Sample Advertisements PowerPoint

Visual Rhetoric
Reading & Writing
Red Cross Advertisement
Text (right page):
Immediately after Hurricane Katrina hit, I joined others from my
chapter and headed for the Gulf Coast. We delivered food and water,
provided shelter and even counseling.
At its core the Red Cross is a network of local chapters supported by
their communities, prepared to respond to local, national, and even
international needs. Sometimes that means helping one victim of a
house fire, other times that means helping hundreds of thousands of
disaster victims.
I HOPE you will volunteer your time and donate money to your local
Red Cross chapter-- so we can be there for another chapter.
Red Cross Advertisement
Viewer’s Response
Our eyes are first drawn to the center of the ad because it is placed
directly in the center of the page, and because it includes color (in
contrast to the all gray background). Next, we notice the American
Red Cross logo, which is easily recognizable.
Next, we look at the photo images on the page, and to the title of the
ad which reads: “This chapter took me to the Gulf Coast”
Finally, if we are interested, we will read through the text of the
Red Cross Advertisement
What is the thesis of this advertisement? What is it trying to
Why do you feel the American Red Cross chose these particular
images for the advertisement?
How is the word “chapter” integrated throughout the
Does the advertisement urge readers towards action? How?
Mercury Milan Advertisement
Tina did what anyone else in her shoes would do-- buy new ones.
Bottom Text: Introducing the all new 2006 Mercury Milan. Milan’s
eye-catching style and two-tone leather seats gave Tina ample reason
to add to her shoe collection; not that Tina ever needed any reasons.
The big question now is whether her closet will hold as much as
Milan’s trunk.
Mercury Milan Advertisement
What is the thesis of this advertisement? What is it trying to
Why do you feel Mercury chose these particular images for the
advertisement? What does the model’s race tell you about the ad
and who the ad targets?
How does the text appeal to the types of people who read
Glamour magazine?
By looking at the images, what kind of lifestyle does the woman
featured in the ad lead? How can you tell?
Toyota Sequoia Advertisement
Top Text: What would you do without the Internet, video games, and
text messaging?
Bottom Text: The 273-hp, 8-passenger Sequoia is built to take your
family to faraway places you’ve only seen online. And with its
exclusive Star Safety System, the Sequoia works hard to give you
peace of mind, no matter how many bars you’re getting on your cell
Toyota Sequoia Advertisement
What is the thesis of this advertisement? What is it trying to
What type of people read Time magazine? What kind of jobs do
they have, how much money do they make, what do they value?
Why do you feel Toyota chose these particular images for the
advertisement? How does the image appeal to the desires of the
Time reader?
How does the text appeal to the types of people who read Time
Skin Cancer Foundation Advertisement
Bottom Text: Melanoma kills more young women than any other
cancer. Protect yourself. Sunproof America!
Skin Cancer Foundation Advertisement
Viewer’s Response
Our eyes are first drawn to the main image of the ad, which features
the attractive caucasian woman in a bikini, soaking up the sun. She
could represent any female beachgoer on a sunny weekend afternoon.
After we notice her, our eyes immediately move upward towards the
six people standing over her (perhaps because of the contrast in color).
We then notice that these people are funeral goers, mourning the loss
of the woman pictured in the ad. They hold roses, and display somber
expressions on their faces-- almost as if they are peering into her
grave, and are ready to throw the flowers on top of her casket as it is
lowered into the ground.
Skin Cancer Foundation Advertisement
Many advertisements use shock tactics to change our behaviors.
What makes this advertisement so shocking?
What type of magazine would you expect to find this
advertisement in?
3. Women are more likely than men to utilize sunscreen. In groups,
try to create a print advertisement that will persuade men to
utilize sunscreen. Your idea doesn’t need to incorporate shocking
images. Brainstorm ideas for a sunscreen advertisement for men- create a rough sketch design for your advertisement, and
present it to the class.