
P.E and Sports
Soudley School has a small hall but extensive grounds and we use these effectively
in the teaching of PE. Using the Sports Premium we are able to extend the school’s
provision, for example, hiring the village hall and Five Acres Gymnastics Centre.
From Years 2 – 6 our children attend swimming lessons every other week at
Heywood Leisure Centre. Additionally, some of our staff are sports specialists and we
use their skills during curriculum time, during Expertise Teaching and at after school
clubs to provide high quality PE.
We participate in sport tournaments with local schools and aim to widen the
repertoire of sport experiences and competitions through our work with the other
sports partnerships.
Pathfinders; Mentoring at Soudley
All pupils at Soudley benefit from one to one mentoring and have a minimum
entitlement of one session every three weeks. Those with greater needs will have
more sessions. We combine and interweave mentoring and coaching during
‘Pathfinder’ sessions each morning where we aim to improve learning and therefore
achievement through better rates of progress for all.
We aim to draw mentors not just from the staff but also from the Governors, wider
community and perhaps the pupils themselves. Currently, our staff members are the
Lead Pathfinders (mentors) and the children are Young Pathfinders (mentees).
4 Ps of Pathfinders at Soudley
1. Providing for the needs of the Young Pathfinder (including ownership).
2. Provoking response from the Young Pathfinder ( including stimulation and
3. Promoting good impacts/outcomes for the Young Pathfinder (including
wellbeing, self-assurance, resilience and improved outcomes, ownership of
their learning)
4. Provision of information/data/details for school based functions.
At Soudley School we value our approach to providing the highest quality learning
opportunities to all children, irrespective of race, gender, socio-economic background
ethnicity, gender (including transgender), ability or disability, sexual orientation. or
any other factor which might act as a barrier to learning. The Disability
Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as one who has "a physical or
mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a
person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities." This would include, for
example, sensory impairments affecting sight and hearing, learning disabilities,
severe disfigurements and progressive conditions where impairments are likely to
become substantial.
Soudley School offers offer all children effective inclusion in high-quality everyday
personalised teaching. It is based on clear objectives (including TBATS - To be able
to… and success criteria) derived from previous assessments, observations and
conversations with the children. We share these with the children and return to
them during and at the end of the lesson. We carefully explain new vocabulary; use
lively, interactive teaching styles and make maximum use of visual and kinesthetic as
well as auditory/verbal learning. We understand that approaches like these are the
best way to reduce, from the start, the number of children who need extra help with
their learning or behaviour.
We are an inclusive school; our most able, our children with Special Educational
Needs, Statements of Special Educational Needs or Education and Health Care Plans
are taught whenever possible in the classroom receiving first wave quality teaching.
Throughout the day, different groups or individual children may receive group
lessons or a specific intervention to support and challenge aspects of their learning.
We are able to offer access and mobility around the school grounds. This is
monitored through the Accessibility Plan and Disability Equality Scheme. We take
into account the needs of children or adults who might suffer from degrees of
dyslexia, and we strive to ensure that any work given to the children on paper is
photocopied in colours that enable those with decoding difficulties to read more
More Able pupils
We recognise that some pupils may have particular strengths or aptitude in one or
more areas of the curriculum. Such children are identified early on through pupil
progress data and different strategies are used to ensure that their particular ability
is nurtured and developed. These strategies may include more detailed
differentiation of the class tasks, enrichment and extension activities or working with
other schools to access resources and training. Children may join pupils in other
classes or groups to meet their learning needs.
As a staff we have discussed and agreed how we plan for challenge and support in
lessons. We work on providing opportunities for higher order thinking skills,
developing questioning and understanding about enabling a depth of learning to
take place.
Special Educational Needs
Mrs Cath Jones is our SENCo (Special Educational Needs and Coordinator)
From September 2014, new legislation for children with special educational needs
came into place. There is a link to our DRAFT policy on this website. Each school
must also produce a Local Offer of help and support for parents of pupils with SEND
and the pupils themselves. The Local Offer can be found on this website.
Our Special Educational Needs Policy defines a child as having special educational
needs if he or she ‘has learning difficulties which call for special educational
provision to be made for them.’
