Reading Questions CH 5 Part 1 American Society on the eve of the Revolution (1700 -1775) Pay attention for change over time—developments 1 Opening Quote p 84 – Who? When? How does this quote relate to; E Pluribus Unum? & answer the question: Why so many come? 2 Map p85 – Graph p88 – Golden Box Quote p88 – - Do ALL three (3) sources support or oppose the idea that “E Pluribus Unum” exists before the Revolution? Map- America was _____________________ a nation of _____________________ nationalities. Graph- What is the largest single non-English group by %? GBQ – Who? When? “From this _________________________ breed that race now called _______________ has arisen.” - Name the nations that make up our mixture –mentioned in the quote (7)? 3 Golden Pages—“Makers of America” – pp86-87 -Title? - What group were settlers of the “first” American West? - What two (2) sources of authority do these people avoid by settling in the “backcountry?” - Where do these people initially settle after leaving Ireland? - Which 4 colonies do they filter into following the App. Mts. Along the Great Mountain Road? - Which denomination of Christianity was represented by a church in every Scots-Irish Community? 4 Golden Box Quote - - p90 - Who? - Subject or main point? - What disease was being “INOCULATED” in an attempt to fight the epidemics? 5 Sign -- p94 - Name of Inn? - What does the symbolism on the sign, perhaps, represent? - Other than food, drink, shelter, and entertainment---What most was the most significant activity occurred at these inns? - What does the date 1763 coincide with? READING QUESTIONS INTRO 1 How many colonies did Great Britain possess in North America by 1775? 2 How many rebel? 3 Why do these 13 rebel while others did not? (2 reasons) CONQUEST BY THE CRADLE 4 All 13 colonies shared a ___________________________ population growth? 5 Population in 1700 – White ______________________ Black _____________________ Population in 1775 - White ______________________ Black _______________________ 6 The 13 colonies doubled their population every __________ years? Multiplying like their own _________________________.” 7 What were the five (5) most populous colonies by 1775 –in order? 8 What four (4) “cities” exist? 9 What % of the colonists live in “Rural” (country) areas? A MINGLING OF THE RACES 10 Which ethnic group settles primarily in Pennsylvania, 250,000 by 1775 - & left their country for Religious Freedom, escape forced Military Service, and was 1/3 of the population of Philadelphia? 11 Which three (3) words are used to describe the Scots-Irish? 12 How many future Presidents are of Scots-Irish heritage? 13 How do most of these immigrants, ALL GROUPS except Scots Highlanders, feel about the British? 14 The population of the 13 colonies was, perhaps, the MOST __________________________ ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD? 15 Which region was the least mixed AND which was the most? 16 What is Hector St. John de Crevecoeur’s CLASSIC QUESITON? 17 Research**** “Praying Towns” on the Internet---What was their purpose AND where do they exist? THE STRUCTURE OF COLONIAL SOCIETY 18 Most WHITE Americans, and even a handful of Free Blacks, were ___________________ ____________________. 19 The MOST REMARKABLE feature of the Social Ladder was its __________________________. 20 What group is created and enriched in the NE & Middle colonies by the numerous wars of the 1690s & early 1700s? 21 How many “jayle-birds” were shipped to the colonies? 22***impt Idea*** Due to the fear of Black/Slave Rebellions and to attempt to manipulate the British Economy--What does the South Carolina Legislature attempt to do in the 1760s? - How does the British Parliament respond to the action of the South Carolina Legislature? - In an early draft of what Document does TJeff—criticize the British Vetoes of Colonial Laws attempting to restrict the British Slave Trade? - What group forces TJ to withdraw the criticism? CLERICS, PHYSICIANS, & JURISTS 23 What was the most honored of all professions in the colonies? 24 In what year was the first medical school established in the colonies? - What was the most common method for treating an ill patient? - If a Doctor was not available—Who would the typical colonists call for help? 25 Which disease affected 1 in 5 colonists & in 1721 in an effort to lessen the # of epidemics a crude form of inoculation is done, WHAT WAS THE OBJECTION OF SOME PHYSICIANS & CLERGY? 26 What was the favorite prescription for the above disease? 27 An early Connecticut Law classed Lawyers the same as What two (2) other categories of people? WORKADAY AMERICA 28 What was the leading “Industry” involving 90% of Americans? 