Programme President Meeting A MEETING OF THE PROGRAMME PRESIDENTS 2013-2014 WAS HELD ON TUESDAY THE 11th of November AT 18:00 IN THE STUDENT VOICE OFFICE, LOUGHBOROUGH STUDENTS’ UNION Present: Amy Ward (Chair) Alice Berry (Geo) Charlie Newton (Wolfson) Said Ibeggazane (SSEHS) Kailey Hazeldene (PHIR) Frankie Hobbs (Arts) Francois Cazals (Physics) Joseph Barker (Civil) James Roy (Materials) Albert Newton (Maths) Viraj Doshi (Elec Eng) Amy Wagstaff (Economics) Nick Johnson (Design) Abbey Gardner (English and Drama) Ross Patient (Business) In attendance: Emma Dresser – Head of Student Voice, LSU Apologies for absence: AMY? DID YOU GET ANY APOLOGIES 1. Minutes from 28/10/14 were approved 2. Follow up of actions from last meeting: CAPATCHA - too expensive - lock pages or get spam - no strong feelings that – Complete 3. Actions from this week’s meetings: Send out email from Emma Walton re library room location for ambassador’s information PP’s to all complete Doodle poll by end of 14/11/14 Dave Edwards to look into whether Part B Elect Eng reps attended training and update Viraj and Nicky Amy to email details of Your Education week events to all PP’s Amy is going to take the matter of excessive drinking and peer pressure forward to the rest of Exec. Amy will feedback on this. Amy to flag confusion over use of breathalysing with the rest of the Exec and then feedback 4. Rep training PP feedback Need dedicated slot to speak to reps at rep training before the end Quick & pizza Loads of feedback to work from 5. VPE update Library ambassadors Lunch Wednesday 12-1pm ACTION: send out email from Emma re library room location Library survey: Over 550 responses Later opening hours, comfortable working environment, cafe etc Presidents to keep pushing survey deadline: 24th Nov 4. Upcoming events Presidents to encourage reps to stand on stalls for Your Education, fill in doodlepoll Action: PP’s to all complete Doodle poll by end of 14/11/14 5. Department Round Ups Geography Separated undergrad and postgrad SSLCs Working to identify where the communication problems between joint honours students are, bringing up at SSLC Design Raised over 50 points, meeting 2-6pm! Design ergonomics forum set up Room changes Improvement to buddy system Tackle feedback via department-wide survey Social, society, hall initiation danger in design school (people coming in drunk, and people being silly, and told to leave) English SSLC in two weeks, lots of feedback Joint honours confusion Feedback meeting implementing into peer mentoring SOTA 3D design course placement problems solved, reps did an amazing job in the meeting to get across the information in the pack programme president created, students now receiving more support than ever☺ FA got 40 new tables for 1st years Rep & programme director meetings for all programs went well Issues on facilities and equipment from text MMT and FA hopefully to be resolved by Steve Warren before SSLC Economics Building links between reps and dept. Introducing another rep to ADT (kind of a vice PP), also worked with dept to ensure there are no last minute cancellations of lectures PHIR Worked with Department to get extra support and two extra lectures on research and dissertations. Recording a video with dept committee to raise profile of reps ands dept committee Maths Met with dept re PAL - working to put in place PAL for Part A as well as Part B Materials Met with ADT about achieving priorities and working on an NSS campaign SSEHS Working with Sammy Davis and the Dept on Peer Support Groups, met with Sammy. Linking up with industry speakers - working with EIS - trying to get Seb Coe in. Setting up student-led peer study groups - Said is going to link up with Alice on this Business Giving more support to Yr 1 reps. Giving guidance to them in terms of how the SSLC meeting works, offering to help the reps to take things forward in SSLC - the reps are doing lots of surveys and have stats etc. to take forward – Ross thinks this is a result of the rep manual. Elec eng Rep training went well. Having a rep meeting prior to SSLC meeting then to sending this to the ADT to help the SSLC be streamlined. PG reps also elected. Some Part B reps did not turn up to training Action: Dave Edwards to look into this and update Viraj and Nicky Civil and Building Met with a member of staff to work to improve a module and online tutorial modules, Having difficulties getting invited to the meetings, spoke with Caroline Neale who is working with Joe to resolve this. AD wants to meet all the reps so Joe is working to organise this. Wolfson 3rd rep meeting, handing out SLTA winners tomorrow Rep poster - waiting to hear back from brand Progressing on getting more feedback - feedback tracker - putting this up where students collect feedback so they can see progress reps are making Video project - Has been making progress in terms of making a video - getting equipment 19 of 21 rep positions filled Reps have met relevant year tutors to build strong links Been in touch with PG reps and is hoping to work more with them. Designed stash and hoping to make lots of money Physics Having his first rep meeting after SSLC, been pushing for reps to promote themselves to students, encouraging the reps to post on Facebook, raising profile of the existence of things that have changed Thanks for all the hard work on Dept round ups 6. PP of the fortnight this fortnight Is awarded to Nick - raised over 50 points at the SSLC by organising his reps, organised to get a dept committee. Well done Nick, really great, did well with the Design school training as well. 7. 10 priorities point Last year was accepted that minimum contact is 12, 10, 8 hours Any departments where students believe student are not getting this? PHIR, English and Drama, SSEHS (Psychology) Contact hours offline or online for support Do you know when you can contact your lecturer? Francois - no Charlie - yes and no - advertised but not stuck to Joe - no Elec - no, normally good on the Ross - yes Said - no, yes in some places Materials - on the door Albert - yes, on Learn Kailey - just on doors atm but making progress Amy - yes, at lectures and doors Frankie - on Learn and some doors Abbey - on doors and Learn Nick - no advertised contact time BUT good Learn-based forum Alice - some advertised, some not Amy is going to take this forward - had been told by many ADT's that this was already working but this is not yet the case. Understand staff don't always have time to just sit in the office for two hours so suggesting flexibility in relation to being able to just use virtual contact. Want this to be made clear whatever mode of contact they prefer. This is a simple priority and we should be able to get this advertised quite quickly. 8. Any other Business Amy wrote a lecture capture article - Thurs going to promote lecture capture article online via social media - has a lot of stats on this. Please share this article when it is released. Your Education week events Stalls every day apart from Wed Monday - stall in the library - launching social media comp findfletch Launch of Loughborough Legend award Releasing a talk on the progress of the 10 priorities Tuesday - PGR event - thesis competition - part of a national comp - hosting the heats in the Union - tea and cake. Also a fees talk - what you get from your fees, where the fees go and what you get from the money Wednesday - summit - VC, PCT and Head of Careers attending, this is also a great chance to put your questions to them massive event - would like ALL PP's to attend Friday - PP lunch - thank you event, social - celebrating - Dept Committees, Reps, PP’s, Peer mentors, PAL, Advocates Amy will send this round to all PP's as an action Excessive drinking and academic studies Nick – been reports from lecturer and some students regarding students coming to workshops really drunk as a result of some peer pressure for drinking for things like clubs and societies. Amy has had complaints related to hall elections Amy emailed hall committees ACTION: Amy is going to take this forward to the rest of Exec to flag this up and ask for pressured drinking to be eliminated if it is occurring. Amy will feedback on this. A bit of a feeling that the introduction of breathalysers has pushed things underground as well. All PP’s thought everyone was being breathalysed on entry - only breathalysed on entry if you are showing signs of Feeling like people are being put off from coming to the Union on a night out and PP’s feel that an email should be sent round to clarify what the breathalyser is being used for. ACTION: Amy to also flag this with the rest of the Exec and then feedback