At Soudley School, we believe that early identification and intervention is vital if we
are to make appropriate provision for their needs. From entry to the school, every
child’s progress, behaviour and social interaction is tracked closely. If there are any
causes for concern, the matter will be discussed sensitively and confidentially
through a ‘structured conversation’ between the class teacher, parents / carers and
the special needs coordinator.
The child will be placed on the special needs register at the appropriate stage. This
enables us as a school to be very specific in the type of support we give to each
child or group of children that we are supporting. Each day, pupils that need extra
support in their learning attend intervention groups and Read Write Inc. groups to
help them catch up and make progress.
If there are ongoing concerns about your child’s progress, further support may be
given through outside agencies such as Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support
Team or the Speech and Language Therapist. This would only be done with consent
from parents, and communication would take place at regular intervals to update
parents on progress.
The New Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs 2014
This is based on 4 principles
There is a graduated approach to providing for the children with special educational
needs which is set out below.
My Profile – Gathering information
Your child’s teacher monitors and assesses your child’s progress daily. If they have a
concern about them, the class teacher will speak with you and may complete a My
Profile for your child. Through this they gather information about your child’s
interests, hopes and goals and what helps them to learn. This can be very
illuminating and sometimes changing a simple thing can help with the learning.
My Plan – Early identification of additional needs associated with learning,
health, emotional wellbeing, social inclusion, care or communication.
If your child is identified with additional needs, or as not making expected progress,
the teacher and SENDCo will meet with yourself and your child to complete a My
Plan. This will identify their needs and the outcomes and actions required to help
them. We will also use the My Profile information to make sure we work in ways that
will best suit your child.
My Plan is reviewed regularly (every 6 weeks) by the class teacher, support workers
and SENDCo to monitor progress to look at what is working and if anything needs to
be changed to enable outcomes to be met.
My Plan + – Meeting your child’s needs together with other agencies.
Your child may be moved to a My Plan Plus where needs have been identified which
require assessment and intervention from different agencies (Paediatrician, School
Nurse, Speech and Language Therapist etc.).
The SENDCo with gather information and invite you and all those involved with
supporting your child to a multiagency framework meeting. This ensures that all
discussions, assessments and support planning can be brought together into one
single plan. By working together at one meeting, the aim is to have a more coordinated and joined up approach.
Education, Health and Care Plan ;– This replaces a Statement of Special
Educational Need.
Some children with significant educational needs may require a higher level of
support through a statutory Education, Health and Care Plan. The SENDCo will use
information from the My Plan + (and from all the agencies involved in making that
plan) to inform an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Assessment and National Curriculum End of Key Stage Tests
We continuously assess children’s progress to ensure the teaching is meeting their
learning needs. This ‘Assessment for Learning’ is done through looking at pupils’
work, talking to them about their learning and about what they need to do to
improve further. Teacher assessments in each learning area take place at least once
a seasonal term.
The ‘levels’ that are used nationally to make achievement and progress judgements
are being reviewed but look to be based on a standardised score system where 100
is a guideline benchmark for meeting the standards at the end of Year 6. Schools
have been left to develop their own assessment systems for which Soudley mainly
Requirements for testing
Phonics at the end of Year 1
Teacher assessed in English, Maths and Science in Year 2
Tested through SAT papers in Reading, Maths and Spelling in Y2 to validate
teacher assessments
 Teacher assessed for writing in Y6
 Tested in Y6 through SAT papers in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
(SPAG), Maths and Reading.
These results are reported on, analysed and published nationally.
Pupil Results for 2015
Overview of Whole School Key Performance Indicators
Pupil Attainment
With small numbers of children in a cohort it is important to acknowledge that
one pupil can have a substantial impact on the data. At Soudley we know our
pupils very well and our teaching, learning and assessment is focused making
good progress from their prior social and academic achievements.
YR Outcomes – 14 pupils including 2 Statemented children
71% achieved ELG in Reading
57% achieved ELG in Writing
71% made ELG in Number and Shape, Space and Measure.
These are double the percentages of last year.
Year 1 Phonics Screening
11 pupils took the phonics screening test in Year 1 and 9 of them achieved the
standard – 82%. This percentage has increased year on year (33% in 2013 and 72%
in 2014).