29 In the Chesapeake region Tobacco continued to be the staple crop, HOWEVER, the lands were overworked with tobacco and A NEW CROP had spread across the region, WHAT NEW CROP? (NOTE*** This new crop takes less labor and will bring a CHANGE –especially after 1808, when the International slave trade is banned) 30 Overall, the Americans probably enjoyed a __________________ _____________________ of ________________________ than the masses OF ANY COUNTRY IN HISTORY TO THAT TIME. 31 Fishing was pursued in _________________ of the American Colonies, BUT, it was a MAJOR INDUSTRY in ____________ ________________________, the fishing fleet also stimulated __________________________ in New England. 32 Commerce, both coastwise (w/in the colonies) & overseas enriched ALL OF THE COLONIES, but –especially which THREE AREAS? 33 Yankee Merchant Seamen provisioned the Caribbean Sugar Islands (A KEY TRADING PARTNER) with what two (2) goods? -Hauled from Spanish & Portuguese New World Ports WHAT THREE GOODS were taken to London? AND…EXCHANGED for WHAT to be sold in America, for profit? ****impt***36 The trade Pattern, which included Slaves, Rum, and Sugar (Molasses) is an expansion of the Colombian Exchange ----AND BY THE 18TH CENTURY IS CALLED WHAT? 34 LIST---the “goods” mentioned as being “manufactured” in the colonies---the LIST should begin with Rum (4 including Rum are mentioned) note: Which one (1) was technically illegal due to British navigation laws? 35 What WAS PERHAPS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT “MANUFACTURING” ACTIVITY in the colonies? 36 What fraction of British Merchant Ships were “made in America?” AND How many vessels were built in the colonies each year? (it is said that the strongest and fastest ships were built in the colonies) 37 What four (4) products, a MAINSTAY of colonial North Carolina’s economy, are described as “NAVAL STORES?” 38 What symbol was placed on certain trees, designated to be used for the Royal Navy, and to harvest without permission would be a crime? 39 Americans held an important ________________ of a thriving, many-sided ATLANTIC ECONOMY. [Remember the “Marketplace of Ideas” that travels with the goods from the Colonies and to the Colonies]*** 40 ***impt*** STRAINS began to appear, as early as 1730 in the economic relationship between GB & their 13 colonies---due to a growing ___________________ ________________________ - Britain could not by any more colonial goods due their limited population, BUT colonial demand for Br. Goods continued to skyrocket, like their population, ---HOW WOULD the colonials get $$$ to purchase more Br. Goods? “THE ANSWER TO THE ABOVE DILEMMA IS OBVIOUS.” WHAT IS THE ANSWER? Remember the Navigation Acts passed 1st in 1651, then expanded in the 1660s and 70s during the “Restoration Period,” ALL a part of the Imperialist economic system: MERCANTILISM---the purpose was which to enrich the Mother Country [England] at the colonists expense--- As the colonists begin to expand their FOREIGN TRADE in the 1730s without England’s approval-----WHAT WILL ENGLAND DO? WITH WHOM (FOREIGN AREA & VITAL TO THE COLONIES) DO THE COLONISTS BEGIN TO TRADE, SMUGGLE, TO GAIN NEEDED CURRENCY ($) OUTSIDE BRITISH CONTROL? From Great Britain’s perspective – What was the purpose of the 1733 MOLASSES (SUGAR) ACT? HOW DO THE COLONISTS RESPOND, SPECIFICALLY? “Thus foreshadowing the impending Imperial crisis.” WHAT, ACCORDING TO THE TEXT, WILL THE 13 COLONIES DO, “rather than submit to a Parliament’s will that intends to DESTROY AMERICAN LIVELIHOODS? HORSEPOWER AND SAILPOWER 41 The sprawling and sparsely populated (in relation to density) Colonies were cursed with an oppressive problem, WHAT PROBLEM? 42 You could have moved faster in what ancient civilization than in the 13 colonies? 43 How long did it take Ben Franklin to go from Boston to Philadelphia in 1720? AND How many days did it take for the news of the Declaration of Independence to go from Philadelphia to Charles Town, South Carolina in 1776? 44 What was the MAIN AND MOST RELIABLE “way” of transportation at this time in the colonies due to it being relatively cheap and reliable? 45 What springs up along common routes of travel that becomes a “CRADLE OF DEMOCRACY” due to this offering a mix of social classes the ability to discuss politics & participate in amusements together? {one existed at the corner of Langtree Road and Highway 115 ] 46 Which future REVOLUTIONARY LEADER owned a Tavern & WHAT WAS ITS NAME? 47 To fight boredom on their long routes, Mail Carriers, would often do what to pass the time?