Capability - Procurement guide Assessing the capability of an organisation, business unit or individual to conduct procurement activities Governance Policy Complexity and Capability Policy Market Analysis and Review Policy Market Approach Policy Contract Management and Disclosure Policy What is capability? Competence, capability and capacity are often used interchangeably to describe an individual’s or organisation’s ability to perform tasks or activities effectively. In the context of managing procurement activity, the term ‘capability’ is increasingly used to describe the combination of an organisation’s expertise, resourcing, systems, policies and processes to execute and manage specific procurement tasks and activities. Note: Definiton taken from Rogers, Paul, ‘The Glossary’ ( The VGPB’s Complexity and capability assessment policy states that the head of your organisation (the accountable officer) must ensure that your organisation has an appropriate level of procurement expertise, resources, systems and processes to enable procurement activities to be completed successfully Your organisation must not carry out procurement where there is an insufficient level of capability. Why assess capability? An assessment of capability ensures procurement activities are supported by the appropriate skills, resources, systems and processes. It can be measured at the organisational, business unit or individual level. The results of your capability assessment, coupled with an understanding of the complexity of your procurement activities, will identify whether or not you should proceed with a procurement activity. If sufficient expertise is not available, you can take steps to increase procurement capability through training, process/system changes, identifying individuals with specific category expertise and/or increasing internal capability by engaging external expertise. How often to assess capability? An assessment of capability at the organisational level forms part of your annual procurement planning process. You may also need to assess capability at the business unit or individual level if: you have a multiple or a decentralised procurement function; and/or there are significantly different levels of procurement capability in the organisation. Assessing a higher level of capability at the business unit or individual level allows these areas of your organisation to carry out more complex procurements than would otherwise be permitted by your organisational capability assessment. Using this guide This guide accompanies the Victorian Government Purchasing Board’s (VGPB) new procurement framework. Refer to the policies for mandatory requirements. For more information, visit the Procurement Victoria website at A significant change to your governance structure, organisational design, staffing, training, processes, tools and/or systems, will more than likely require a new capability assessment. A significant change in the external environment in which the organisation operates can also trigger additional capability assessments. Your internal procurement unit (IPU) or equivalent is responsible for managing, preparing and monitoring your organisation’s capability development plan. The IPU must have appropriate knowledge and experience to review and endorse the assessment. The capability assessment The capability assessment structure can be used to assess capability at the organisational, business unit, or individual procurement personnel level. It identifies current procurement capability as well as capability gaps to drive continuous improvement. Procurement capability is assessed in three core areas of organisational capability: 1. governance and organisation—governance and operational structure, policy and functioning of the organisation/business unit/individual personnel; 2. tools, systems, processes—procurement tools, systems and processes used across the organisation/business unit/individual personnel; and whether certain business units/individuals already carry out significantly more complex procurement activities; and 3. sourcing—managing and monitoring performance of suppliers, sourcing strategies and procurement activities. Each of these core areas of capability are made up of capability criteria, as illustrated in Figure 1 (displayed at the end of this guide). These criteria indicate the key capabilities that an organisation/business unit/individual personnel should possess in order to carry out the organisation’s procurement activities. Capability assessment process There are four key steps to assessing capability, and an optional fifth action: 1. Is a capability assessment required? 2. Determine appropriate level for capability assessment. 3. Manage the preparation of a capability assessment. 4. Does organisation have required capability? 5. Capability build actions. Step 1: Is a capability assessment required? The head of your organisation (or delegate) decides whether the organisation needs a capability assessment. If required, proceed to Step 2. If not required, it is important to document your reasons. Last updated 25 October 2012 Capability - Procurement guide 2 Step 2: Determine appropriate level for capability assessment The head of your organisation (or delegate) determines what level of assessment is required, i.e. organisational, business unit, or individual procurement personnel level. As a minimum, you would expect to complete an organisation level assessment every year to cover all areas involved in procurement. When deciding the appropriate level for the capability assessment, consider: the structure of the procurement function in the organisation, i.e. is it centralised or decentralised; whether some business units/individual personnel are likely to have significantly higher procurement capability than the overall organisation; and whether certain business units/individuals already carry out significantly more complex procurement activities. If your organisation has multiple or decentralised procurement functions, you might find a higher level of capability in individual business units