All of the 3 pupils in Year 2 that retook the test passed this year.
We had 14 pupils completing the Key stage 1 SATs . Each pupils is worth just over
Measured by level of achievement at the end of KS1 (Year 2), the national
expectation is that pupils reach Level 2 or above in Reading Writing and Maths.
Teacher assessments also take place for Science and Speaking and Listening at the
end of the key stage
Working above expectations at Level 2a and level 3 2015
National expectation is that pupils reach Level 4 or above in Reading, Writing, Maths
and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG). Teacher assessments also take
place for Science at the end of key stages but are not reported on nationally.
We have 11 pupils taking the Y6 SATs. Each pupil is worth just over 9%
This year the school’s results at key stage 2 did not meet the floor standard set for
85% of the pupils to achieve level 4 in both English and Maths.
We had 2 children who were one mark off achieving the next level and we have
submitted an appeal for the extra marks to be given. This would have a significant
effect on the data you see below.
We also had pupils who excelled at maths but were not as confident with their
English and vice versa. This also impacts on our data.
No data
Pupils who achieved level 4 in both English and Maths 54%
More importantly, we should look at the progress the children have made
Measured by level of achievement from the end of KS1 (Year 2) to the end of Key
Stage 2 (Year 6), the national expectation is that pupils make at least 2 levels of
progress in reading, writing, maths (and science).
Percentage of pupils that made at least 2 levels of progress from the end of
Year 2 to the end of Year 6
Percentage of pupils that made 3 levels of progress or more (progress above
National expectation) from the end of Year 2 to the end of Year 6 in 2015
1 level of
2 levels of
3 levels
6 pupils
5 pupils
1 pupil
4 pupils
6 pupils
2 pupils
5 pupils
4 pupils
*This percentage does not include those currently under review for extra marks.
‘Good behaviour is a necessary condition for effective teaching and learning to take
place.’ DfE
Soudley School expects and promotes high standards of behaviour and self-control
in an atmosphere where children and adults respect themselves and others. We aim
to enable everyone to be happy members of the school where we can learn
effectively in a safe environment. We reflect the articles for Rights Respecting
Article 28
Children have a right to an education. Discipline in schools should respect children’s
human dignity.
Article 29
Education should develop each child’s personality and talents to the full. It should
encourage children to respect their parents, and their own and other cultures.
Article 31
All children have a right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of activities.
We do this through our SMART CHARTER. The pupils collect SMART stars towards
bronze, silver and gold awards. These badges are awarded in the ‘Celebration
Assembly’ to which parents and grandparents are invited. The words from the
charter contain the language we use everyday to praise and reward and it tells
children specifically what they have done (or need to do) that made them
The SMART CHARTER is more than words; it is in the hearts and minds of
our children.
Team Workers
Kind, gentle and helpful to others
We do not hurt people or their feelings
Hard workers who have a go
We do not waste time or give up
Good listeners who concentrate
We listen to instructions and do not interrupt
Careful with property and nature
We do not damage or waste things
Work cooperatively with other people
We do our best to solve problems together
The school also reminds pupils about their behaviour if it
needs to improve, through the ‘Sun and Clouds’. Pupils are
given positive reminders about what they should be doing and
then warnings if they continue to misbehave. The number of
warnings they are given considers the age of the child
involved. They can earn their way back to the Sun through
good behaviour. If a pupil continues to misbehave or if they
hurt others we will issue a lunchtime detention and send home
a ‘Think Sheet’ for the pupil to reflect on their behaviour. More
information about our behaviour expectations are contained in
the Behaviour Policy and Home School Agreement.
We expect your children to be a SMART learner and
that you will support us in this; so that every pupil can
learn and school is a happy and safe for everyone.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing
Children at Soudley can turn to any member of staff for advice and support. We take
our responsibility to safeguard your child very seriously and work with families and
outside agencies to ensure their wellbeing and safety. Our Offer of Early Help sets
out the ways in which we can support you and your child should you need it.
Through JIGSAW, door stickers, JUSTIN (our ‘worry box’) and one to one support
our children are reminded of how they can ask for help and discuss any concerns.
It is hoped that parents and carers will immediately consult their child’s class
teacher if they feel that there are any problems that affect the daily routines or wellbeing of the children in school.
