process Restriction of practice of geoscience/geology to those who have passed competency examinations and have appropriate geoscience/geologic work experience. Based on the rate at which states are enacting licensure laws, by the year 2020 or earlier, all 50 states may have licensure. Goals of all workshops: Maximize the fairness and quality of the examinations Develop exams that reflect “state of the art” testing techniques Common aspects of geologic licensure laws Restriction of the practice of geoscience/geology to those either so designated and/or to those who have completed a appropriate academic requisites from an accredited college or university; More states are considering either introducing or re-introducing licensure legislation (e.g., Oklahoma, in January 2007; Michigan and Louisiana, in the near future). Tennessee has proposed changing its Title Act to a Practice Regulation. ASBOG® examination workshops conducted twice yearly follow guidelines in the “Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing,” by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), a committee of professional geologists, prepare and validate the examinations. These SMEs constitute the Council of Examiners (COE), a cross-section of geologists by geologic specialty, employment sector, and geographic area. This process ensures that the examination questions apply to a wide range of geographic regions and professional practice settings. Observations 28 states and one territory have licensure related to the practice of geology for the public. No. of States Introduction States and territories affiliated with ASBOG® Administration Date Fundamentals of Geology (FG) Practice of Geology (PG) 1983 Thistle Landslide, Utah, the most costly U.S. landslide to date