Jeopardy Template

Huckleberry Finn
Test Review
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The young boy who narrates this
Category 1
Who is Huckleberry Finn?
Category 1
Huck Finn’s Guardian
Category 1
Who is the Widow Douglas?
Category 1
Huck’s friend who has a big
Category 1
Who is Tom Sawyer?
Category 1
Aunt Sally mistakes Huck for
this person.
Category 1
Who is Tom Sawyer?
Category 1
At the Phelp’s farm Tom Sawyer
pretends to be this person.
Category 1
Who is Sid Sawyer?
Category 1
The theme of “The Story of an
Category 2
What is oppression of women?
Category 2
This woman feels free after her
husband’s death.
Category 2
Who is Louise Mallard?
Category 2
In “The Story of an Hour” what
is Louise’s malady?
• Category 2
What is heart trouble?
Catgegory 2
• Category 2 400
In “Yellow Wallpaper” what type
of illness does the main character
What is mental illness?
Category 2
In both short stories from whose
perspective is the story told?
Who are the protagonists?
Category 2
Presents life objectively and
Category 3
What is Realism?
Category 3
Represents speech, manners, etc. of
a particular area accurately.
Category 3
What is Regionalism?
Category 3
Emphasis on instinct and
environment impact on human
What is Naturalism?
Category 3
This movement developed its
settings with great detail in order
to represent the period accurately.
Category 3
What is Realism?
Category 3
This movement started in France
and was an offshoot of Realism
Category 3
What is Naturalism?
Category 3
This movement focused on the lower
and middle classes.
Category 3
What is Realism?
Category 3
Huck does not get along with
these people because they want to
“sivilize” him.
Category 4
Who are Widow Douglas and
Miss Watson?
Category 4
At the beginning of the novel who
does Huck view as inferior?
Category 4
Who is Jim?
Category 4
_____has common sense; _____is
Category 4
Huck; Tom
Category 4
Pap feels shown up by Huck when
he finds out that Huck can _______.
Category 4
What is read?
Category 4
Huck does this ________ after he
says, “All right, then, I’ll go to
Category 4
Tears up the letter he wrote to
Miss Watson.
Category 4
Real name
Category 5
What is Samuel L. Clemens?
Category 5
Category 5
What is Hannibal, Missouri?
Category 5
How he received his nickname
Category 5
What is from the steamboat,
marking the water depth of the
Category 5
Literary establishments
recognized Twain as a great
writer after the publication of
Category 5
What is Huckleberry Finn?
Category 5
At the end of Twain’s life, these
two events caused him to become
Category 5
What is death of his wife and
financial failure?
Category 5
A writing that makes fun of
society in order to improve it.
Category 6
What is satire?
Category 6
A symbol for life’s journey in
this novel.
Category 6
What is the river?
Category 6
Three institutions that Twain
Category 6
What are the church, school, and
Category 6
“Shucks, it ain’t no use to talk to
Category 6
What is dialect?
Category 6