Minor accidents or illnesses are dealt with at school by appropriate staff. We have
several staff that are fully qualified in administering first aid, as well as others
qualified to administer emergency first aid. If any accident needing hospital
treatment occurs, then parents are informed immediately and arrangements made
for the child to be transported to hospital. If a child needs to go home from school,
we will contact parents on an agreed number and tell them that their child needs to
be collected. This may be a home, work or other number. If you as primary carer
are not available, then it can be someone else, as long as the school is informed
beforehand who the adult will be.
Children who stay on the premises at lunchtime are supervised throughout the lunch
break by the Midday Supervisors. If an injury occurs, appropriate medical attention
will be given. Then, if necessary, they will be passed on to a first aider if required.
Transfer To Secondary School
At the end of Year 6, the children take the next step and move on to secondary
school. There are several secondary schools to choose from and our pupils choose
from many different settings. These include Forest High, Dene Magna, Dean
Academy, Wyedean, Newent, Lakers, Sir Thomas Rich’s, The Crypt School, High
School for Girls and Ribston Hall. The schools have ‘taster days’ to enable the Year
6’s to familiarise themselves with the school and to make the journey upwards a
much easier one. There are also special events which our children are invited to,
such as sports days for local primary schools. Additionally, we liaise with the Year 7
coordinators from each school in order to pass on valuable information about your
2014 – 15 Pupil Premium – Ever 6 Pupils
This is given to the school for pupils who are, or have been, in receipt of free school
meals in the past 6 years. A more detailed account of the spending can be found on
this website under Pupil Premium Spending. In brief the money last year was used
Fund staff for more Read Write Inc. groups that can improve learning and
progress in reading, writing and spelling.
Fund more staff for intervention and group support so that teachers have
more flexibility to work with smaller groups of children that have additional
Provide funding for trips, swimming and an after school club each term to
improve accessibility to a wider range of extra-curricular activities.
For each individual Ever 6 pupil, provide a service that is specific to their
needs so that they can make progress.
School Attendance
Term times are for education and this is a priority. Children and families have 175
days off school to spend time together, including weekends and school holidays.
Every child is required to come to school for 190 days every academic year except
for Reception children. (New reception children come into school on a staggered
intake. A timetable will be given to you prior to your child coming to Soudley.)
The gates are unlocked at 8.30 am each morning and parents are responsible for
their children until the bell goes at 8.40 am. Every morning and afternoon, a
register is taken to record who is present and absent. Pupils are expected to be
here by 8.40 am so that they can be registered at 8.45 am. Pupils arriving after this
will be asked to sign the late book and will be given a late mark. For security
reasons, we ask parents to phone in by 9.30am if your child is going to be late or
absent. On return to school, please send a letter explaining the absence so that it
can be authorised.
We are asked by law to mark all absences either authorised or unauthorised.
There are many reasons why children are absent, and the majority of these are
authorised. However, where a pupil’s attendance dips below 90% we have an
obligation to involve the Education Welfare Officer.
Please note that this school will only authorise holidays in term time in exceptional
Family holidays taken during term time do not count as
exceptional circumstances. If you feel you need to request time out of school
because of exceptional circumstances, you will need to complete a request form
which can be obtained from the school office, and this form must be signed and
authorised by the Head Teacher.
Attendance data for period 2012 - 2013
Attendance data for period 2013 – 2014
Attendance data for period 2014 - 2015
Communication With parents
Great importance is placed on communication between home and school.
Newsletters are sent to parents on a monthly basis. Detailed progress reports are
written and issued from school in the summer term, and parents are invited in the
Autumn and Spring to discuss their child’s progress. We will not hesitate to contact
parents or carers if there is a problem, and likewise parents may make appointments
to discuss issues if they arise.
If the governing body wish to communicate with parents or carers, then they will do
so either in writing or via the parent governors. Each half term there is a whole
school Parent Forum between staff, governors and parents to aid the
communication process.
We pride ourselves on our communication here, and we are always open to
suggestions as to how we can improve.
