A single-shot method for measuring fs bunches in linac-based FELs Z. Huang, K. Bane, Y. Ding, P. Emma Introduction Growing interests in a few fs and sub-fs x-ray pulses We (and LCLS users) would like to know the compressed bunch length of the LCLS low charge (20 pC) beam LCLS S-band transverse cavity resolution is limit at 10~20 fs (X-band TCAV resolution ~ 4x smaller) Needs techniques with1-fs resolution (or even lower) Traditional RF zero-phasing is insufficient in measuring very short bunches because of its sensitive to the initial energy spread A longitudinal mapping technique developed by T. Smith’s group overcomes this limitation of RF zero-phasing We propose to use this technique to measure fs bunches in LCLS (taking into account wakefield of a long linac, SLAC-PUB-14104, 2010) Initially proposed by E. Crosson et al., 1995 Measurement of 60-mm FEL microbunching at Stanford, 2000 Apply this method to measure fs bunches To high-resolution energy spectrometer Slightly adjust BC2 R56 add a diagnostic chicane R56’ L2 (2) BC2 4.3 GeV Run L3 at zero crossing (-90 deg) h3 d Over-compression Zero-crossing sd z sz Diagnostic chicane can be part of BC2 Final energy spread/profile corresponds to short bunch length/profile Wakefield of long linac must be taken into account LCLS low charge example Run LiTrack with 20 pC setup (L2 phase at -31 deg, under-compression) Run L3 at -90 deg (10 GeV over 4.3 GeV leads to h3 = 139 m-1) Increase BC2 R56 by R56’ = -1/ h3 = -7.18 mm Turn off Linac-3 wake (discussed in next slides) Needs to measure ~1e-4 energy spread with a high-resolution spectrometer After nominal BC2 After adjusted BC2 and L3 Linac Wakefield L3 wake introduces an additional energy spread to the measurement For very short bunches (<10 mm), wake-induced energy spread (primarily a linear chirp) is independent of bunch length N: # of eL: L3 length a: iris radius d d Over-compression More over-compression Zero-phasing Zero-crossing with wake z z With wake sz Wakefield un-corrected sz Wakefield corrected This simple wake-correction scheme works for almost arbitrary (short) bunch length we want to measure! Wakefield compensation Linac-3 wake can be corrected by a bit more over-compression Using stronger chirp in Linac-2 Or using stronger R56 in BC2 I2 is peak current in L2 (same for all BC2 compression settings) IA=17 kA, h3 is L3 chirp by RF zero-phasing Preferred wake-correction method is by shifting R56 of BC2, which needs to be increased by ~8.08 mm R56’ (= -7.18 mm = -1/ h3 ) and R56 (≈ -0.9 mm for wake compensation) Wakefield compensation by changing R56 Run LiTrack with 20 pC (L2 phase at -31 deg, under-compression) Run L3 at -90 deg (10 GeV over 553 m leads to h3 = 139 m-1) Turn on Linac-3 wake Increase BC2 R56 by R56’+R56 = -8.08 mm Wakefield corrected • Real bunch length • E-spread/chirp Increase BC2 R56 by R56’=-1/ h3= -7.18 mm Wakefield un-corrected R56’ = -8.08 mm A-line as a high-resolution spectrometer Spectrometer screen (PR18) x = -6.4 m x = 100 m Energy resolution ~1×10-5 Elegant simulation (20 pC, L2 at -31.5 deg) BC2 END A-line PR18 ~ 2 mm L3END RMS bunch length (Elegant simulations) Temporal resolution = Energy resolution (~1×10-5) divides by h3 ~ 100 m-1 = 0.1 um or 0.3 fs Wakefield/CSR/LSC add a systematic error ~0.5 fs Summary A single-shot method for measuring fs bunches is studied An experimental test at the LCLS using the A-line spectrometer is planned The method requires no extra hardware (besides a highresolution spectrometer) and may be applicable to other XFEL facilities Thanks R. Iverson, J. Frisch, H. Loos et al. for reviving the A-line spectrometer and for many useful discussions Backup slides Wakefield compensation by shifting L2 phase • Real bunch length • E-spread/chirp • E-spread/chirp (shift 2 by 1°) R56’ = -7.18 mm Phase shift agrees with theory Wake effect can be corrected empirically by identifying full compression phase through CSR bunch length monitor J. Frisch