3rd March 2015 - Loughborough Students` Union

Programme President Meeting
Amy Ward (Chair)
Alice Berry (Geo)
Charlie Newton (Wolfson)
Said Ibeggazane (SSEHS)
Aaron Howells (Comp Sci)
Frankie Hobbs (Arts)
Alex Cottle (Social Science)
James Roy (Materials)
Kathy Goodwin(Maths)
Viraj Doshi (Elec Eng)
Amy Wagstaff (Economics)
Mike Aghajanyan (AAE)
Ross Patient (Business)
Elliott Palmer (Chemistry)
In attendance: Emma Dresser – Head of Student Voice, LSU
Apologies for absence:
linnet Zohrabian (Chem Eng), Abbey Gardner (English and Drama) Francois Cazals (Physics), Kailey Hazeldene
Absent without apologies:
Nick Johnson (Design), Joe Barker (Civil)
1. Minutes from 17/3/15 were approved
2. Update and Actions from last meeting
All actions have been completed.
This weeks actions
Amy to send Programme level NSS completion rates to PP’s when she next gets them.
All PP’s to begin working on their Department report ready to send a complete draft to Student Voice by
30/3/15 at the latest.
PPs to send any further input on the Programme President Opportunity Profile to Emma by the end of
All PP’s to find 3 Reps to attend the workshop with them on the Tuesday during Rep week.
All PP’s to promote the other events from Programme Rep week to all their Reps.
Emma to ask Dave to look at google forms for the operation of mid-module surveys - done.
Emma to contact the PP’s who are up for the mid module survey running in their Dept to move this forward.
Ross to keep Amy updated on how he gets on with trying to implement a 48 hour working practice for
lectures to respond to emails.
Amy to feedback to see if difference PP’s can attend each LTC meeting due to timetable clashes.
3. VP Education update and information
Last weeks completion rate was low, but we are still ahead of where we were this point last year.
Amy encouraged people to contact their Exec buddy for support and to continue to encourage people to
complete the survey.
Amy will share the Programme completion rates with all PP's.
Action - Amy to send Programme level NSS completion rates to PP’s when she next gets them.
PP Reports
Amy updated people and explained that all people have been provided with a copy of the template. Any
questions should be directed to the relevant Student Voice staff member. Please do not be bound by it, but do
be guided by the level of content. Deadline for the first draft is 30/3/15.
Action - All PP’s to begin working on their Department report ready to send a complete draft to Student
Voice by 30/3/15 at the latest.
Impaired performance Exec - Thank you
Feedback has been passed on to the University and they listened to this and will pass it on to the working group
which will be reporting back to a Learning and Teaching Committee. We will continue to update you all on
progress on this.
Programme President opportunity profile
All Programme Presidents read through and provided input on the opportunity profile. Felt the current version
is a good improvement but provided more feedback.
Any more input to be sent by the end of this week.
Action - PPs to send any further input on the Programme President Opportunity Profile to Emma by the end
of 6/3/15.
Upcoming events
International Rep training event
Amy asked PP's to promote this event to reps as much as possible.
Programme Rep week 16-20th March
Amy updated on all of the events. Conference will be a great event with a mix of questions to the University, a
chance to influence next years 10 priorities and also attend workshops.
Friday will be a tea and cake event with some great tombola prizes.
Marketing will be shared soon so please do encourage as many of your reps to attend as well.
Action - All PP’s to find 3 Reps to attend the workshop with them on the Tuesday during Rep week.
Action - All PP’s to promote the other events from Programme Rep week to all their Reps.
Programme President Elections
All PP's were reminded of the dates for the nominations which open on the 4th of May, with voting then
opening on 11th of May.
Mid Module Survey
Amy provided an overview of our plans with mid - module surveys. Looking to do a pilot of this. We are looking
to know who would be up for this being implemented. All Programme Presidents were enthusiastic about this
being put in place and the following would be up for the pilot being ran in their Department.
Viraj made a suggestion of looking at google forms instead of survey Have a look a google forms
Action - Emma to ask Dave to look at google forms for the operation of mid-module surveys - done
Action - Emma to contact the PP’s who are up for the mid module survey running in their Dept to move this
LAAs nominations 16th March
Amy updated on what the LAA's are. 11 staff awards, 11 student awards. A few more awards than last year and
also a few different ones to what were on place last year. Marketing and nominations opening on 16/3/15.
Awards and judged and decided by awards panels.
The LAA's will be on 21/5/15 - save the date.
5. Department round ups (for PP and Rep team achievements)
Viraj - held the SSLC and the most number of points were raised ever, but also all points were fixed, which
is really great. The Dept agreed that Review (lecture capture) would be released only when 80% of people
attend. First social ever is also happening for Elec Eng as well. Having an NSS brunch.
Ross - looking to see if a working practice can be put into place a 48 hour response period for emails. Amy
asked for Ross to update Amy on this as if Business School are on board with this it will help to create
Action - Ross to keep Amy updated on how he gets on with trying to implement a 48 hour working
practice for lectures to respond to emails.
Charlie - finally managed to fix the timing of a weekly round up email from the Department to ensure that
it does not get sent out at midnight on a Saturday night. Also managed to get a library ambassador in place
as well. Wolfson did an audit of lecturer office hours, showed 25% of lecturers did not have any hours, the
Dean and ADT are now aware of this and are acting on this.
Frankie - been having some Programme Development focus groups set up - had some good buy in from
students who are not reps, not the typical students were attending which was really good.
Alex - SSLC decided on an inside NSS competition.
Said - also doing an interdepartmental NSS competition. Held a BASES conference and looking to hold another.
6. President and Rep of fortnight
Said is this fortnights President of the fortnight. Said has been working really well with his Department
committee and been quite innovative with NSS and Said has received some good feedback from his Reps,
so huge well done.
Reps of the fortnight
Patrick Parker - Wolfson Part D - worked really hard to get a 100% completion for his course.
Adam Shameem - Maths Part B - has been really helpful taking minutes for rep meetings, been helping
with careers and maths events.
Karar Haidari - Comp Sci Part C - has been really good at trying to increase the social side of the
department and has been working really hard to put sporting events in place.
Gemma Leggatt - SSEHS Part A - really good at the SSLC, making some good evidence based arguments.
8. Any other Business
DSF have confirmed dodgeball - 6th of May
PP Meal on the 11th - Harvester
LTC election
Discussion around some difficulties with these clashing with lectures, exams etc.
Action - Amy to feedback to see if difference PP’s can attend each LTC meeting due to timetable clashes.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is due to occur on 17/3/15 - this is being replaced by a workshop which all PP’s are
expected to attend, along with 3 reps each.