or procurement personnel than is available at the organisation level. In this instance, it is worth doing a separate assessment for those business units/individuals to allow them to do more complex procurement. Once you know the appropriate level for your capability assessment, proceed to Step 3: Perform a capability assessment. Step 3: Perform a capability assessment There are a number of tools and templates available on the Procurement Victoria website to help with your capability assessment. The capability assessment tool and template is a two part document. The tool contains the performance standards used to complete the template. Together they help you assess the maximum level of procurement complexity that your organisation can take on. When the capability assessment is complete, proceed to Step 4: Does the organisation have the required capability? Step 4: Does the organisation have the required capability? Where an organisation/business unit/individual procurement personnel is identified as having sufficient capability to carry out an identified procurement activity, the organisation /business unit/individual procurement personnel would continue through to the next stage of procurement planning. Note: The capability assessment tool focuses on current capability. It does not take into account planned enhancement of capability. A further assessment can be prepared once the added capability has been implemented and is operational. Where the assessment indicates insufficient capability in relation to the complexity of procurement activity, proceed to Step 5: Capability build actions. Step 5: Capability build actions (optional) Your organisation can develop internal capability and/or increase capability from external sources. Consider action in one or both of the following areas: Internal capability Training: Identify the capabilities that require development and establish appropriate training program(s) to close the capability gaps. Ensure the successful completion of the identified training needs. Process/system changes: Identify the governance, organisational design, collaboration, training, processes, tools and system which may be improved in order to close the identified capability gaps. These opportunities for improvement should relate to those identified in your organisation’s procurement strategy. Last updated 25 October 2012 Capability - Procurement guide 3 External capability Engaging external procurement contractors: Identify opportunities to increase the procurement expertise of the organisation with external expertise and ensure capability gaps are adequately filled. The accountability, responsibility, inputs, timing and processes for the steps of this process are summarised in Table 1 at the end of this guide. Figure 1: Core areas and criteria in the capability assessment Governance Procurement policy Procurement strategy Decision making process/probity requirements Risk management framework Roles and responsibility Delegation of authority Compliance monitoring and reporting People Senior management buy-in Procurement knowledge (specialised personnel) Procurement awareness (all personnel) Cross functional skills and collaboration Recruiting, staffing, training Governance and organisation Technology and tools Complexity assessment framework Tools, systems and processes Procurement tools to aid consistency in approach Data management and storage Systems supporting procurement Procurement planning process Documentation of process Contract development Complaints management system Contract management framework Supplier and stakeholder management (contracts) Supplier performance requirements Cost reduction and service improvement opportunities Category management Category management plans Supplier and stakeholder management (categories) Spend aggregation opportunities Data analysis Innovation and demand efficiency initiatives Performance management Monitoring and management of procurement performances External benchmarking/gap analysis Procurement processes Contract management Sourcing Last updated 25 October 2012 Capability - Procurement guide 4 Table 1: Accountability, responsibility, inputs, timing and process for key steps in capability assessment process Steps in the capability assessment process (1) Is a capability assessment required? (2) Determine appropriate level of capability assessment (3) Manage the preparation of a capability assessment (4) Does organisation have required capability? (5) Capability build actions Who is accountable? Accountable officer Accountable officer Accountable officer Accountable officer Accountable officer Who is responsible? CPO or delegate CPO or delegate IPU or nominated assessor where organisation does not have IPU IPU or nominated assessor where organisation does not have IPU IPU and/or personnel with sufficient procurement knowledge and experience What input is required? High-level oversight and knowledge of organisation High-level oversight and knowledge of organisation Procurement activity Complexity Procurement strategy plan and knowledge assessment outcomes and procurement of organisation activity plan /business unit processes and related documentation What timing is involved? Annual Annual Annual and as required to demonstrate valid capability build actions throughout the year Within one year of assessment occurring but prior to undertaking the relevant procurement activity On a procurement activity basis as required to increase capability to level sufficient to undertake procurement activity Process/tools available n/a Refer to capability assessment tool and template Using guides, tools and templates or compatible, alternate guidance material Compare capability assessment results to minimum requirements for complex procurements Category knowledge assessment; learning and development; systems development or external assistance © State of Victoria 2014 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Department of Treasury and Finance logo. Copyright queries may be directed to Last updated 25 October 2012 Capability - Procurement guide 5