Ms. Decker's Third- Grade Class

Celebrity Parents!!
I’m Mrs. Lester your director!
Welcome to First Grade!
During this presentation, I
will briefly go over some
important information for
this year.
 You may refer to the
parent night packets for
further details that I
might not have time
to cover. If you have a
question, please write it on
the sticky note and put it
on the question board. I
will answer questions at
end. Thanks!
All About Me
 My background
 I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee.
 I graduated from the University of Memphis with a
bachelor’s degree in elementary education.
 I graduated from the University of Mississippi with a
master’s degree in educational leadership.
 I received my +30 from Cumberland University.
 I am married and have one daughter.
 I have taught for many years with Shelby County Schools, and I
am excited to be a part of the Bartlett School
I look forward to another great year here at Bartlett
Important Information
 Morning routine:
 Students may enter the building at 7:40. The late bell rings at
8:00 (Students should be in their seats and working by 8:00.)
 Tardy:
 If a student arrives at school after 8:00, he or she must report
to the office to be checked/signed in by a parent or
 Checking Out:
 Only parents and designated guardians may check out students
through the office. This should be done before 2:00.
More Information
All assignments must be done completely and neatly. All class work that is not
graded will be checked in class and sent home daily. All graded papers will
held and sent home every Thursday in the VIP folder.
Grading Scale for Language Arts and Math
1st grade science and social studies will be expressed by the letter “S” or
S=satisfactory progress N=needs improvement
F=Below 70
Conduct Grading Scale
E=excellent G=good S=satisfactory
N=needs improvement U=unsatisfactory
Important Information
Graded papers:
 Graded papers will be sent home every Thursday. Please review the
papers with your child. Please sign and return the sheet in the
folder and the papers the next day.
 Your child will be sent home as you indicated on your registration
form. If there are any changes, they must be made in writing in
advance. Without a signed written notice, your child's dismissal will
not be changed.
 Visitors to the school are required to check in at the main office.
Parents who come to eat with their child must check in and get a
sticker. Please wait at the cafeteria door for our class.
Important Information
 I cannot administer medication to any student. Medication of any kind
must be kept and issued through the office. (This includes cough
Children will not be allowed to pass out invitations in class unless
everyone in the class is invited. This keeps feelings from being hurt.
Due to food allergies, food items should not be given to the class at
lunch time. Other items like pencils, erasers, coloring books, play
dough, bubbles, crayons, small toys, or bookmarks would be a better
Class Subjects
 The subjects we will study in first grade are:
 Language Arts: Reading, English, Writing, Spelling
F=Below 70
Conduct (E G S N U)
Math A=93-100 B=85-92 C=75-84 D=70-74 F=Below 70
Science (S N)
Social studies (S N)
Students also attend music, art, PE and library
Class Schedule
Monday-Computer Lab
Tuesday- PE
A weekly newsletter detailing
what we are learning, will be
glued in your child’s agenda
on Friday for the upcoming
week. Feel free to provide
extra practice at home as
needed. Educational internet
games provide a fun way for
your child to practice the skills
we are learning in class.
 For Tennesee’s curriculum
standards go to:
Classroom Rules
 In our classroom we have rules so that we all
can learn and be safe.
 Our class rules are:
 Be Responsible
 Be Safe
 Be Respectful
Conduct grades will be recorded in your child’s
agenda daily. Please initial the conduct sheet
Verbal Praise
Free time
Positive notes home
Stamps on behavior chart
25 stamps = prize
1st time- Verbal warning
2nd time- Move clip down-Loss of free time(5 minutes)
3rd time- Loss of free time(10 minutes)
4th time- Loss of free time(15 minutes) and note home
Behavior Management Clip Chart
Oscar Worthy Performance
Walk of Fame!
Red Carpet Ready
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This year we will be using a behavior clip chart in our class to monitor
behavior and classroom expectations. This system focuses the
attention on students making positive choices to move up the chart.