Voluntary Parent Helpers
We are extremely grateful to any parents or carers who willingly give up their time
to help the school. Often, parent helpers assist in listening to readers, providing
resources, supervising children on outings, coaching, and transporting pupils to
name a few areas. Any parents interested
can of course contact their child’s teacher. If
working with children unsupervised in school
on a regular basis, a volunteer will need to
have a DBS check. Forms for this are
available in the school.
Lunchtime Arrangements
At lunchtime (12.00 – 1.00pm) children may either buy a school lunch or bring a
packed lunch. The children are supervised and assisted during lunchtimes by
lunchtime staff (Midday Supervisors).
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal.
Our school dinners are currently provided by
Caterlink and are cooked locally. Children’s
special dietary requirements can be catered for, and parents who receive Income
Support or Job Seeker’s Allowance may be entitled to free school meals. school
meal. Children order from a varied menu each morning, and then the food is
delivered freshly cooked in time for lunch. School meals are paid for using a system
called ParentPay which is a secure online payment system.
Packed Lunches
Children can opt for a packed lunch
instead of a hot school lunch. We are
proud to have been awarded the Healthy
Schools Plus Award, and we encourage
children to eat healthily. Sweets and fizzy
drinks are therefore not allowed. For
advice on healthy packed lunches, please
speak to any of the school staff.
We have several children in school
with serious nut allergies, so we ask
that lunch box contents are checked
carefully to ensure no nut products
are included.
School Uniform
All children wear school uniform, and have correct PE kit. Children in Years 3 to 6
may wear watches. Children should not wear jewellery nor nail varnish. If earrings
are worn they should be small studs only (no hoops or dangly earrings) and these
will need to be removed or taped for PE. If taped, please provide this from home.
Long hair must also be tied back at all times in school. No responsibility will be
taken for lost or damaged items.
We also ask that children wear suitable hairbands, Alice bands and clips that are in
keeping with the school uniform colours.
Our school uniform can be obtained from DeeZynes Tel. 01594 545884 or email More information is available on the school website.
Girl’s school uniform
Soudley School Sweatshirt or cardigan
with school logo
White or navy polo shirt/white school
Grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore
Black/grey/white socks or tights (not
patterned or coloured)
Black school shoes with enclosed toes
and flat heals.
Boy’s school uniform
Soudley School Sweatshirt or cardigan
with school logo
White or navy polo shirt/white school
Grey/black trousers
Black/grey/white socks (not patterned or
Black school shoes (not trainer style)
Warm waterproof coat.
Black/ Navy / White plain, strong sandals
may be worn in summer.
Warm, waterproof coat.
Black/ Navy plain, strong sandals may be
worn in summer.
Earrings should be small studs only.
Earrings should be small studs only and
children should be able to remove or
tape over for PE.
Other jewellery including wrist bands
should not be worn.
Long hair should be tied back at all times
and hair accessories should be discreet.
Nail varnish should not be worn.
Other jewellery including wrist bands
should not be worn.
PE Kit
PE Kit
White T shirt or polo shirt
Navy or black shorts and jogging bottoms
Navy jogging top for winter
Daps and/ or plain trainers
White T shirt or polo shirt
Navy or black shorts and jogging bottoms
Navy jogging top for winter
Daps and/ or plain trainers
Home Learning
Home learning refers to any activity which children are asked to do outside lesson
time, either on their own or with parents and carers. At Soudley we recognise the
vital role parents play in their children’s learning. We strongly believe in the value of
a home – school partnership of which the home learning policy plays a key part.
All pupils are given a Home Learning book which contains six topic related tasks,
TBATs/ Success Criteria for those tasks and the dates by which the tasks must be
sent in. Pupils can choose three of the six tasks to complete. They can be done in
any order during that term .
In addition, each class teacher will set independent weekly tasks to include reading,
spelling and times tables as appropriate to the needs of their pupils.
The marking for the homework uses the same approach as our Marking and
Feedback policy. Marking is done with a Think Partner; together they will mark the
success criteria in each other’s homework. Our pupils are used to looking for and
highlighting in pink (Pink to Think) and Green (Green is Great)
The children will do ‘two stars and a wish’ – and tell their think partner two things that
are great about their work and one thing that could be improved.
The class teacher will oversee the marking to make sure pupils understand what
they are looking for when they mark and she will choose three or more pupils per
year group each fortnight for more in depth marking.
ExtraCurricular Activities
At Soudley School, we are extremely lucky to be able to offer a wide variety of
activities, depending on the time of year. Clubs on offer have included:
Sports clubs, such as football, tag-rugby, rounders, multi-sports, cricket, netball
Story club
ICT club
Nature club
Art club
Gardening club
Food club
Attention is drawn to the fact that teachers and
parents give up their time and energy free of charge
to run these clubs, and that we reserve the right to
ask any child who is not following the safety or
behaviour guidelines attached to that club not to
return if they disrupt the running of that club. We
also request that children make a commitment to
attend regularly.
The school enjoys a strong tradition of
putting on performances and recently the
children have performed ‘The Magical
Christmas Jigsaw’ and ‘Babushka’
At different times throughout the year children are taken on educational trips or the
school brings in visitors to enrich learning and broaden our
children’s experiences.
We openly welcome visitors to the school, and regularly have percussionists, theatre
workshop groups and other artists in to demonstrate and inspire the children.
Residential Trips
Pupils in Years 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 are invited to
take part in a residential visit to an outdoor activity
centre. These take place every two years, offering
the opportunity for children to engage in outdoor and
adventurous activities. This is also an opportunity for
some children to stay away from home for the first time, and is great fun!
Charging And Remissions For School Activities
With certain exceptions, the 1988 Education Act states that activities that take place
during the normal school day shall not be charged for. Our exceptions include:
Individual music tuition
Activities that take place outside of school hours
Board and lodging on residential trips
Material involved in practical activities where parents have indicated they wish to
own the product, and where it has been agreed that a fee is applicable.
At Soudley we arrange off site trips and excursions, and it is often necessary to ask
for voluntary contributions to cover costs. No child is excluded from any activity on
this basis. However, it should be noted that without voluntary contributions,
activities may not be able to take place.
Pupil Premium money may be used to support a variety of activities including clubs,
trips, swimming and extra tuition.
Complaints Procedure
There is a warm, welcoming and supportive ethos at Soudley School, and we are
extremely proud of the way in which children, parents and carers are supported
However, from time to time, parents may feel that they have a complaint which they
wish to raise with the school. We hope that our relationship with parents is such
that grievances can be aired freely, with class teachers in the first instance. An
appointment can be made to speak to teachers after school at a mutually convenient
time. Please remember that before school, teachers are preparing to teach and this
is often not the most convenient time. If this fails to resolve the issue, then the
Headteacher should be approached. There is a complaints procedure to be followed,
and more information is available on request.
With the exception of specific medication for use in life threatening circumstances,
staff are not permitted to administer medication to pupils. No child should bring
medication (including throat sweets and lozenges) except for inhalers. If a child
needs to have medicine administered during the school day, a form (available in the
school office) must be filled in, outlining parental permission, the dose and time of
taking the medicine. Until needed, it is locked away, with only Mrs Penn and Mrs
Chamberlain having access to the medication.
Child Protection Statement
Parents need to be aware that we at Soudley School will take any reasonable action
to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be
concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of
abuse, staff have no alternative but to follow the Local Authority Safeguarding
Children procedures and inform the Safeguarding Children department of any
Friends of Soudley School (FOSS)
FOSS are a group of parents, staff and friends who throughout the year organise
activities and events to raise money for the school. The financial support they are
able to offer the school is invaluable and over the years they have been able to pay
for school resources such as library books, play equipment, school trips and
costumes. The activities they organise are always good fun and help to create the
special “family” atmosphere that we cherish here at Soudley. There will be more
information on how to get involved with FOSS when your child joins the school.
Contact Us
We openly welcome communication from parents, carers, and visitors to the school.
If you would like to contact the school for whatever reason, then please feel free to
use the methods shown below. We will always try to answer your calls and
communicate with you as soon as possible. Any suggestions on how we can improve
our service to you are also welcome.
Thank you, from all the staff at Soudley School
PLEASE NOTE that Soudley School is a NUT FREE school as we have a
number of children who suffer from serious allergies.
School address: Soudley School, Church Road, Soudley, Glos., GL14 2UA
Tel. 01594 822004