Your child will have a clip that they will move each day depending on
their choices throughout the day. Every child will start each day on
Red Carpet Ready (S). They will then have the opportunity to clip up
if they make positive choices that go above and beyond the minimal
expectations. Students that do not make positive choices will clip
down. Students that clip down, will have the opportunity to clip back
up, if their behavior improves. (Severe inappropriate behavior will
automatically clip to the bottom and not move back up that day.)
Please look at the chart below to understand each level.
Oscar Worthy Performance!
Students who reach this level have made exceptional choices beyond the norm. This is an excellent(E)
level to end the day on. Students will receive two stamps on their behavior incentive chart.
Walk of Fame!
Students who reach this level have made great choices and clipped up twice for consistently following
the rules. This is a great(G+) level to end the day! Students will receive one stamp on their behavior
incentive chart.
Take 1
Student clipped up one time for making good choices. This is a good(G) level to end the day on.
Red Carpet Ready!
Everyone starts the day “Red Carpet Ready”! The student met the minimal behavior expectations, but
did not go above and beyond to clip up.
Take 1!
Student broke a rule and received a warning. This served as a reminder to students to think about the
choices they make. (S-)
Take 2!
Student continued to make poor choices and moved to this level. A time out consequence was
Parent Contact
Take 2
Student continually broke the rules and behavior was unsatisfactory.(U) A time out consequence was
given. Parents will be contacted by note or e-mail. A phone call will be made if the misbehavior was
School Community
 Our school is a community. In our
community, we have rules to help us stay
safe and achieve more.
 Our school rules are:
 Be Respectful
 Be Responsible
 Be Safe
 Please help your child memorize their lunch
number. When students don’t know their
lunch number, the line gets backed up.
Lunch numbers can be found in your child’s
 Please send lunch money in cash for the
week or month when possible, or you can
pay online. Students often have trouble
keeping up with their lunch money on a daily
 Lunch is $2.75 daily. Put the money in an
envelope and put your child’s name and
lunch number on the envelope. Our lunch
time is 12:00-12:25.
 Students should read every night. Books can be
read with someone or independently. Students
should study vocabulary and read take home stories
 Reading/Language Arts homework will be given out
on Friday. Please check and initial your child’s
homework. This homework is due the following
 Any work that is not finished in class may be
assigned as homework.
 Extra practice homework may be assigned
periodically during the week. It is due the next
Parent Responsibilities
 There will be 5 things sent home everyday that you must check
and send back to school every day.
 (1)agenda - Check it for our newsletter, notes, and conduct.
(Please sign conduct- I check this daily.)
 (2)take home folder- Look at papers and keep all checked work
at home. Only return homework and papers that need to be
signed or completed.
 (3)reading notebook- Have your child read stories and words to
you. You must sign any new material in the spiral. I check for
signatures every Friday.
 (4-5)library book and folder- Library books will come home every day. Have
your child read their book to you at least 3 times. Ask your child questions about the book.
Sign your child’s library folder. Put the book and folder back in your child’s backpack. Your
child will read the book one more time at school and then take an AR test on the book.
On Thursday, I will send home graded papers in a red VIP
folder. Please look at the papers, put them back in the
folder, and sign and date the paper inside the folder.
Family Participation
 Please plan to get involved in our classroom this
year! If you would like to be a parent helper, please
let me know.
 Studies show that students are much more
successful when their families are involved with their
teacher to create a team atmosphere!
 We have one room parent to plan class parties and
other events. She will contact you to keep you
posted of important events.
Please join the PTO. It’s only $5 per person!
Supplies and Dress Code
 Please be sure that your child has all the
supplies on the supply list. Not having proper
supplies makes it difficult for students to
complete work and for me to send items home.
 Please be sure that your child dresses
appropriately for school, and can button, zip,
tie shoe strings, and fasten their clothes and
shoes without assistance. Remember no back
outs, spaghetti straps, flimsy flip flops, or
sagging pants.
 We have art on Wednesday and students may
get messy, so dress them accordingly. We have
PE on Tuesday, so students should wear tennis
shoes the entire day. (There is not enough time
to change shoes.)
Let’s Have a Great Year!
Mrs. Lester
Room: 72
School: 373-2610